This would be my Closing Argument in Defense of Kyle Rittenhouse – Everything Law and Order Blog

Someone asked me what I would have said yesterday at closing arguments in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Obviously I would have a lot more time to spend polishing it and expanding it, but this would be the basic theme and structure I would use. Over the years I have found a basic formula that I think works well and can be adapted to the particular facts of the case. In real life, you need to spend somewhere approaching 100 hours or so for every 1 hour of actual time in a jury trial, in order to be as prepared as possible. This is part of the problem with our imperfect system. You are at a huge disadvantage without the requisite money to fund this sort of preparation. As for this though, remember you are getting what you paid for….. But you get the idea.

#KyleRittenhouseTrial #ClosingArguments #TrialTactics

Link to the full video:


25 thoughts on “This would be my Closing Argument in Defense of Kyle Rittenhouse”
  1. I'm thankful and grateful for the defense attorneys that defend people against obscene charges by the prosecutors. I encourage everyone to go and watch a real trial at your local city/county/state or federal courthouse. It's amazing to watch a good defense attorney save innocent people. They are heroes.

  2. Rittenhouse had no fucking business playing soldier in the first place. And if he was playing soldier, why the hell was he alone behind enemy lines? Rittenhouse deserved to go to jail. Instead right wing lunatics are patting his fat head and telling him what a good boy he is. They are normalizing political violence and very probably going to get rittenhouse killed before he turns 25.

  3. My only question is would you have had the same argument for the last guy who was shot who had the pistol had shot and killed Kyle. It was unreasonable for him to be armed taking on a law enforcement function at his age. If that's a defense then were in for wild wild west in the streets. This was a huge failure by law enforcement to prevent all this from happening allowing vigilantes to take the streets.

  4. Your Closing was Great… much better than Kyle's Defense team!
    I did not like that the Prosecution got to Address the Jury twice at closing… that did not seem to be Fair! Lady Justice is Blindfolded and ready to use the sword to destroy you!

  5. Found Not Guilty on all counts, however,
    Kyle Rittenhouse Crossed State Lines Which Means That He Can Be Federally Charged

    There are a wide variety of federal charges that Kyle Rittenhouse could potentially face that include civil rights violations and potential hate crimes. The Rittenhouse trial was so tainted by the judge’s behavior that the case deserves a federal review.

    The idea that a person can show up at a protest with a loaded assault weapon, killing two people, and then claim self-defense flies in the face of logic and common sense.

  6. I would like to see the defensive use of Kyle’s age, stopped. One, Kyle is more mature, able, and responsible than most adults. Two, his age has nothing to do with upholding our rights to self defense.

  7. Kyle's actions are as reasonable as a cop stepping in front of a moving car and then shooting the driver since he was in fear for his life. No sympathy, he went out of his way to put himself in a dangerous situation. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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