In Court Today in the Family Court Judge Search Lawsuit – Judicial Immunity? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Update on the Family Court Judge Search Case: It was over two years ago – March 10, 2020 – when I uploaded a video on what was then my fairly new Youtube channel, showing the footage depicting a West Virginia Family Court Judge searching my client’s home.

The judge ended up being charged with judicial disciplinary violations, which went all the way to the State Supreme Court, ending in a written censure to the judge, describing the search as serious misconduct, which was not a judicial activity authorized under state law. A federal Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit was filed, which I’ve documented extensively, and which I’ve spent hours upon hours litigating.

Today we had a pretrial conference in federal court and I want to give a quick update on where we stand.

Original Video from March 10, 2020:

Part 2 Update Video from October 1, 2020:

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47 thoughts on “In Court Today in the Family Court Judge Search Lawsuit – Judicial Immunity?”
  1. I have a situation in new Jersey where a judge use to work with my wife and decide on the case with out removing his self from the case and then they served me with a restraining order while in court for my divorce signed off by a judge who stopped and talked with me and my ex wife in ShopRite

  2. In a recent family court submission, explosive allegations have been made against the Ministry of Justice, New Zealand Lawyers, and the New Zealand Police. The submission,which has been described as one of the best court submissions ever, alleges criminal activities and corruption within these institutions.
    The submission alleges that the Ministry of Justice engaged in child abuse theft, fabrication, fraud, and perverting the course of justice, all for pecuniary gains. The evidence presented in the submission is said to be documented beyond any reasonable doubt, leaving no room for doubt about the intentions of those involved mostly that of detective Shane Pilmer, Judge De Ridder and a Judge De Jong among many other offenders within this institution.
    During the court proceedings, Judge De Jong was accused of lying and deliberately perverting the course of justice. The submission alleges that Judge De Jong, who was under oath as a judge, was complicit in the corrupt court practices and fabrications.
    The submission paints a bleak picture of the justice system in New Zealand and alleges that filthy judges and dirty cops are still at large to harm others. The submission concludes with a chilling warning that no one is safe and asks if your child and property could be next.
    These are serious allegations and will undoubtedly be thoroughly investigated. The Ministry of Justice, New Zealand Lawyers, and the New Zealand Police have yet to respond to the claims made in the submission. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching consequences for the justice system in New Zealand.

  3. I just read on your blog that the wayward family court judge has filed her brief in the appeals court, and that your response brief was due this month. Can you do an update video on both of the filings? Would like to hear how ridiculous that judge’s appeal brief argument is.

  4. Judges Do Not perform searches !! NOT THEIR JOB. That said, judges don't run this country either !! Judges in this country have some Half Assed idea that they run this country. I am not sure if "contempt of court" is even legal. I have a freedom of speech and THEY step on those freedoms every chance they get ! For the most part, judges in the U.S. can go SCREW themselves instead of continually Screwing US !!!

  5. I've always been of the opinion that "judicial immunity" ONLY extends to their action on the bench…..this case, judges financial and business dealings, are not extended to those issues

  6. Even if the Judge faces a jury trial for civil damages, the judge will not pay a dime for any jury award from her own pocket!!!! As the judge is protected by the county's insurance policy!! And that policy is paid for by the tax payers pocket!!!! Just like when you sue a cop for damages they never suffer for doing illegal acts!!! But the people I.E. the tax payers will pay the price in higher county insurance policy costs!!! Something needs to change here or they all will continue to break laws and hurt citizens!!

  7. She should’ve been charged with breaking and entering, along with trespass. Along with the cops. Being state representatives shouldn’t make you immune from being charged with what the rest of us would’ve been.

  8. Question for The CRL; If a court determines that your clients Civil Rights (4th, 5th or even 14th) were clearly violated by this judge, how is your cliant compensated? illegal Search and Seizure of personal property, is that returned? Further, the judge in question was fined by the state, $1000, does that go to your client or the state? How will your client be made whole?

  9. I just found your channel recently, and love your content. I subscribed right away! I'm a law nerd, who should have gone to law school, but lacked the confidence in myself at 18, to make that kind of a decision. I didn't come from a wealthy family, and I didn't even think that law school would be a possibility for me. Now, looking back, I'm sure my parents would have found the money to have sent me to the University of Toronto Law School, if I had shown the interest. So I live vicariously thru lawyers channels, like you, Natalie Lawyer Chick, Nate the Lawyer, Law Talk With Mike, Debbie Davis Says, and others. This case is so egregious that it's hard to believe. I've watched all of your chapters of this story, and can't wait to find out what the court ruling is next week!! Happy 4th of July, to you and everyone in the U.S.!!🎊🎉

  10. How in the he'll can you get judicial immunity for breaking an entering and all the other stuff that goes on. If that were a white male not in the click we would be in prison for years. I just don't get it. Judge Dreed said no one is above the law

  11. 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law

    U.S. Code


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    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

  12. Are you saying that the GODS in black robes aren't infallible? I could have told they are nothing more than corrupt piles of dog feces a long time ago. just like their thug henchmen with the silly costumes and Chinese badges.

  13. How do these scumbags actually believe they are entitled to Judicial Immunity when they have no authority to do what they did. If judicial immunity was ever given to them for such an egregious action then we as a nation are more F’ed then I already thought we were.

  14. Love your channel and your work! Especially with this case. My cousin had a case that reached into West Virginia and paraphrasing…worst thing I have ever been involved with. On a side note please make sure all your vehicles are in working order before you go anywhere! Just a joke!

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