Officers Arrest Good Samaritan After Aiding Crash – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

The Life & Liberty Law Office’s channel:


CRS 18-8-115:

CRS 18-8-102:

CRS 18-8-104:

CRS 18-8-610:



49 thoughts on “Officers Arrest Good Samaritan After Aiding Crash”
  1. The other year i saw a guy flip his vehicle grand theft auto style. Surreal to see a vehicle flipping through the air past me not side ways but front ways as it were. I immediately pulled into someone's driveway, called 911, and started heading to the vehicle. Remember, we were going in opposite directions at high speed, so there was a fair distance between us. The 911 operator was getting annoyed with me that i wasn't immediately with the guy. He kept asking me about his condition and i kept saying im not there yet.

    The guy was banged up but fine for having flown through the air. His vehicle had landed right side up. But the door was stuck. Very quickly the fire department was there and we were pulling his door open. In the meantime, his engine had caught fire, which in no way upset the FD guy. I was duly concerned but kept pulling. We got him out, and the FD put out his vehicle.

    The other interesting thing was they found a handgun in his car. The trooper did not want custody of it. The guy seemed drunk but he could have just been really dazed from his flight. I didn't mention that because i didnt really know one way or the other and figured the trooper would figure that out on his own.

  2. Yo, EMT here: Way to turn an accident with one physically injured patient into a situation involving two physically injured people plus a number of emotionally injured persons, including the original patient. It's extremely stressful to try and keep a patient calm and their spirit up while there's onlookers around, even moreso if a fight breaks out in the vicinity. The original accident victim now has an additional stressor to deal with and everyone at the scene will now be disincentivized from ever helping another person in need. Great job all around. Tampering with evidence my ass. That $290,000 settlement does not send the right message and cannot undo the harm done. The officer should at the very least have been fired. The fact that the city still covers this behavior up is enraging to say the least. We want people to feel free to help one another at all times, and we want them to be happy at the sight of emergency responders arriving at a scene. This cops' actions and the support by his superiors have done a great part in ruining the trust in calling 911 and providing first aid. This is infuriating.

  3. I've witnessed a drunk driver have a major crash .. me and some other guys helped the two drunk females out of the car.. my ex called 911.. when the state troopers showed up they asked who wanted to speak to them I said no and they completely respected and didn't ask me a single question as I walked away.. how tf could they think this was ok

  4. You wanna cooperate with them even if they are in the wrong, which is quite common, because you don't know what kind of deranged psychosis state they are in. These videos clearly illustrate that there is a serious problem with rouge police officer's who have a very twisted and warped interpretation of the law and the limitations of their powers. Cooperate and don't help them make fools of themselves (they certainly need NO help in that department)

  5. Isn't it Ironic, that the Police pick out the most confrontational person and pursue them during an investigation where there's multiple witnesses? Like you have four other cooperative people but you'll go after the one person who obviously wants nothing to do with you… For what? To make your quota look good? Egotistical police suck! Do your job, there was an accident and you're there to write a report and help mop up the scene sir! geez.

  6. This cop is am idiot. That was not tampering with evidence. What a laughable little wanna be man. He had no right to throw him down on the floor. There should have never been a scuffle. How is it that nothing happened to those officers?

  7. I disagree with the A-. He resisted arrest because he was being illegally arrested. I don't understand why you have to submit to their will even when they're doing something illegal. Why do police get benefit of the doubt and can basically manhandle and injure you and then be like "my bad" after the fact? It seems like their well being has priority over everyone else that's not a cop.

  8. Cops shouldn't be allowed to tell people like girlfriends, wives, family, etc, things like "if he only blah blah" making it look like the guy arrested is the bad guy. They do it either because they want those people to be mad at the arrested person. Does he know the car will be dismissed? Maybe. Does he think it might and wants somebody outside the law to punish the person. Most likely.

  9. Regardless of anything what in the video, I absolutely hate when cops say "it's ok, I'm recording this too" as if there isn't a fee (upwards of thousands per body cam video in some places), a long wait, no control over when the video records video/audio, and cops often cut out parts or outright refuse to give up the video footage. It just sets me off, it's as if cops have never dealt with cops while not being a cop.

  10. Scene is now safe and care is being given to an injured person, everyone is calm and working together.

    Cop shows up and creates chaos and is hell bent on arresting somebody anybody.

  11. Resisting arrest My question would be what exactly is resisting arrest if you grab a hold of me when I'm not looking at you My immediate response will be to jerk away would that be resisting arrest if you threw me to the ground and I caught myself before I got there and pulled the defensive maneuver to keep myself from being injured would that be resisting arrest or simply self-preservation seems like a lot of gray area to me You touch them it's assault they touch you it's good police seems like a double standard to me

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