Former Officer Enters Guilty Plea to Federal Civil Rights Violation – Everything Law and Order Blog

A former officer with the Monroe Police Department in Monroe Louisiana, has now pled guilty in federal court to a felony charge of deprivation of rights under color of law, in a case handled by the U.S. DOJ Civil Rights Division. The excessive force incident happened on April 21, 2020 and involved former officer Jared Desadier. I obtained the body cam footage. Check it out….

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44 thoughts on “Former Officer Enters Guilty Plea to Federal Civil Rights Violation”
  1. What gets me in these excessive use of force situations, is the total lack of response from fellow officers. The officer cuffing this man, said and did nothing, after this officer assaulted this man. This is what is so wrong with police. Don’t tell me there’s a few bad apples, there are only a few good apples and they’re hard to find. That officer didn’t say anything. Any normal human being, would’ve looked at him and screamed at the other officer, “What the hellare you doing?” and called for an ambulance. The arresting officer did nothing, which in my eyes, makes him just as guilty, because he’s complicit. He should be charged and decertified as well.

  2. I think it is too little too late. Blackstone's ratio has been abandoned by police and the court system. The court system is a scam. They want us to believe our rights will protect us and video after video we see that is simply not true and it takes decades to actually get any of the money awarded if the person lives to see any of it. The children of these victims know the cops are lying and watch lawyers lie and cover everything up. Some grow up to be dysfunctional and get arrested but others figure out what's up and go to college and then take elected office. LOOK AT THE WEST COAST. Now they are defunding and depowering the police. Stripping the courts of the ability to prey on society for profit. Ben Franklin states that Blackstone's ratio says that it is better that 100 guilty men go free than a single person suffer injustice. It is because quotation –
    "The reason is, because it’s of more importance to community, that innocence should be protected, than it is, that guilt should be punished; for guilt and crimes are so frequent in the world, that all of them cannot be punished; and MANY TIMES they happen in such a manner, that it is not of much consequence to the public, whether they are punished or not.
    But when innocence itself, is brought to the bar and condemned, especially to die, the subject will exclaim, IT IS IMMATERIAL TO ME, WHETHER I BEHAVE WELL OR ILL: FOR VIRTUE ITSELF, IS NO SECURITY. And if such a sentiment as this, should take place in the mind of the subject, there would be an end to all security what so ever." NOW LOOK AT THE WEST COAST. PORTLAND, L.A., OAKLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, CHICAGO, BALTIMORE. ALL BECAUSE OF CROOKED COPS WHO ARE PROTECTED BY A CROOKED CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. TYRANNY BY DESIGN.
    Now try and tell ne qualified immunity should protect police from lawsuits. The only thing qualified immunity should stop is punitive damages. It is not even legal as it is a violation of the separation of powers.
    [5] "Founders Online: Adams' Argument for the Defense: 3–4 December 1770". Retrieved 3 February 2022.

    I support defunding the police and stripping the police and the courts of any power to make arrests. They abuse what power 2we have allowed them to have and the only way to stop beatings like this from occurring is to defund them. Cops cant beat anyone if they dont have a job.

  3. On 12/07202 Jared Desadier, 44, was sentenced today to 78 months in federal prison and two years of supervised release for his role in the assault of an arrestee in Ouachita Parish and his efforts to cover up that abuse.

  4. I'm stunned the internal affairs investigation didn't find there was no wrong doing followed by the "officer" getting a raise. What happened to the 1st cop? He's allowed to stand by and watch his convicted criminal fellow "officer" kick a f***ing field goal with dudes head?

  5. Always amazes me when watching these sorts of videos. Thankfully I live in a country where even though there seems to be a disconnect between the police and public the police still hold a great deal of respect for the population that tasks them with policing but in the US all I see is a blue light gang who seem to simply dispise everyone who isn’t part of the ‘gang’…. It’s very sad to see, especially coming from a place that places itself as a beacon of liberty and home of the free world which it is clearly not…..

  6. Another set of cops behaving like animals. Disband that whole police department. This is not the America I believe in and hope for. Just f'ing animals. Sadists. I noticed the other cops didn't say anything to the cop that kicked him. We need police reform from top to bottom.

  7. Officer should serve all 10 years l.
    When you are given more power over others and full control because of being a law enforcement officer and you then abouse these special powers and violate others and commit crimes, it should be a even harder judgment then normal.

  8. Why didn't the arresting officer arrest the assailant that ran up and clearly kicked a man in the face or head ? As someone who comes from a family with law enforcement I can clearly see a vicious assault taking place in front of a police officer but the officer witnessing the assault does nothing , by definition that is clearly DERELICTION OF DUTY .
    As the Supreme Court has stated it is not an officers duty to PROTECT YOU despite pretty much every police car in America clearly stating TO PROTECT AND SERVE , but as every officer always says , IT'S THEIR DUTY TO ENFORCE THE LAW . If that officer DOES NOT WANT TO ENFORCE THE LAW then why is he an officer ?

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