Ma’Khia Bryant Video Legal Analysis – Everything Law and Order Blog

I analyze the Ma’Khia Bryant video according to case law from the SCOTUS and clearly established federal use of force law.


40 thoughts on “Ma’Khia Bryant Video Legal Analysis”
  1. That family have problem. The adult in that family also kicked and attack another lady after knocking her to the ground. If someone charge at my family member with a knife, as a law abiding citizen, I too will use any mean to stop the threat. I’m not a bootlicker, I’m an advocate for police accountability. But this is a shut a clear case.

  2. The video doesn't show this, and obviously this incident didn't begin when the officers arrived. I don't want to argue whether this was or wasn't the case here, because it isn't important to the concept I'm trying to portray, and it definitely won't change the outcome, but; say Ma'Khia was in the midst of trying to defend herself when the police showed up.
    Do we really have the right to defend ourselves if doing so may cause an officer to mistake you for an assailant and shoot you?

    Ma'Khia was in very close proximity to the woman in pink, close enough so that any one of those shots could have hit the lady in pink, entirely defeating the purpose of shooting Ma'Khia in the first place. I do know that police are taught how to avoid cross fire, and I don't believe that was practiced here. I'm also wondering why one officer walked into the line of fire while the shooter was still aiming his fire arm at Ma'Khia.

    While this case may not fit the bill of a typical racial profiling or racist cop case, comparisons have been made between this incident and the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Both Rittenhouse and Bryant were allegedly defending themselves when they attacked people in view of police officers. You can argue whether either of them were actually defending themselves or not, but we do know which one walked past police and which one was shot dead.

  3. The use of force is one thing, the use of "deadly" force is another. Police routinely go to rifle and pistol ranges to sharpen their shooting skills. The Policeman in question, supposedly qualified marksman, could have disabled the victim with a well place round. Deadly force should never be used at al costs. The role of the Police is not to mete out punishment, that is the role of the Courts. The role of the Police is to subdue, arrest and de-escalate dangerous situations.

  4. your analysis is caseinpoint as to why policing in America is fucked beyond fixing. the fact that the police officers are trained to engage with deadly force instead of deploying his other tools and tactics in defense of a knife. a knife. ask a police officer in the UK how they would have dealt with this. all parties would still be alive. they don't walk around with guns. they would probably have used their batons or "Bobby sticks" … and if any old member of the public shot and kill this girl, there would be no question. that person would be thrown in jail.. to think a grown man would be able to assess the situation in seconds and determine deadly force is the only solution is absurd. I wonder if the cop would have still used deadly force had he known she was just a 15 year old girl. and police officers are trained to know the damage a knife can do when held improperly. this girl was holding the knife as though she was about to chop onions not stab a person. a cop from the USA travel to Canada to train my agency on gangs down south..So I know your cops are able to tell just by a person's grip on a knife whether they know what they are doing or if they mean business.
    and Jesus man. you're smoking a cigar while watching a 15 year old's life being ended by a police officer she probably didn't even know was there. the fuck is wrong with your country. I was a sub to your channel but fuck dude. the cigar in this video ..of all videos? I've seen you smoke cigars before but when you're talking about important deep and traumatic cases, you've always kept an air of professionalism.. but here? this is just disturbing and sad and disgraceful. Hope you enjoyed it..

  5. I fully support the Black Lives Matter ✊🏿✊🏾 ✊🏽 concept, & not the movement in its entirety., & I fully support the police officer who rightfully shot the heavyset lady who would’ve stabbed the skinny young lady in pink, & quite possibly the puppy that she was holding.

  6. BLM? unless it's B v B? Bowers v Devitto, no duty to protect; i am of the opinion that "law enforcement" must use deadly-force as a last resort, all those people had to do was get away from the 'KNIFE', because they chose to not get away is their choice/delima; the police should NOT shoot in this instance IF they are properly trained…

  7. You have one problem, Facts, data, statistics and court ruling doesn’t matter to the Fascist Race Baiting Communists. They just want to abolish the police so can form their own enforcers so they can control everyone and especially the people that disagrees with them. They want power over people. So the narrative can never end no matter what’s justified.. As you know, Kyle Rittenhouse is the poster child to stop our ability to defend ourselves. The left doesn’t want you to have that right. When you hesitate to think about your freedom, you’re the one that will be killed.

  8. It is sad she chose to attack someone with a knife. There was no other way to stop her from her attempts to harm or murder another in broad daylight in front of witnesses and officers. Did the protestors miss that?

  9. This is the first time I seen the video and my first thought was, why is he standing around with his hand on his weapon when the one falls to the ground at his feet? I thought at that point he would be going hands on with her since she was within arm's reach. I wonder how much training leos get in disarming someone who has a knife without using their firearm?

  10. I am not a government enforcer fan but in this case the Cop did the right thing… That went quick and there was a lot going on!
    The difference between the cop and you… you would be in cuffs and the state would charge you with everything down to hang nails!

  11. I heard that two of the girls came to the dead girls house to "jump her". If that is true, can the state charge the two girls because, if not for their actions, the girl would be alive?

  12. Basically this is a no-win scenario for this officer. If he didn't shoot Bryant girl in pink would be dead and the community is up in arms blaming him for not doing anything to save her. Shooting Bryant got him the same thing. Basically either way someone was going to be killed that day.

  13. I love your videos. I am in WV as well and plan on calling you should I ever defend myself with my concealed carry. I have uscca but sometimes need more. Thanks for your videos. Tale care.
    Cabell County btw

  14. I'm actually impressed with how quickly and accurately the officer responded–I'm a lifelong athlete and it typically takes thousands of reps to get to where you can diagnose and react with that kind of speed and accuracy–he is extremely well trained (and that is not typical of what I've seen when watching cop shows and bodycam footage). In rational world he is a hero.

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