Rittenhouse Trial Day 9 Legal Analysis – Everything Law and Order Blog

It’s Thursday, day 9 of the #KyleRittenhouse trial in Wisconsin, where #SelfDefense itself is on trial. Discussion on the trial progress through today, from a civil rights lawyer’s point of view. #TrialAdvocacy

Freedom is Scary Ep. 81 LIVE at 6:30pm ET.


28 thoughts on “Rittenhouse Trial Day 9 Legal Analysis”
  1. No matter what you say, the Leftys won't accept 2 people had to die to prevent Kyle from having his gun stolen & being knocked out. There is that likely disproportionality but Kyle is allowed to act on his worst fears. Without using his gun, the body of evidence says a average BLM mob probably would do to him what they did to Swordman.

  2. Do a video about Soviet justice like how they dealt with annoying civil rights lawyers like you. Tortured confessions were admissible in Soviet court. Many were just murdered such as Polish officers or Czar's family.

  3. pardon if i may,
    not pleased rekieta did not offer you an invite
    i see this and as other youtube grifters,tasting 15 minutes of fame
    and in turn, demoted to a a grifter as he admits he's milking the cow.
    this is my job

    his groupies by his side

  4. I had only been casually listening to this case (civil drama exhaustion), and had no real opinion, but tended to think it was a thrill seeking weekend gone wrong, and leaning toward guilty. I am a proud "lefty" (whatever that means) and believe I would be in serious disagreement with KR's political views. That said, the reason we have a "nation of laws" is so that personal and political loyalties play no role (ideally) in a legal judgement. What ever else may be said about the prudence of KR's choices over all, the fact is that in both incidents where he used deadly force, he was subject to either actual physical assault with a weapon, or with a credible threat of the same while in flight. Until today, I thought he was probably guilty, but having seen a review of the footage in chronological order, it became clear that the popular narrative is muddled significantly, and in cases, seemingly intentionally. I am not his jury and leave it to them.

  5. 75% of the jury had made up their minds before the trial started… and with the threats “either Kyle or your city will burn your choice”. Who still thinks he will get a just verdict? Will the jury be swayed by the evidence? Will they be pressured by the threats?

  6. Personally, I think we all need to show up in Kenosha for the verdict…that's just me. Fact is, a child-molester who was protesting on behalf of a rapist who was shot while wielding a weapon and trying to steal his victim's car and kidnapping her children doesn't deserve to live. Fuck him, and all of the other protesters who were upset that a rapist got shot…fuck 'em all. Their choice of heroes says a lot about them.
    BTW, Fuck Mark Richards too, he's either an idiot or is trying to throw Kyle under the bus.

  7. You mentioned ANTIFA Antifa — short for anti-fascist — is not a single organization. Rather, it is a loose network of groups and individuals who coordinate their anti-racist activism on an ad hoc basis in different areas both within and outside the United States – which typically by definition is anti-violence – Yet Antifa — short for anti-fascist — is not a single organization. Rather, it is a loose network of groups and individuals who coordinate their anti-racist activism on an ad hoc basis in different areas both within and outside the United States. So by definition they look for equality and anti-violence….so the opposite would be Neo-Nazi’s. They downplay ideology and focus on their practical mission: stopping white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other racists from organizing and propagating their views in public. As one activist explained to us in an interview, “Anyone … who is against Nazis or against fascism is anti-fascist. Many, many people are anti-fascists.” In other words, Antifa is as complex and diverse as the like-minded individuals who coordinate in small local groups under its collective banner…. So I’m confused, are you pro Nazi? This is a self defence case, and yes occurred during a protest. If you bring in political groups then you are intentionally being in intent or desire to do harm as an “us vs. them” mantra.

  8. All this was was a big old show for everybody else to keep everything calm and Kenosha because I can tell you first hand experience of being in that City you get racially profiled a lot and I've seen a lot of white people get away with murder in that City like this fool just did that's real talk if you are unarmed how are you going to shoot somebody only reason why you would shoot an unarmed person is if your p** just saying real talk

  9. I view Washington , California and New York as the most dangerous States as these states are taking away citizens rights to have guns and defend themselves and the Attorney Generals are doing nothing .

  10. Bullshit. This judge is bias toward Rittenhouse. You are very wrong about this. We all have to face the full power of the state. Dead people, by this kids hands would beg to differ. It is a show trial that will set precedence when Rittenhouse is set free.

  11. Seeing how the left has reacted to this case disgusts me. There will be mass violence from them if he's acquitted. They cheer on the murder of Ashli Babbit is righteous while vilifying a boy being physically attacked. Kyle is one of the most innocent people to ever been put on trial.

  12. It's obvious it was self defense it was obvious to me the night when I watched it on a live screen the prosecutors corrupt obviously he's a Democrat he needs to be fitted with cement shoes that's just my take on the whole thing he needs to step down in his position

  13. As the prosecutor said in the George Floyd case, sometimes following the law isn't it isn't very glamorous or what we want to see, also as in the Trayvon Martin case in Florida, the stand-your-ground rule had to apply. In this case the rule of law must also be applied of self defense. It may not look pretty but that is what we have to work with.

  14. What about at the last minute the prosecutor is gonna add all these lesser charges that have a lower standard of proof. So basically the prosecutor can realize he’s losing and just to make himself look good and get a conviction on something. I don’t see how that’s legal.

  15. I used to enjoy listening to you even when I disagreed, but for you to say this judge is not biased and is doing what he is supposed to do is so irresponsible it is ridiculous. That judge was supposed to be unbiased, but he enjoys flipping out on the prosecutor. I'm not saying the prosecutor didn't need to be corrected, but the judge is supposed to maintain control and some semblance of jurisprudence in the court room. This judge is yelling at the prosecutor to the point that the judge can't even speak coherently. And you think this is doing a good job? Do you want to be part of that live feed so bad that you are willing to kiss the judges backside? You and the judge should be ashamed. That judge is not showing professionalism or an unbiased take on the case. As such or could be construed that his decisions might be based on his bias. Some of the things he had been heard saying outside of the case also could be seen as evidence of bias. This is what he is supposed to be avoiding. I don't claim to have any idea which way the case should be decided, but I know that the judges behavior is less than professional and certainly doesn't avoid the appearance of impropriety.

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