should you try this trick on a traffic stop

should you try this trick on a traffic stop

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25 thoughts on “should you try this trick on a traffic stop

  1. 1. I can definitely see how the OP was intending to mean that Tik Tok viewers would steal identities, which makes sense. So, just to clarify, while the statement wasn't overtly clear to me in watching this, I can see in hindsight how he meant that. I'm happy being on record here as acknowledging this.

    2. Video sponsored by for THC free CBD oil. Use code "mtc" and try for 10% off.

  2. Crib Note: IF the Officer has a Legitimate reason to stop you (Legit in HIS mind, NOT necessarily yours), then Supreme Court has ALREADY RULED in (Pennsylvania vs. Mimms) that you are LEGALLY REQURIED TO COMPLY, and IF you refuse, they have the LEGAL AUTHORITY to "REMOVE YOU" (and that could mean anything from opening the door, to having to break your window, Pepper Spray, Taser, Baton Rounds, Police Dog, up to and INCLUDING a GOOD OLD COUNTRY ASS WHUPPING). 
    Of course you "COULD" go the COMMON SENSE ROUTE and just COOPERATE, but where would be the "FUN" in that.

  3. I think it's funny that the ppl who worry about cops stealing their identity probably shop online regularly… where you are a million times more likely to have your bank account hacked.

  4. When the guy on the vid mentioned identity theft, what I thought he meant was he would not show us his ID, because someone watching the video could steal his identity.

  5. Ted Mike listened to this video he would have understood that when the guy was talking about someone stealing identities he wasn't talking about the police he was talking about viewers on YouTube that should he leave his items in the package and then let the viewers see that is who he was concerned about getting his identification. But I guess it's typical of police they have selective hearing… and maybe where he's at cops are all sweet and sugar and spice and everything nice but here in the South where I'm at, corruption, misconduct and violence by police run rampant

  6. It would work in the UK. here police can pull you over FOR ANY REASON (or no reason at all) but they cannot compel you to get out of the car except for a field impairment test or to arrest you or search you (if they have a reason for search)

  7. You are 100% wrong in saying that (at least in NJ) if asked by a police officer to exit your vehicle, that you must do so:

    In fact you do not have to comply UNLESS:

    The Officer has suspicion of narcotics, weapons, paraphernalia in the vehicle & is going to ask for permission to search the vehicle
    the Officer feels at risk for their safety.

    It is this reason that you should turn off your vehicles ignition, maintain your hands on the steering wheel or in perfect visible sight of the Officer & roll the window down with sufficient space to have a conversation & provide your documents.

    If you follow thesw simple rules there is no reason that a human being armed with a firemarm shall feel threatened or at risk for their safety.

  8. In Pennsylvania vs Mimms the driver got out consenually. Try Terry vs Ohio as the controlling case on what officers need to satisfy, not to mention the courts are going away from the "Officer Safety stance they took since the 70's"

  9. Sorry, you have mostly good content but your free advise
    {free advise is not worth the paper it's printed on}
    is always skewed to have viewers hand over their rights to any enforcement person
    ( timidly) requesting compliance
    ( aggressively) you will I.D.
    {I purposely omitted the word "LAW" from in front of enforcement person…because these individuals are more often enforcing their own agendas not enforcing the LAW}

  10. There are some people that could benefit from the lanyard technique. Hanging required information out the window and avoiding conversations means that some people who are inherently "weird" won't fall into being harassed by cops for not acting "normal".
    I'm 45 and have not ever been "in trouble" or convicted of any crime however I am repeatedly harassed by cops who think I'm not acting "normal" simply because I'm autistic. Avoiding interactions with cops is one of my main concerns considering they are trained to look for abnormalities and target those people. Knowing I'm a target, I will not roll my window down as I literally know that I will be harassed 100% of the time. While I do think that the guy in the tiktok video was a bit paranoid, I do like his technique and think that for some individuals it's a beneficial tactic to protecting ourselves. While it's not a crime to be perceived as odd it's always used as reasonable suspicion and it leaves a lot of room for people like me to be put in bad situations that we were not deserving of due to cops feeling the need to label people who are different as inherently suspicious.

  11. Three simple words; stepoutofthe car please… Yup, checks out, that's three words…

    Also there's nothing stopping the cop from just unclipping the lanyard and walking off with all three of those pieces of ID.

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