Lambo Owner Catches LYING Cop – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

DailyDrivenExotics’ channel:


Vienna Convention:

Geneva Convention:

Paris Convention:

Inter-American Agreement:

CVC 12500:

CVC 12502:

CVC 40302:

CVC 27150.1:

CVC 27150.2:

CH&SC 44036:

Harlow v. Fitzgerald:

Malley v. Briggs:

Anderson v. Creighton:


44 thoughts on “Lambo Owner Catches LYING Cop”
  1. This dude CONSTANTLY gets pulled over and all his videos are full of trash cops who have zero clue how to handle non-american drivers who are visiting the U.S. – it's hilarious to see him visit Police Departments and file complaints, while he also has a lawyer on RETAINER who fights and wins a number of his cases lol

    I support Law Enforcement, but ones like at this stop are who make all cops look bad

  2. Got a speeding ticket here in Florida last year. It was pretty bad (41mph over the limit, I was being dumb). I hired a traffic attorney to handle the ticket. I never signed the ticket and was never issued a court date. My attorney called every week for six months for a court date until I was able to get it dismissed under the statute of limitations. I somehow slipped through the cracks lol

  3. Why are the people that are literally trained for this to "have a few mistakes" but us as citizens with no training, needs to know every single bit of the law? But make sure you dont make the cop feel dumb cause thats when their egos come out. There is absolutely ZERO excuse to be a cop and not know the laws. If you are a cop and something like this happens, you should be required to step down. Youre ruining peoples live cause youre too fucking lazy to actually research the "laws" you enforce.

  4. How is “ignorance of the law” not ALSO “negligence” when your whole job is literally “law enforcement”..?

    Qualified immunity needs to end. You can’t even work at a fast food chain flipping burgers and claim ignorance for a “mistake” that causes harm to a customer and expect to keep your job.

    Law enforcement should always know the laws they’re enforcing. The fact they carry weapons and can cause lasting harm in a variety of ways to an innocent civilian and just say “oopsy! 🤗” and move on and continue to be employed after a paid vacation is a joke and an embarrassment.

    Cops are the biggest, most problematic GANG in America. Smdh..

  5. Why do all cops stand with their legs spread so far apart – too the point that some of them look really comical- is it a way of displaying that they’re tough or top authority?? It’s REALLY ridiculous looking

  6. 😂 if the car is legal where its registered, its legal everywhere. California doesn't allow tints on the front windows. Nevada does. You cannot get charged with illegal tints for driving a Nevada registered vehicle in California. Same with exhaust. In California a chevu s10 pickup is very difficult and expensive to do a legal v8 swap. But if you are driving a v8 swapped s10 in California but its registered in a state that it was done legally, you can drive it in California. Arizona allows off road vehicles like rzr and atvs to be registered for road use by adding lights and a windshield and such. They are issued plates and tags. Therefore those vehicles can be driven in any state on the road.😂

  7. WoW — how have I missed viewing this excellent video ? I SUBSCRIBE and watch videos from the AtA channel…
    This is such a fantastic video, with so many different topics covered, and extremely informative for ( Joe Blow viewer )
    This educational and informative as well as interesting video needs to be shared by everyone, this video is a gold mine of information 👌 😀 👍

  8. You say in this video that refusing to sign is an arrestable offence, but in the other video you say it's not an arrestable offense. I constantly find errors in your analysis and your conclusions are often wrong.

  9. Funny how that "you ran a stop sign" accusation disappeared. I had a cop try and pull that shit on me once when there was no way they could have seen me even if I did run it. Cops lie all the damn time then they wonder why people are "defensive" and "argumenative" with them.

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