Texas Officers Don’t Know The Law – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky12RKf1Ntg&

Brent McCain’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuCxZ5AZc7wopvm-6C_UAtw


Terry v. Ohio: https://bit.ly/3nS9qNL

TPC Chapter 46: https://bit.ly/3hiGdsK (This covers all the open carry laws discussed)

Illinois v. Gates: https://bit.ly/3mKXnjT

cops, police, informed citizen, cops,officers,police,first amendment,audit,rights,protest,activism,activist,owned,destroyed,recording,filming,citizen,sovereign,constitution,constitutional,cop owned,pd,know your rights,informed,citizen,informed,attorney,journalist,review,cop,officer,sergeant,Big Nick,accountability, ben shapiro, news now, first amendment audit,amagansett press,1st amendment audit,auditing america,news now california,sgv news first,high desert community watch,news now houston,police fail,anselmo morales,san joaquin valley transparency,photography is not a crime,first amendment audit fail,auditor arrested,walk of shame,pinac news,1st amendment audit fail,highdesert community watch,public photography,furry potato,cops triggered,record the police,copwatching,police accountability,government accountability,police intimidation fail,photography is not a crime,civil rights act,california constitution,sovereign citizens, sovereign citizen owned


26 thoughts on “Texas Officers Don’t Know The Law”
  1. It wild that anyone would have any real problem with this interaction. It’s life people interact and this is one of the better interactions I’ve seen on this or any other channel, give the situation.

  2. I think the sheriffs office did a great job! I think the citizen did a great job as well. The deal is…if someone breaks in my house I’m calling the sheriff and not Mr McCain. Great video.

  3. It takes lawyers nearly a decade to study law effectively. Those who enforce the law are just thugs that are expected to murder multiple citizens before they do so in such a way that a laywer is able to hold them responsible for their criminal behavior.

  4. You are 100% wrong in your interpretation of Terry V Ohio. That officer had reasonable suspicion that they were "about to" commit a robbery. So yes, they have to have suspicion of a CRIME. Not just they think someone is acting strange as you seem to imply. The bullshit grade this cop got is why I stopped watching ATA for a long time.

  5. I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! You are a pioneer to a movement empowering citizens, and at the forefront of what I believe is a pivotal point for our nation. The land of the free somehow turned into the land of the incarcerated. In recent decades, the only programming widely available, documenting interactions between law enforcement and the public, was the show "COPS". Having only these representations as a reference when faced with an encounter with law enforcement, many people, like myself, were simply unaware of their rights. Those that were more informed often lacked one or more of the crucial components necessary to understanding the "totality" of all things applicable (statutory law, case law [both state and federal] in the applicable districts, as well as other mitigating factors that not only apply, but could possibly apply. Compiling the video footage along with all the applicable factors, as they apply in the right context, of the right district, is time consuming to say the least. I first discovered your videos about 8 months ago. After watching every video you created I went back and studied the one's from my state (Texas) specifically, as those provided me with the information that applies directly to me. On June 28th of this year, my affinity for your pension to cover both sides of the encounters with accurate, and practical citations paid off for me in a huge way. I'm self employed and took two major hits in a small period of time that took me from flush with cash, to a point I couldn't pay a $400 traffic ticket. The inability to pay the ticket left me with a class C misdemeanor bench warrant. When I was approached in a parking lot, by a police officer on that evening, had I identified myself, my situation would likely have gone from bad, to very bad. My only family within 1,000 miles left for a vacation out of the country the day prior. (IE my only guaranteed access to bail was not available) Due to the failure to appear on the traffic ticket, on top of the ticket itself, a PR (personal recognizance) bond was unlikely at this juncture and I faced the likely scenario whereby I would be required to "sit out" my fine in jail. This would have consisted of up to 8 days in jail. Additionally, my car would have been impounded, leading to fees of roughly $900 to retrieve my car, money I did not have at the time. Furthermore, my dog would have ben placed in a pound. With the serious overcrowding in the animal shelters and the fact my dog is a pit bull, there stands the very real possibility he would have been euthanized by the time I was out of jail. The reason for the encounter with the police stemmed from a false report made by an unscrupulous citizen. I did absolutely nothing wrong. Had I not been enlightened by your thorough explanations of all factors in play, I would have likely provided my ID when asked, and likely have been arrested on the warrant, which would have likely caused my to lose my vehicle, and more importantly, my pup, leaving me in a situation where I would be highly stressed at the least, to one where I was homeless, whiteout so much as a car to sleep in, and without my pup. A situation that could easily land me as a statistic in the land of the incarcerated. Not only did I avoid all of that, I requested the body cam footage, and in 2 months the video I put out, along with other channels that used it, have topped 1/2 million views already. My 37n minute interaction with the officers has in turn enlightened others to their rights. There is no telling how big of an impact you have had on this nation, but it is nothing short of monumental, and likely of an epic proportion. There are no words to show my gratitude for your positive impact on mankind. EPIC! THANK YOU!!!!

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