Off-Duty Officer’s Insane Rampage With Coworkers Present – Watch a Coverup – Everything Law and Order Blog

On October 24, 2021, off-duty Bluefield, West Virginia police officer James Mullins arrived at Greg’s Sports Bar, in Bluefield, WV, to confront his girlfriend, who was a patron at the bar. Minutes later he pulled his firearm and a gunfight ensued with two men outside the bar. Just minutes after the shooting, Officer Mullins returned, along with uniformed coworkers of the Bluefield Police Department, and ended up violently attacking his girlfriend, also repeatedly physically assaulting the bar owner, all caught on both cell phone and body-cam video.

Did the coworkers stop his rampage, or did they allow him to repeatedly assault innocent victims? Did he get charged for assaulting the bar owner? Did he, or anyone get charged for the gunfight? The answer lies in the video footage, as seen from multiple angles and cameras. Revealed in this footage, released now for the first time exclusively here, you can watch an apparent coverup occur in real time, in one of the most bizarre police body-cam incidents I’ve ever seen.

During the ordeal, you can hear Greg, the bar owner, upset because he knows that the Bluefield police will try to blame him for their own officer’s rampage, and coverup the officer’s criminal misconduct. Days later, Greg’s alcohol license was indeed suspended by the WV ABC following a report by the Bluefield Police Department, which appears to have said absolutely nothing about the fact that it was their own employee causing havoc at Greg’s bar that night. Instead, Greg got the blame.

This is Part 1. There will be a Part 2. Perhaps 3.

Off-Duty Officer’s Insane Rampage With Coworkers Present – Watch a Coverup

Update June 9, 2022:

The search warrant body cam footage from the week prior:


47 thoughts on “Off-Duty Officer’s Insane Rampage With Coworkers Present – Watch a Coverup”
  1. a choice between shutting down an innocent business – or an attacking cop/perpetrator, is no choice at all = the business has got to be shut down!!! – these people are like an evasive alien species with almost unlimited power.. look at 43:46… creepy.

  2. ROID RAGE! OUT OF CONTROL! Attempted MURDER!!!! WHY ISN'T HE IN JAIL???!!!!! PEOPLE CALL THE Local DA, POLICE, CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS!!!! Someone like this, should NOT have a badge & gun!!!! And ALL police involved in the cover-up NEEDS to go to JAIL!!!

  3. If that was ANYONE else, there'd probably be a body laying somewhere, fr fr. At least the officers from anywhere else would have shown some kind of authority towards dude, not here doe, all in they face and shit and they keep saying… James, calm down, this ain't you 🤦🤦🤦

  4. UBBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!! THIS ONE TAKES THE CAKE!!!!!!!!! I watch you every night but I've never seen such chaos in my life. If this Gregg guy bar owner doesn't get justice for this, we are done as country. Think about what the Bible says when it comes to a one world government, will the police act like this to innocent citizens??????? We will see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Ah so an unarmed civillian outside a bar gets thrown to the ground and arrested by police for having a hand in his pocket, meanwhile an off duty cop shoots at civillians, attacks 2 people on camera, assaults 3 LEO's, and screams at everyone like a maniac… and they give him a stern talking to. Seems fair to me.

  6. The police of wva are corrupt , top too bottom ,we the people can't fite back in court, cause they got all the money and goverment lawyers to back them ,and the judges ,are in on this shit too !!! Can't win what a fu up system ,it's rigged top too bottom, I've had dozens of false charges against me in my life , no conviction cause I was not the person they were looking 4, but they still put me in a cage, till they figured they had the wrong person , no lawyer lawyer would take my lawsuit against these punks ,

  7. They also should have had him in cuffs and in that police cruiser before they did anything else! Not doing so resulted in Greg getting assaulted two times in front of the police! He (Mullins) also pushed the girl down and still wasn’t put in cuffs and detained and/or arrested!!! Mullins ALSO assaulted his fellow officers and STILL WASN’T Detained and/or arrested!!AND He wasn’t ever ACTUALLY arrested, he was driven to the office BY A FELLOW OFFICER!! This would never occur with a reg citizen EVER!! That’s a FACT!!!

  8. “SHE’S TROUBLE”??? I’m floored at these “LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS” this is another reason that tells me that there is a reason cops believe they can do this stuff.. it’s because it has been accepted since its inception!!
    AND btw they know DAMN WELL THAT MAN/officer is drunk. And how they say because he is off duty that it is somehow different than an officer involved shooting??? I’m pretty sure we all know that is horseshit! Off duty doesn’t mean he isn’t an officer still.. it’s the same difference! Trying to convince the camera or himself?
    Greg didn’t do anything but stay back! But they keep making it seem like he was a mutual combatant.. I hope he fights that closure!! Or files a lawsuit!! This video is an eye opener for anyone who wasn’t totally sure before..

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