AtA Radio Show – Episode 2 LackLuster Interview🎙 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Nothing said on this broadcast should be construed as legal advice. I am not an attorney, and you should seek the services of a legal professional for any and all legal issues. The legal topics discussed on this broadcast are designed to be educational and should not serve as legal advice under any circumstances.

This week’s guest is LackLuster. His channel focuses on law enforcement encounters, and is much in the same vein as AtA. You can find his channel here:


38 thoughts on “AtA Radio Show – Episode 2 LackLuster Interview🎙”
  1. Again you can talk about citizens. Knowing there rights. Pls. Ok. Now what. People are still wrongly arrested, falsely charged, lied about in reports, rights violated, shot and killed. SO NOW WHAT. Oh wait. You want bus to report issues to the same people they defend and work for. Oh. And go to court where judges, prosecutors. Side with cops. Because who reports crimes and arrest too.. uh prosecutors and judges 🤦🏻‍♂️.

  2. What are you two talking about. It ‘police’. Have been reverted several times. Hand of times. That’s called. Highway patrol, city cops, state police, Sheriff Dpt. Federal cops. Come on this goes on and on pls. More nonsense

  3. Colorado. Great example. Absolutely Not. City leadership. Should make sure chiefs, commanders, captains and sergeants. Should know. Every officer be aware. Break the law, violate your training. And laws pertaining to rights of citizens, civil rights violations. You will be prosecuted. You should know the laws, be aware of all policies of your department. ZERO EXCUSES ! Period.
    You stated sometimes cops make mistakes. Well do citizens make mistakes. ? Should there rights be violated ticketed. Jailed. Or what.
    Excuses after excuses. I hear you siding with. Why officers aren’t trained correctly. Ok. So leadership is at fault. Somebody in that city is libel PERIOD.

  4. I’ve seen quite a few audit videos on you tube and I have to say that what keeps me coming back to your channel is the insight of you see both points of views ( from the view of the officer to the view of the violators (?). I’ve learned so much of how to protect myself in case of any and all interactions with law enforcements

  5. Not done watching but re how to avoid being labeled as nut jobs or liberal or antifascist (never quite understood how being
    against Nazi ideology is bad but ,,,) I have 3 over arching thoughts but I will share 1 now for brevity, which is … Create your own label – rename yourself.  I hate the term auditor, in part cuz I think the word itself creates some of the negative reaction to the movement.  It implies an adversarial relationship with whoever you are auditing (Like a financial audit for the IRS is something nobody likes – auditors are dicks)  It implies you appear anti cop, anti law and order, you appear like an anarchist … aka a nut job). But the reality is we are the ones MOST in favor of law enforcement… even more than cops (who we are trying to get to obey the law). They need to be painted as rogue outlaws and we need to be painted as honorable keepers of peace and order. People are simplistic and often have a white hat black hat view of the world.. If they view cops as white hats, auditors are gunna be the black hat automatically  I advocate for renaming the entire movement (which aint gunna happen but maybe new “auditors” will call themselves something more positive). Something like Law Enforcement Police, Cop Helpers, Police Defense Force, Policing Support Squad, Good Cop Force, Police Auxiliary Support  Citizen Cops or Community
    Police or Police Enforcers, Police Advocates, BCCs (Bad Cop Catchers or Bad Cop Cops) LEAs (Law Enforcement Advocates), Rogue Cop Detection Squad, the Law and Order Party. Something, ANYTHING, in which the name indicates support for cops and especially GOOD COPS.  But, you may say, that is fraudulent, a lie, false advertising since we are fighting against police. No we are not. We are fighting against BAD POLICING, which has NOTHING to do with good cops, in fact good policing is supported by good cops – which means we are on the same team as good cops.  Bad policing comes from 2 things 1 ) Bad Cops 2) Bad Culture (which includes bad training, bad techniques bad mandates bad leadership bad hiring and accountability protocols etc) So instead of appearing anti cop we wanna appear pro cop anti BAD cop.  Even good cops hate bad cops but the good cops are not powerful enough to stop the bad cops (see the stories of Frank Serpico, Joe Crystal, Michael wood etc etc).  Somehow bad cops and good cops have been made to appear to be on the same team, which makes it appear that if we are against bad cops, we are also against good cops.  But the REALITY is that we are on the same team as the good cops and the bad cops the outsiders ,they are the nut jobs  Good cops need (and WANT) our help, they just can't say they do.. which leads me to me 2 point and 3rd points … (both of which may have greater impact on preventing being labeled as a nut job,,, but those are for next time). Sorry this was so poorly written, but comment sections kinda prohibit nuanced discussion. Great job btw with all you are doing. And a profound THANK YOU.

  6. Why do you keep saying, just give them your id, you can argue it in court? If they end up not charging you with a crime, you won't have standing to argue about the illegal stop, and them intimidating you into showing your ID. Just give them your papers. Show me a court case where someone was detained, forced to show ID, released within 20 minutes. There is none. Because the person loses standing.

  7. I'll never understand why cops hate the Constitution so much, 9 out of 10 times when cops ask "Are you one of those Constitutionalist?" it's said in a derogatory manner as if they loathe and have disdain for The Law of the Land.. The Documentations that our Founding Fathers granted us that allowed America to become the "Land of the Free" yet even though they take an Oath to the Constitution most cops don't even know more than 2-3 of them, usually the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments.. Most previous Military who become cops respect their Oath and treat Auditors a lot better than cops who never served their Country, cops who don't serve in the Military seem to hate the protections We The People have to protect us from tyrants like bad cops..

  8. News Now Houston is one of the most respectful and chill Auditors out there, James Madison and Rowdy are great content, Disorderly Product is.. different but interesting, and one that is changing laws and making a real difference is The Battousai, he's an absolute G and his Sonic Video was one of the first 1A Audits I watched, it completely changed my perspective on The Law, Constitution, and Interactions with LEOs.. Justin Pullian is great in his Fight against Leon Valley, though I don't see it changing much of that corruption until the garbage city representatives get voted out.. Auditing America, Omaha, James Freeman, Tulare, San Jaqeen(too lazy to spell it), Watching the Watchmen, Amagansett Press.. I mean the list goes on and on with great Auditors, I may not agree with all of their Political Views but when it comes to respecting the Constitution, Law, and holding LEOs Accountable we can almost all agree and that's enough for me when it comes to the 1st Amendment.. I watch almost every decently sized Auditor/Activist for the 1st Amendment on YT and absolutely adore those willing to fight for our Rights and Broadcast to the whole world just how crazy America has become!

  9. The use of cellphones and their cameras have allowed for people to anonymously and safely report the abuses of government en masse without the fear of individual retaliation or reprisal of ones individual person. They may try to get one, but they can’t us all. They can cover up some, but they can’t cover up all, they can explain away one or two, but not a thousand…etc

  10. I heard the word journalist, journalism, reporter to many and got me thinking of how i view this channel compare to auditors.

    I see the auditors as street reporters reporting from a warzone, and ATA not as an auditor but as a news anchor who reports to the citizens what the street reporters are streaming, so to speak.

  11. If law has to be "interpreted" by the common man, then it is NOT written properly.
    There is a reason there are 3 story buildings of CRAP so called "laws" written in legalese by BAR traitors, it is an aggravated extortion, kidnapping and murder racket….. They are the definition of RICO.
    Malum en se is law, malum prohibita 95+% of their so called laws, are nothing but dicta, DO WHAT WE SAY OR WE WILL HURT YOU.
    Bullshit…Calling a turd a turd, is called stating the truth……
    Cussing at a traitor felon and terrorist committing felonies IS BEING NICE….. lolol
    Thx for admitting you won't engage questions you don't like….
    Yeah, you defend FREEDOM and the non aggression principle, or YOU DON'T.
    I have still yet to see any auditor commit any crimes, but you see a hell of alot of them taken to court violently even…..AND thousands of sworn servants committing felonies and getting away with it.
    Immunity for committing treason and felonies is in itself treason….
    If anyone is above the law, ESPECIALLY a sworn publicly paid servant, there is no law.
    How about a channel detailing the almost 400 people already cleared by the Innocence project, some falsely imprisoned for 40 years?
    AN arrest is VIOLENCE…..ANY threat duress and coercion they do other than a completely lawful arrest, is VIOLENCE.
    Funny, I do not see a time, place and manner restriction on congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW?
    Can you point me to that in the 1st?
    THAT TAG on your property is NOT YOURS….
    WHY do you have the STATES shit on your property?
    If they can run it whenever they want that treasons the 4th the 5th and breaches the maxims of law……
    They are NOT their roads and highways, they are ours…..
    Try looking up the definition of public roads and highway…..

    Don't talk about covid in the chat, Really?

  12. Wow. You’re quite about falling in between two narratives makes you an enemy of both is an incredible point. I think that really defines our current climate where everyone can be so passionate about their points of view. This was really great content. Great convo. I found a lot of informational and profound statements in this. Thank you.

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