Footage Released of WV Judge Pulling Gun in Courtroom – Everything Law and Order Blog

I posted a video about a month ago titled, “WV Judge Pulls Gun . . . Then it Gets Weird.” This was about West Virginia Circuit Court Judge David Hummel. Here’s the first video:

There’s been a few updates in the reporting since the video. There was insinuation that video footage existed in this case. So now that’s been confirmed, and some footage has been released pursuant to a FOIA, and I have it. And I’ll show it to you. But there’s been a few other updates as well. 

More on this:

DB story:

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33 thoughts on “Footage Released of WV Judge Pulling Gun in Courtroom”
  1. With how corrupt the state troopers of West Virginia along with the local police departments what are citizens left to think? Should we refuse to get pulled over by any police officer in West Virginia because of how corrupt they are? What is going on in West Virginia? This judge should be behind bars.

  2. It was a bunch of BS. You need to trust your eyes. He never pointed it anywhere. I would ask Daily Beast for a tape of the phone calls and something from the phone company proving he made those calls. The modern way now is if you can't get what you want legally you slander nd defame and through your opponent under any bus you can find.

  3. I don't know why America even has judicial disciplinary investigations. Can you give me ONE example of where they actually did anything, where they actually disciplined ANY judge for anything? No you can't. You can't because its a fake shell comittee whose only purpose is for appearance's sake. They don't actually do anything.

  4. As a mineral rights owner, how was the judge going to come out ahead or behind if the Texas company drilled? I understood what said about owning mineral rights. But in the end they would just get paid their percentage under West Virginia laws wouldn’t they. If a judge inherited some mineral rights, it would seem that possibly archaic law would force every judge to relinquish ownership of most any investment that might come before a court

  5. so it's Not brandishing if a Judge does it IN court?
    but if I lift my shirt and show my Holtered 🔫 to someone I Will be Arrested for brandishing!!
    for some odd reason the law doesn't really seem to be Equal….

  6. Um thats too light to flip around like that. It seemed more like plastic. Thats bad video quality to claim this. There were others there, what are their accounts not from corporate oil.. Also no audio on video is suspect.

  7. If i walked into the courthouse with a sidearm i be in prison if i removed it from holster or not why should the judge be allowed to have one not only in the courthouse but in his court room

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