Family Court Judge Search Case Update- Judge Defiant Under Oath – Everything Law and Order Blog

Today we filed a motion for summary judgment in the federal civil rights lawsuit against Family Court Judge Louise Goldston, arguing that she should be denied judicial immunity, as well as foreclosed from even arguing at trial that her actions didn’t violate the Constitution. In other words, the jury trial in her case should be limited to the issue of damages only. It’s unusual for the plaintiff in a lawsuit to file such a motion, but in this case, not only were her actions caught on video, but also already declared by the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals to have been unlawful and unethical.

On March 1, 2022, I finally had the opportunity to take Defendant Goldston’s deposition, which marked the 4th time she has testified under oath about the matter, by my count. The first several times she testified in her judicial disciplinary proceedings, when she was still facing possible suspension by the Supreme Court, she admitted that she made mistakes and acted unlawfully, and that she had violated multiple canons of judicial ethics. During her deposition however, with threat of suspension behind her, she was completely defiant, testifying that she is essentially above the law; that she doesn’t believe she did anything wrong; that the Supreme Court was wrong; that the disciplinary authorities engaged in a conspiracy against her; that she doesn’t regret threatening to arrest Mr. Gibson; and that she might even “do it again.” You really have to read it to believe it, which is why I’ve also attached the transcript of her deposition, at the link:

Update on the Family Court Judge Search Case – Motion for Summary Judgment Filed

The video footage of the search:


27 thoughts on “Family Court Judge Search Case Update- Judge Defiant Under Oath”
  1. I, as someone living in europe, just wonder ifan US citzen can ever realy get justice, especially the poor. The bailiff and the police officer with their boss, the judge, raise the suspicion with me that they are actually her hooligans that enforce her laws and that you are actually dealing with something of an organised gang.

  2. I hate so much how broken the system is.. Literally every single civil rights case seems to hold the potential to stick its head down a bee hive of corruption, blatant misuse of power and god-complexes. The entire system seems to be undermined by people who officially stand for justice and democracy, but all they really want is unchecked power and the ability to use it for personal gains and purposes. 🤯

    We all know how that came to be though.. a certain president, declaring his open disrespect and disregard for investigations in the public interest, the rightful course of justice, backed by the highest courts he caused to become biased and a media conglomerate that made itself completely depended of him and could basically be described as a lapdog; as long as it gets fed. 😵
    The system is so fckd up, it doesn't even prevent from ex-presidents, felins who were sentenced for voter fraud and a two-digit-amount of felonies from running again.. Despite the person openly communicating their plans to instate a theocratic dictatorship and dismantle democracy.
    How stupid is that? Even fckn Germany has a state organ that is supposed to counter any attempt of abolishing democracy and despite the odd lapse in judgement, they somehow seem to manage that remarkably well; which makes the US failing at it even more disgraceful.. 😔

  3. This is a well orchestrated plan to circumvent the constitution by judges. If this doesn’t work they will try it again. A lot of district attorneys and judges campaign money comes from George Soros .

  4. Why even have a constitution, the entire court system has immunity and is above law. We live in a 3 tier justice tier 1 is for the poor that have to depend on a public pretender and must follow every detail of the law (tier 2 ) for the rich who can afford a legal team and pay all the fees still has to follow most laws but has access to constitutional rights (tier 3) for politicians , most people in the justice system and those well connected to the political system such as children of politicians etc . Most of the time tier 2 and tier 3 apply to the political class . That’s the world we live in like it not. A lot of times with wars your just trading one tyrant for another because of imperfection no system of government will work as they all have failed. It’s true mankind cannot even guide his own footsteps

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