Officer Gets Qualified Immunity After Killing Innocent Homeowner – Everything Law and Order Blog

In June of 2016 in Henry County, Georgia. Police sergeant Patrick Snook arrived at the wrong house and shot and killed the innocent homeowner, William David Powell, standing in his driveway. Sharon Powell, his wife, fled a federal civil rights lawsuit alleging excessive force against the officer. The Northern District of GA ultimately granted Summary Judgment in favor of the officer, granting him qualified immunity from standing trial in the civil case. She appealed to the 11th Circuit, which issued a published opinion on February 8. Here’s the full opinion, which you should read. Below I will post my takeaways and the basic law on police shootings. #lawenforcement #excessiveforce #lawyer

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34 thoughts on “Officer Gets Qualified Immunity After Killing Innocent Homeowner”
  1. sio basically the courts have given their blessing for cops to murder whoever they want wherever they want by just lying about the fact that they duidn't have enough time. well there you go – become a cop if there are people youwant to get rid of someone ie" legal murder" More murderers should think about this if they dont want to go to jail for their action! what else could a criminal ask for carrying out crime under the cover of a blue uniform and a badge.

  2. So basically if you don't know who it is as a citizen open fire on the person just like the cop did and your found not guilty of killing the cop because he didn't identify himself right this is what the cop did ?

  3. Nota single public employee needs a union, unions suck.
    I was 14 in 73, a union member and had to pay the AFLCIO 25 bucks a month for minimum wage $1.90 an hour, non unionworkers made 25 bucks a month more when 25 bucks was a hell of a lot of money in 74'

  4. Citizens always get screwed by qualified immunity

    This video shouldn't surprise anyone and the court ruling shouldn't shock anyone

    And no person or organization can do anything about this failed unjust Supreme Court decision

  5. If this was a civil mater why would cops create this dangerous situation for themselves and others by I'm assuming serving civil papers or whatever in the middle of the night in the dark instead of during daylight hours. And why would any responsible gun owner go outside of their home armed if they thought something might be going on that would result in them having to use their firearm. Why didn't they stay inside and call the Police because had they gone outside and shot someone on their property they would more than likely be facing murder charges. No responsible gun owner goes outside armed, you stay inside your home and call the police. There is plenty of blame to go around here, as far as the homeowner knew it could have been someone outside just out looking for their dog in the dark and maybe they had a cell phone in their hand and the homeowner thought it was a gun and accidently shot him. Just saying

  6. The part I don’t understand is HOW are the officers “acting in an official capacity” if they are at the wrong address? If you’re not in the correct place to execute your mission, how can you possibly complete your mission? You can’t. You’re literally, physically, outside the scope of the mission. Why is it, if the officers yelled a warning even a factor, when they never should’ve been in that place to make that decision?

  7. I have so many questions first where was he shot and what direction was he facing holding the gun up if it wasn't towards the officer the officer had more than enough time to announce his present discount sounds like another cop with a rifle in his hand this time took a beat on this man

  8. The lawsuit had the WRONG claim! The claim is that the right to keep and BEAR ARMS shall not be infringed. The victim had every right to do what they did and murder by a supreme citizen was not a proper response.

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