Rittenhouse Trial Closing Arguments – Legal Analysis – Everything Law and Order Blog

Closing arguments today in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Post-trial legal analysis. Also, the firearms possession count – count 6 – was dismissed by the judge prior to closing arguments beginning. The evidence is closed and attorneys for each side gets to make their arguments to the jury. Here’s my take….

Live at 7:00 p.m. ET.

Freedom is Scary – Ep. 83

#RittenhouseTrial #LegalAnalysis #ClosingArgument


43 thoughts on “Rittenhouse Trial Closing Arguments – Legal Analysis”
  1. What would've happened to Kyle Rittenhouse had he not had a firearm? Well, he wouldn't have felt quite so emboldened to pursue, or instigate, a fight. He would have behaved differently and, almost certainly, not found himself in a situation where he felt his life was in danger.

  2. They targeted Kyle because they thought he was weak. The pack gave chase with intent to do Kyle harm. Kyle was steadily in retreat from said pursuers. Only then, when they were about to attack did Kyle defend himself. We all watched the footage numerous times. Great critique John!

  3. In a Country of Lies… Truth & Justice is Treason! How about the Murder of Ashli Babbitt by Capital cop Lt. Michael Byrd? When is Michael Byrd's Trial? Oh… they investigated themselves! Where is the Equal Justice!

    Let's Go Brandon! The Law has been Weaponized to Destroy You!

    The USMC teaches you there is no such thing as a "Fair Fight". You take advantage of everything you know, have, and can reach! Improvise, adapt, overcome!

  4. I can't believe a group of seemingly intelligent people are discussing a made for tv trial as though it is real. Nothing on tv is real! NOTHING! Real stories do not get 24hr coverage like this. Only the ones that are carefully choreographed. You are watching actors. I realize this sounds crazy, but if you look into the psyop business you will understand. It's all done for a reason. You do not even realize that you are like the people in 1984 discussing the daily changing war. Thank you

  5. When I was empaneled in a jury in Tucson, AZ, the judge instructed us that we had to reach a verdict only on the presented evidence. The judge clearly stated the opening and closing arguments Were Not Evidence and should not influence our deliberations.

  6. Being a cheese head I can tell you with certainty that it would not matter where you were from if you had taken this case.
    Yout experience as a civil rights lawyer would be more than enough, and would have gained the support of millions in this state.

  7. It's good to hear a sane voice coming out of your far left bias woke country. Where your left wing media are given a free pass to lie on a daily basis to their left wing audiences.

    But again. That jury has been identified. And they fear the mob should they acquit.

  8. I am a Brit.

    And l very much worry about a bias jury.

    They will all be identified by the left (and they know it).

    If they acquit, their life's + the life's of their families will end. Their houses, businesses, cars ect will burn.
    And the cops will do nothing as usual.

    But if they convict.
    They will make lots of money from the interviews that will follow.

    That jury should have attended via zoom & a law passed with SEVERE penalties for anyone who dares to identify them.
    As identifying them can result in their death.

    So l worry about a fair outcome. This trial has all the hallmarks of the Floyd case

  9. The Prosecutor Throughout his Questioning was @ the "Ready To Fire" Positioning with his body turned & Hands & Fingers Pointing as If He was Gonna Break Out into an Elvis Presley Tune! Perfect Hair cut for this Pinhead! Only in Closing did he Affirm his body positioning during trial = He Now Physically picks up the AR-15 & Points it Directly @ the Jury With a finger on the Trigger! NEVER, EVER POINT A WEAPON @ ANYONE EVEN IF YOU KNOW IT IS NOT LOADED FFS! What A Maroon, as Bugs Bunny once opined!

  10. If this isn’t self defense then under what set of circumstances would you be able to defend yourself? If Kyle was BLM member would the DA pressed charges? I think not. And the people that attack him would have been charged with crimes where applicable and a BLM member Kyle would probably be heralded as a hero. The way I see it we are to far apart in our thinking to get along. Even if Kyle is found not guilty the message is loud and clear; if you oppose Antifa or BLM and their ideology and even try to defend your self or property you will suffer maybe even die .

  11. If Kyle is convicted, this will set a scary new standard for self defense:
    i.e. if you defend yourself, don't get caught, don't call the cops, and leave no witnesses
    This won't end well 😬

  12. Guns scare me,as I live in UK and we have different law to America concerning guns,so I haven't been brought up around…
    From the 1st video I saw of Mr Rittenhouse being chased down by Rossenbaum,my 1st thought was self-defence…the more the case went on the videos I saw and heard both sides defence and prosecution I still hadn't changed my mind,but when Mr Rittenhouse got on the stand everything fell into place from what the defence had been saying and made the prosecution make less sense what they had been say,well what can you say about prosecution witnesses,I had to keep reminding myself they were prosecution witnesses not defence…
    That boy carried that gun all night,the only time he used it was when Rossenbaum chased him,and when that mob chased him down and attacked…
    Gaige has even on TV after being in court and stated he never pointed the gun at Mr Rittenhouse…under oath he said he did…but didn't he say in statement to the people lice he dropped his gun…
    He dropped his gun,he point it at Mr Rittenhouse,he didn't point it at Mr Rittenhouse,how many time can one change the story,
    Mr Rittenhouse has never changed his story …

  13. @Alisia Marie

    rioteers have shot and assaulted plenty of Americans, many shots were fired in Kenosha that night alone, each being a felony. To act as if they were of no danger to the public is both asinine and ignorant of the actual events. Did you know Arson of an occupied bldg gives you the cause to shoot to be killed?

  14. they are lucky it was Kyle and not me, I can't run so I would have to clear an exit path, I would have mag dumped and reloaded, Ziminski should have caught a round too, brandishing like he did, hopefully one that ends his porn career

  15. just in JURY NULLIFICATION comment scrubbed –
    keep that in mind when you go pro se
    neither the judge nor lawyers will tell you its an option for the juries
    as its the ultimate power of the people.

  16. I find it ironic that prosecutors are holding a 17 yo untrained kid being attacked by several people to a far higher standard than they would hold an trained, adult, leo to. Your close was far better than those I heard in the actual trial today.

  17. Not only is the expectation of taking a beating ridiculous but trying to fend off an attacker in close combate with your fists while a firearm is on your person is way more dangerouse than just pointing the weapon to deter a fight. Don't know how high the prosecution is but the threat when a gun is present of engaging in hand to hand combate isn't just a beating but irresponsibly giving a crazy person a greater chance at grabbing a gun, killing kyle and attacking others.

  18. I think today went as good for kyle as it could have minus a few nitpicks. The prosecution was monumentally bad and Richards did surprisingly really well despite his track record and prior blunders in this trial.

  19. video evidence says it all…
    question : was it self-defence
    prosecution : he has duty to retreat… ( oh he took the wrong route of escaping an attacker… so he is guilty )
    oh and an unarmed attacker cannot kill anyone…. just take the beating and hope for the best..

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