Cop Abuses His Authority Because He Was Offended – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Lackluster’s coverage:

Lackluster’s channel:

MRS 566.150:


Papachristou v. City of Jacksonville:

City Council meeting:

Sergeant Becton’s previous lawsuit:

Illinois v. Wardlow:

High-crime study (for example):

Miller v. California:

Thurairajah v. City of Fort Smith:


46 thoughts on “Cop Abuses His Authority Because He Was Offended”
  1. University City is a larger version of Ferguson. They have some very wealthy neighborhoods (especially near Clayton where this took place) & some very poor neighborhoods (the borders to the north). This is police behavior that is encouraged in sliding communities like University City. They even just destroyed a few lower middle class neighborhoods & good local restaurants on their northwest border to put in a Costco, chain restaurants and "luxury living" buildings. Like Ferguson, University City is feeding upon itself and will probably tear itself apart over the next decade. All they need is their Michael Brown and Sgt. Beckton seems like the type of cop that would be involved in that.

  2. I live in a Suburb or Detroit and I had a cop back into my driveway and hide behind my hedge looking for people running the stop sign, while I had no problem with him stopping people for that reason I didn't want him using my driveway to do it because In my area if you have anything to do with calling the police or allowing them to use your property to bust people they are going to come back and destroy your property. So I nicely went out and asked him to please move and I explained my reason to him. He got really pissed off and left my driveway and sat in the street. So about a week later the SAME cop while I was riding my bicycle around for my exercise ( I am a cancer patient and I try to stay in shape as best I can) stopped me while I was riding on the sidewalk and started searching me and asking me all sorts of questions that were what I perceived as a trap to get me to incriminate myself in some way and I told him that I knew who he was and WHY he was doing this and he told me it had nothing at all to do with why he stopped me, He saw me leave my house and followed me for about a half a mile before he stopped me. He tried to give me tickets for all sorts of bicycle infractions like no light, no helmet, no protective gear and the fact that I had my hood on made him as he said pulled me over because he couldn't see my face. I told him I am a disabled Veteran, and he said What Fuckin war were YOU in ? I showed him my military ID and a couple photos of me in Iraq on my phone that I keep and he told me anyone can fake pictures. I just told him go ahead and give me the tickets and I'll sure the living hell out of you personally, He ended up getting back into his car and leaving I wish he would have done something I could have had that particular cop FIRED for, Punk, and he is WAY younger than I am.

  3. It absolutely astounds me that there is no immediate relief for out of control police! That this type of action could possibly be considered acceptable, much less legal os amazing!

  4. What is it with cops having delicate sensibilities and an easily shattered egos? I thought psychological exams are mandatory before giving anyone a badge and gun to weed out people like that. However, watching this channel has led me to believe mental instability is a prerequisite rather than a disqualifying factor.

  5. Moses Lake Police Officer Lied Will Richardson Mom Baby Samantha and Brandi Lied and Moses Lake Police Officer Sex Grace in outstanding traffic fines, Moses Lake Police Officer brain camera for me, Will Richardson.

  6. The cop goes, "Go ahead and resist if you want to." Damn… if a cop said that to me while he was cuffing me I would have resisted. Then I would have fought the resisting arrest charge in court. I have no idea if I could win, but I can't imagine being that compliant when a cop gives me permission to run.

  7. “Resist if you want to.”
    Bro what? No crime was committed and there was no “suspicious activity” unless you count sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette and chatting with friends to be suspicious.
    Wtf? Hello? This is an actual tyrant wearing a badge. This was escalated when there was absolutely no need.

  8. "That's disrespectful." "And? Are you on something? You're acting super erratic and aggressive. Hey, can you get a supervisor out here, I'm pretty sure your buddy is compromised. I don't smell alcohol or weed so I'm guessing it's something harder." What a baby. Imagine if other people had the ability to assault and kidnap anybody who hurt their feelings. These morons are expected to know and follow the laws, not make them up.

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