Small Town Cops Exposed on Video and Held Accountable in Court – Everything Law and Order Blog

The small town police department in Westover, West Virginia was recently exposed for their corruption and misconduct. Take a look at this dash cam video featuring two police officers who won the town a 1.1 million dollar settlement in two lawsuits, including the brutal use of force captured in this disgraceful body cam footage.

Full text of lawsuit, including injury photos, at link:

Small Town Cops Exposed on Video and Held Accountable in Court

Full video:


39 thoughts on “Small Town Cops Exposed on Video and Held Accountable in Court”
  1. These morons are on video with conspiracy, assault, illegal search. They violated the 4th amendment by pulling the man from his home. You can hear/ see them coming up with their story to how they will later falsify their reports to cover this. They should get jail time AND sued in civil court.

  2. Hit you BACK?
    An admission that the cop instigated the punching.
    As for poor Paul….? He gets knocked to the ground in the commotion and the second coward cop instantly starts making up false allegations of attacking the officer.

    Seriously, every damned bad cop if ever fired, they can always get a job writing fiction. The way cops twist what’s on video is insane.
    I cannot believe how often the Prosecutors cover this shit up. The Prosecutors quickly offer the suspect a plea deal, anything to get a guilty plea as a way to exonerate the disgusting criminal actions by the cops.
    *Ive had it myself. 4 separate court dates, each time the prosecutor had me taken into a small room outside the courtroom (without my lawyer), to attempt to coerce me into accepting a plea deal. On the last attempt, the prosecutor even threatened to seek max sentences for each charge and to add charges for my ‘wasting the courts time’.
    Only to get back in front of a judge and when my name was called, and my very expensive lawyer introduced himself to the court as my attorney. That fast the prosecutor stood up and withdrew all charges! (I originally had a legal aide lawyer).

    A bunch of BS charges with no evidence against me, other than a statement/confession written by a cop and my name signed by the same cop! Cop claimed that he only wrote what I had said? Yet the interrogation room has a camera. No one ever showed the video to prove that I said anything.
    (My only comment to cops whenever arrested/questioned is “I would like to cooperate further, but my attorney insists that I answer no questions nor make any statements at this time. Please refrain from violating my rights any further.” )

  3. Yeah, when you illegally grab someone out of their house and start beating on them… yeah, I would had jumped the officer, too. He crossed the line between officer and criminal when he did that. We all make choices and his was to join the criminal element.

  4. Unbelievable lying pieces of crap trying to justify themselves. BlueLine man baby repeatedly punching the man in the face and then crying about it because one of his punches cut his hand on the guys teeth. The blue line of douchebaggery earning the hate every day.

  5. Not only did the other cops stand by and let it happen but they egged it on and even joined in with pepper spray.

    It is scary how comfortable they are lying about what happened even though its all on camera.

  6. Police officer attacked that man and than the police best the living days lights out of him. And all that talk about the man attacking hitting the police is a farce for the video to deceive the people. Should be jail time for the cops.

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