Panel discussion with me, Jenna Ellis and Michael Donnelly at the Independent Party Convention – Everything Law and Order Blog

Excerpt of a panel discussion with me, Jenna Ellis and Michael Donnelly at the Independent Party Convention on April 10.

Jenna Ellis is a constitutional law attorney, Special Counsel for Thomas More Society, and host of “Just The Truth” TV and podcast. She is also a contributor to Newsmax and the author of “The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution.”

Previously, she served as the senior legal adviser to the Trump 2020 Campaign and personal counsel to President Donald J. Trump. She was a key member of the President’s legal team during the first impeachment and the post-2020 election integrity effort. Ms. Ellis holds a B.A. in journalism and a J.D. from the University of Richmond School of Law. A Colorado native and evangelical Christian, Ms. Ellis was home schooled K-12 and previously taught the legal studies program at Colorado Christian University.

As HSLDA Senior Counsel, Mike serves members in seven states and as Director of Global Outreach, coordinates HSLDA’s support of homeschooling freedom around the world. He is also an adjunct professor of government at Patrick Henry College, where he teaches constitutional law.


33 thoughts on “Panel discussion with me, Jenna Ellis and Michael Donnelly at the Independent Party Convention”
  1. The way this country been in the last 15 months reminds me of pre 1933 Hitler the bigger the lie is easier the people to believe that's how he got the power to not only take over the government but also to lead I'm afraid we are heading that direction if people don't stand up for there civil rights

  2. ALL the Sheeple walk around with mask because the media make them scared, pumping lies and junk science down their throats making them fearful for their lives over a virus with a 98% survival rating.

  3. The Government & Judges have FAILED the US Citizens! I guess I am mistaken in my belief that the Founding Fathers meant for the Citizens to live Free from any oppressive government!
    For the government to work for the people! For the Justice system to be Fair and impartial! For the Constitution and Bill of Rights to be upheld and respected!
    But alas… We have the Finest Government/Politicians/Judges/Enforcers anyone can Buy!

  4. John we Constitutional Auditors are on the front line of this war to hold the Government accountable for Depriving us of our Rights. WE NEED HELP @ the legal level. Call it Triage on the battlefield?

    We need help when injured in order to be healed & placed back into the fight ASAP!

    This fight of our lifetime will only be won @ the Individual level, holding individual local politicians accountable by filming & documenting them in the places we are locked out of.

    Now is the time we need the support of Professionals & Business owners to rise up & support us instead of the false safety & security of Backing the Blue!

    We Are The Pamphleteers of the 21st Century & Millions are Watching!


  5. I'm not affiliated with any party and I never have been. I believe the federal government has only one right, and it is also a duty–to protect my property/person from others. I believe the Constitution can only be properly interpreted as codification of the Declaration of Independence. It doesn't matter to me if 95% of the population supports lockdowns, they still violate my unalienable rights.

    I think we can all agree that a function of protection is emergency powers for a brief period of time, but to me that brief period of time should never exceed 2 weeks. If more time than that is needed it will be evident in that all branches of the government agree and the state legislature has plenty of time to pass an amendment to its constitution to grant a definite extension period. The only exception I can think of to a maximum of two weeks is if most of a state legislature has died as a result of the emergency, and in that case perhaps the state can be temporarily placed under the federal Congress until a new legislature can be elected.

  6. Way to go John!!! You really should have received a standing ovation at one point, but spontaneity is lacking in society as of late. You’re never “ranting,” you’re SPEAKING THE TRUTH and doing it OUT LOUD. This practice was at one time referred to as FREEDOM OF SPEECH and healthy discussion. As for the guy by the white projector screen, he’s WRONG! We the people are NOT OK WITH “IT,” and most have certainly NOT SPOKEN (unlike myself). And “WE” have NOT LOST ANYTHING, like he so willingly attempts to convince people. It’s obvious he THINKS HE’S in “the club.” I’ve got news for him, if he’s not a BILLIONAIRE, he’s NOT IN IT. I watch Jenna every week night on Real America’s Voice, glad you are with her in a meeting. It might be time for you to run for office, if you can stand the pay cut. If The Honorable Governor Ron DeSantis runs for President, maybe you should take his spot and move home. Tallahassee and Palm Beach would be a nice change for a few years. Fight on young brother.

  7. The issue is not who is prepared to confront the "LIES" that Republicans AND Democrats are perpetuating, the issue is do you have a BETTER SOLUTION that is practical, viable, Declaratorial AND Constitutional and actually implementable!

    It is time for AMERICAN solutions to the ISSUES that confront US, not Republican AND Democrat delusions! Solutions that are based upon and abide by "The Charters of Freedom"!

    Time for everyone to JOIN: The Independent Party of the United States of America (Independent National Committee) and/or you can join: The Independent Party of West Virginia which is the affiliate state party in West Virginia.

    We are the future of America, to put America back on to the road to "a more perfect Union", one in which there is actual "Liberty and Justice for ALL"!

  8. the sad truth is the people have been trained to believe that "government" doesn't lie, that the people filling government offices do not lie (cheat, steal); and the corrupt courts/Atty General, with the assistance of the police, shield the liars from prosecution…

  9. 74 and have COPD . Damn near pass out anytime I've attempted to wear a mask . But more than that I do not believe they prevent anything . Except oxygen . Political power grab that is no different than " gun control ". Same shit .

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