Kentucky Judge Invalidates All of Governor Bashear’s State of Emergency Actions – Everything Law and Order Blog

Today my colleague from Kentucky, Chris Wiest, received an awesome ruling from the Circuit Court of Boone County declaring that all of Governor Andy Bashear’s emergency orders and actions are unconstitutional and void. The ruling was in the state-court challenge to the governor’s emergency powers executive orders, filed by Wiest on behalf of Beans Cafe’ & Bakery.

Read more, including the Order itself:


21 thoughts on “Kentucky Judge Invalidates All of Governor Bashear’s State of Emergency Actions”
  1. Dude you're a putz. I'm from Kentucky and people are too stupid to be trusted to do the right thing there without an order. These people don't deserve the right to breed much less affect global health..

  2. If i recall correctly this means that Andy has to give everybody in Kentucky a free lick… whereby he gets frogged in the same spot on his right shoulder. The thought being immobilization of said arm, albeit temporary, serves as a reminder not to do it again.

  3. I really like your civil rights videos but you are stepping out of your area of expertise by latching onto irrelevant facts to validate already held beliefs regarding the masks. "This is science" regarding the size of COVID a bacterium is true – however, when you breath, cough or sneeze, the VAST majority of those bacteria are transmitted via droplets. Simple surgical masks greatly reduce the travel area of those droplets when an infected person exhales, coughs or sneezes. So they protect OTHERS from you. N95 masks successfully filter out those droplets. So they protect YOU from others. Those are far more relevant facts and demonstrated science.

    But at this point, it is really just academic. COVID is essentially over for anyone who is vaccinated.

  4. Maybe I missed this but did any population, in any state, rise up and refuse to submit to the political and economic tyranny imposed by corrupt state and federal governments? Any?
    And will there be any negative consequences for those who made illicit profits from this contrived "crisis" and who overstepped their authority? A "no" would be the correct response.
    The problems are much deeper and will continue to get much worse, than the lunacy we have endured over the last 18 months.

    See the Stephen Petty video:

  5. Pretty much all along, whenever any story about someone trying to shame someone else for not wearing a mask has come up, my response to those people has been that if they could smell someone else's fart through the mask they are wearing then the virus particles they foolishly believe they are protecting themselves from can also get through. And no, I can't tell you the precise measurements of every single molecule that composes a fart. But I seem to have this vague recollection that they are larger than the virus "aerosols" in question. And funnily enough there are numerous articles seemingly trying to debunk this. But if there is a credible article out there from a reliable source (i.e. one with a solid reputation for impartiality, with no conflict of interests) that scientifically supports them on a molecular level, I'd really love to see it. Just saying it can't be true and hoping that people don't dig too deep doesn't pass the smell test, pun intended.

    There are also some mask manufacturers (think HEPA) that are marketing their products in a way that misleads people to believe that the material itself is designed to attract and trap particles smaller than what would ordinarily pass through the material unencumbered. If this were true, that truth would've been self evident long before now. And that expert witness would be testifying about what makes it so true instead of what makes it so patently misleading.

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