Mount Hope PD Part 2: Officer Breaks Jaw of Arrestee and Leaves Him – Everything Law and Order Blog

Update on the Mount Hope (West Virginia) police officer from last week’s video, who is reportedly suspended now. New information has been pouring in from that small community, and there’s more to come, so do subscribe….

Listen to the details about what happened to 20 year old Nathan, who was introduced to that same officer’s right hook while handcuffed, then abandoned in another officer’s cruiser, who had no idea why he was there….

Read the police reports and see some of the medical records at the link:

Last week’s video:


26 thoughts on “Mount Hope PD Part 2: Officer Breaks Jaw of Arrestee and Leaves Him”
  1. In Genius the sequence of creation includes all the plants with notation for each that it is GOOD! Further nothing was created by any other than with the Word. But of the agents of law He accused "You have made your law out to be My law. So the West Virginia Pharasies, Sagusees, Chiapas's spout their fraudulent law whereas their voices truth.

  2. I’m a pharmacist so according to this logic, all I have to do is dispense the wrong medication to a patient and possibly causes injury and I will get suspended with pay? oh wait I don’t have qualified immunity.

  3. Do we as citizens have any rights to allow us to defend against unlawful arrests?? Or do we just have to be arrested and have to go through the whole process and can only sue for unlawful arrest.

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