WV Judge Admonished for Illegal Arrest and Strip Search of Correctional Officers – Everything Law and Order Blog

A West Virginia Circuit Court Judge was publicly admonished by the Judicial Investigation Commission for ordering the arrest of two correctional officers, who were transporting an inmate appearing before the Court. The two COs were arrested by sheriff’s deputies, for supposedly failing to obey a verbal order to transport an inmate to a different jail. The COs were then strip searched and incarcerated in their correctional officer uniforms.

The Commission found probable cause that the Judge violated Rules 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 2.5(A) and 2.8(B) of the Code of Judicial Conduct. That includes, “compliance with the law,” ” confidence in the judiciary,” “avoiding abuse of the prestige of judicial office,” “impartiality and fairness,” “competence, diligence and cooperation,” and “decorum [and] demeanor….”

Read more, including the admonishment: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/05/03/wv-judge-admonished-for-illegal-arrest-and-strip-search-of-correctional-officers/


48 thoughts on “WV Judge Admonished for Illegal Arrest and Strip Search of Correctional Officers”
  1. Not sure if it's because I follow you closely or, there is just a lot of judicial misconduct and LE bad behavior in WV. Some posts you do are out of state or nearby states but, most are right there in your neck of the woods. Quite entertaining and educational. Thanks

  2. do the officers have any criminal or civil course to take against the judge or the system in general. after all they where arrested and humiliated in front of fellow officers by a judge who needs disbarment

  3. Judges are just as dirty as the nasty blue line is only they are in a more important role and just as much of a threat to our constitution and need to be held accountable even charged with treason in some cases

  4. Honestly the judge sounded like he was trying to do something good but, even with good intention, u can't break the rules if u want them to have any meaning. Definitely should watch out for the wellbeing of any person especially with force is used by the police when not reasonably justified.

  5. Think how many 100% innocent people are in jail because of that judge think how many times those two officers were arrested beat up 100% innocent people that judge threw in jail I have no sympathy for any of these idiots and I'm glad those officers were arrested please don't help them

  6. I don't know why this video is making me so happy I'm glad they were strip searched I'm glad they was handcuffed I'm glad they was arrested the judge should be held up as a hero well scratch the judge hero part the judge should be thrown in jail too for stupidity

  7. What happened to the injured inmate ??? America is The Most incarcerated Nation on Earth yet the inmates nightmares continue in prison …. The poor judge has been admonished for being the only one to speak out …..Judge had rightly probably had a gut full of Inmate Abuse by Unhinged Correctional Officers …????

  8. Gee, they strip search corrections officers? Bizarre. I think there were too many people in this case "just following orders", from the deputies who arrested them on orders from a judge to whoever forced them into custody, conducted the strip search, and threatened to put them into a cell wearing their uniforms.
    I wonder if all those people from the deputies to the victims who were "just following orders" have a new sense of compassion for the citizens they arrest and strip search.

  9. I think I'd need more info really . But no they shouldn't be in general population. But maybe they should of been arrested for assault . I think we need to know what the Judge seen first of all . But it does seem like the Judge skipped a couple steps .

  10. Is WV really this screwed up or are all states this bad and we just don’t know. If we had someone keeping up with it like you do, I believe we would find out we are all just as bad. Keep it up.

  11. Wait, Is the judge responsible for what happens after the two officers were taken into custody, or just for having them taken into custody? All the inflammatory storytelling about strip searches etc. is apparently just how the local jurisdiction treats inmates. That's not on the judge, is it?

  12. WTF is wrong with the judges in WV? Placing corrections officers in uniform but unarmed and handcuffed into a cell with six other inmates? Does he want them killed? This guy needs to be checked out for a competency hearing.

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