Baltimore PD’s Insane AIR Spying Ruled Unconstitutional – Everything Law and Order Blog

This hasn’t been in the news. I just happened to come across the opinion yesterday while doing my usual homework. On Thursday, the 4th Circuit, sitting “en banc,”held that Baltimore Police Department’s Insane and Orwellian mass AIR surveillance program is/was unconstitutional. It’s crazy what they were doing, but not surprising. This is a huge blow to the tyrants….

Read the opinion and more:


22 thoughts on “Baltimore PD’s Insane AIR Spying Ruled Unconstitutional”
  1. I love it when the courts rule of in favor of the people and the constitution.

    Why do police think that everyone is a criminal? Why do they think we're all guilty until proven innocent.

    Abolish qualified immunity

  2. I saw a show years ago now where they had the whole city from the overhead view and resolution was way higher than one pixel per person. It may have been read license plate resolution, it was that good. It was a big room with a huge screen. I think the plane just did a small circle at altitude. It was a "pilot program" and they showed how they solved a crime tracking… Software could tag anything and translucent color it to track it.

  3. Gee, what a surprise, when the judges movements are tracked every second, they suddenly find a 4th amendment applicable.
    Speeding again, judge, at the bar again, judge, didn't go straight home like you told the wife, judge ?

  4. Here in Seattle did as well it began after the latest Muslim holly day on August and just recently stop due to weather and you should see how many drones were at night with there blinding light aim at vehicles.

  5. I guess you don't know then that this is now going on all over the USA and Europe and has been ramping up since Biden took power? It is being carried out by a variety of military and Police aircraft and was first spotted over Mar-a-lago and the Maricopa election audits. MilSpec Monkey has been tracking this and when the aircraft flies in a tight circle, they are masquerading as a cell tower and sucking up all the information. Here is one of the first times spotted in May 2021 before the perfect circles started.

  6. That's very weird that you have this video on YouTube at this time. The reason I say that is because I live in a no-fly zone in Las Vegas Nevada but have, in the last few months noticed that there are numerous helicopters flying around in the skies here all day long. I have lived at the same address for 34 years but have only recently noticed it and was telling a neighbor the other day that I've been trying to get a number for the Air Traffic Control at the Harry Reid International Airport here in Las Vegas to see if I can find out what this is all about. It just seems very suspicious that they fly around and hover in areas which disturbs my peace when trying to sunbathe in my backyard. If I find out anything, I'll let you know.

  7. I heard about this years ago. They were doing it in Ohio. There are people that track radio transmissions and tail numbers on planes. They definitely didn’t let anyone know about it

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