Police K9 Mauls Arrestee | When is Deploying a K9 Excessive Force? | Know The Law – Everything Law and Order Blog

If you haven’t seen the video I just posted before this one, go take a look. It shows a police K9 officer using his dog to take an arrestee into custody. This particular incident happened in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia.

The Footage: https://youtu.be/cUPgYSw1TbE

What is the law on when cops can put a K9 on somebody? How does it compare to use of a taser, or pepper spray, or punching? When has qualified immunity been denied to K9 officers for excessive force? This happened in West Virginia, which is in the Fourth federal circuit. There are actually quite a few cases out there.

Details at link: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/09/08/breaking-vicious-k9-attack-on-young-black-man-in-wv/


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NOTE: We don’t condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct featured in this video, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accountability through the judicial system.


31 thoughts on “Police K9 Mauls Arrestee | When is Deploying a K9 Excessive Force? | Know The Law”
  1. Dogs of war should be forbidden in civil society. If we allow animals to inflict pain on humans, than those animals should NOT have the rights of humans. ie: when an animal attacks.. of any nature.. a human has the right to fight for their life and kill the beast.
    We should not have "beasts of war" on the community public payroll.
    I love dogs. I HATE police attack dogs. And they are the image of Nazi's.

  2. As a dog trainer I know that if you don't let that dog have the taste of blood on occasion he's going to lose his kill mentality and they don't want the dog to do that and that's why a lot of times you'll just go ahead and release it so the dog can have a taste

  3. Most of us who train and work protection and police dogs don't want dogs injured. The dog generally is enough threat that the suspect backs down. Dogs are incredibly efficient for tracking and for alerts. If you train protection dogs, you are also aware how powerful, fast, and relentless they are, and how dangerous they are without an intelligent, fair handler. Any cop who misuses his dog this way should never be trusted with any weapon, let alone one as powerful as a dog. Dogs emotionally hard enough to do the work need handlers they respect and trust. This is a weak handler, and I suspect if he's that much of a sissy, it's likely that the dog doesn't respect him, and maybe didn't out properly. That's still potentially a very good dog who needs a much better handler. We train in warehouses with hidden subjects. The handler needs to clear these dark and cluttered areas for other cops. But we run scenarios where multiple people are trapped or hiding from the subject. The handler needs a cool head and solid control over his k9. Nobody wants the dog deciding which of those people need bitten. FWIW, the best dogs develop an edge, but the base of bite work is prey drive, play, and pure joy in the hunt. Dogs trained with too much defense are unreliable.

  4. Police canines do have a weak bite force and selected from relatively gentle pups. But you absolutely do not want them loose around other officers. They're very pack-minded and will assume those officers are coming in for the kill.

  5. IMO the laws on the use of animals for law enforcement has gone in the wrong direction. It should be federally unlawful to use a dog to attack any human being because that is clearly INHUMANE to HUMANS. and to further the argument they give these dogs "badges" and if you defend yourself against their attack you are convicted of assaulting a police officer.. Speaking as a human, its ridiculous and disgusting

  6. Police agencies should not be legally permitted to utilize k9s in either of the two capacities they currently use them. They are nothing but a method of circumventing the constitutional rights of citizens who police have decided are guilty and deserve for their rights to be violated for “the greater good”. Police routinely put their dogs on subjects to get “a bite” and left on the attack for far too long while there are multiple officers on scene and should be capable of taking the subject into custody but they choose to use the dog instead. If four or more cops can’t take a compliant suspect into custody, they shouldn’t be cops. They use dogs as punishment, to teach a subject a lesson. It’s truly sadistic and disgusting. To expect anyone to lay still, be quiet and “stop resisting” before they’ll call the dog off. And even then they take their sweet time. Anyone who believes all these uses if k9s to be justified, I’d challenge them to lay still and quite for 30 seconds while I put one if my dogs on the bite, essentially feeling as tho they’re being eaten alive by a wild animal and have to lay still and quiet while I decide if they’re going to remain compliant before I release the dog. They other job if a k9 as a narcotics detection tool us so highly abused it’s absurd that they’re still allowed. There’s no way for anyone but the handler to know whether that dog “alerted” or not and he can make any result he so desires. Dogs are no more reliable than a coin flip, partially because if the fact that they do not detect drugs. They detect the smell of drugs. Drugs do bot have to be present for there to be a smell of drugs present. Its not illegal for something to smell like drugs. So what they detect very well could be nothing at all illegal, but still the police are allowed to search your vehicle because they still claim the alert gives PC for a search. How can a dog indicating there may be a smell in your car which could be perfectly legal constitute PC for a search? Regardless, the honesty and integrity of the handler determines whether they’ll search a vehicle. And cops don’t have a good enough track record to trust any of them that far.

  7. have you seen the leo trick to get around warning you? They will say- Thisosofficerbillybobfromtheblablasheriffsoffice,comeoutorIwillsendinmydog. & say it so fast, maybe even with an accent so that no reasonable person could understand it. Kind of like the disclaimer at the end of a pharmaceutical commercial where they have to say it but dont want you to really hear it.

  8. IMO there is NO legitimate case for the use of animals to inflict violence on persons. The common use of dogs trained to attack humans is a stain on our culture and nation and should be abolished. I would never reasonably expect a person to follow commands or really do anything but panic and violently resist, even lethally, while being attacked by a dog or any other animal. I’ll never mourn a dog being killed “in the line of duty” when it was trained and commanded to viciously attack a human being. And the handlers of these animals need to be held civilly and criminally responsible for every injury caused by an animal under their supervision.

    These animals cannot be perfectly controlled and act according to their training and sometimes that means mauling an old lady that was taking out her garbage without receiving a command to do so; a thing I have seen in a video.

  9. K9 dogs false alert by not being properly trained to smell the difference between the drug and an item combined with it such as a tennis ball, by the trainer not teaching them to (not alert) on just the smell of a tennis ball, the dog alerts regardless of the presence of the drug smelled. It's a trick..

  10. after all the news ive seen about cops in w.virginia,i have come to believe that you must be flush with cash and a rich man from all the cases coming your way..they sure must keep you busy there and give you a never ending supply of customers seeking your help.what a joke the cops are there.the whole country has a cop issue,but your cops there sure are trying to lead the way by bad example..

  11. There's a video of this happening in Aptos, CA. It's horrible to watch! The kid is in acid. The sheriff just stands around and let's the dog kill him. Said he had a knife. Multiple back up officers at the scene! There is no footage of any sheriff around the boy. They flip to another canine officer bringing another dog!

  12. Think about this for a minute. The state of Oregon has banned using dogs in hunting. The state of Oregon determined that using dogs for hunting is in human. Our Police department just got a new canine unit. Just think about that

  13. States that repeatedly have law enforcement stepping outside the Constitution need to be removed from the Union. If a police department's policies are outside of the Constitution they need to be immediately disbanded. Qualified immunity is not a law that was passed by Congress but something that was made up by a rogue liberal supreme Court

  14. Man it's hard as heck to find an actual lawyer that will represent someone who has they rights trampled on Trust me I know I was fired by obvious racial profiling admittedly and couldn't find any lawyer who even done civil litigation

  15. The Death Camp guards in Germany during WWII used dogs to terrorize and murder the prisoners. If the dog is used "wrongly", the dog needs to be destroyed and the law enforcement officer in control of the dog sent to prison for fifty years. If the dog causes death, the law enforcement officer in control charged with First Degree murder and received the death penalty if found guilty. But, this is just my opinion.

  16. It should be illegal to train any animal to attack PERIOD!!!
    If an officer is such a coward to send a dog to do their job, they shouldn't wear a badge.
    I'm referring to these attack dogs, not blood hounds.
    As far as drug sniffing dogs. Civilian ones are bogus. Not sure if the military uses them anymore as they would get the dogs addicted to the drug. So it would be an actual hit. But once no longer in service, they would have to put them down.

  17. I have watched too many excessive force, by K-9 OFFICERS, releasing Their K-9’s on Suspects, that have STOPPED, put Their hands where They were told, laid down, sat down, played dead, rolled over, and DID WHATEVER, They were told, ONLY TO HAVE, The K-9 released on Them, ANYWAY👿❌🥵🤔🚫😤🛑‼️
    These, CORRUPT, MENTALLY PSYCHOTIC, CRIMINALLY IGNORANT, and DANGEROUS THUGS, That are K-9 handlers, Should be put through a MENTAL HEALTH EVALUATION, BEFORE, They are EVER ALLOWED TO GET NEAR A K-9, much less be able too release that ANIMAL ON PEOPLE, Whom It can injure seriously for Their OWN SICK, and TWISTED, SELF SATISFACTION 😰
    There are a large percentage, of POLICE OFFICERS, that are NOT MENTALLY CAPABLE of being a PUBLIC SERVANT, and Should Not have any position working with PEOPLE, Much less, Putting The Public’s lives in Their hands🤔🚫💀👿❌🥵👎🛑‼️
    Then, BEFORE, THEY SWEAR THEIR OATH, Make ABSOLUTELY C E R T A I N, They understand, what That O A T H, STANDS FOR🤷‍♀️🤷🏽
    They DO NOT, just NEED TOO
    SAY The words, but understand, what They are saying, and ABIDE BY THEIR OATH😤
    L A W S‼️

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