Federal Judge in NY Blocks Mandate – Everything Law and Order Blog

A federal judge today temporarily blocked New York state from enforcing a V. mandate on health care workers who seek or obtain a religious exemption. Here’s the Complaint, filed by the Thomas More Society on behalf of numerous physicians and other health care professionals who are acting under pseudonyms.

Federal Judge in NY Blocks State Mandate

The WV AG opinion: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2021/09/13/wv-attorney-general-opinion-arguing-mandates-are-unconstitutional/


43 thoughts on “Federal Judge in NY Blocks Mandate”
  1. Your argument with YouTube vis-a-vis “legal advice vs medical advice” is valid.
    However, people have conflated a public health/safety issue with a political one. There are exceptions to our rights. I worked as a commercial pilot for 35 years and against our objections random drug tests of flight crew members was ruled to be legal. It was ruled that public safety outweighs the individual right of each crew member. In addition, many industries already require vaccinations.

    Like everyone else, I too want to return to, as much as we can, the pre-pandemic normal. The quickest way to do that, and there is historical precedent that shows us, is for the entire population to get inoculated. Protect yourself, your family and community and get the vaccine. It’s the patriotic thing to do.

    I would rather see you spend your time and considerable talent on a host of other issues, ending Civil Asset Forfeiture for example, ending or greatly restricting Qualified Immunity is another.

  2. I'm not sure about this attorney anymore. He is now representing the mayor of a small town in west virginia who has been in a lot of trouble in the last few years. Long story short he's representing the ones who are violating other people's rights. That's very weird and suspicious to me and some other people in the area I've spoken with. Why defend the people who violate peoples rights? Of course it's too soon to say, and there is more to the most recent circumstances than we know right now but something I don't like about this

  3. Everybody should identify as a "VaXX-n8ed Individual" going forth. If religious exemption is over-ruled, one still needs an out.
    Never consent… Never comply… Never surrender.
    Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is a constitutionally-protected inalienable right.

  4. There is no such thing as misinformation. There is information or there is not. Some information is relevant and some is irrelevant. This kind of censorship by those that are seeking to control the world is exactly why I am looking for another video sharing platform to move my subscription to. I no longer wish to support YouTube or any of the Alphabet companies although I do wish to support content creators such as yourself.

  5. You should create an Odysee account and post videos there. You could actually post it to YT and by setting up the link, it will automatically cross post to Odysee in short time. It will never be removed from Odysee, even if it removed from YT.

  6. Unfortunately here in Washington state the AG Bob Ferguson and the Governor Jay Inslee cover for each other. They want to control everyone except the homeless that are overrunning our state.

  7. My wife and I are "Fully" Vaccinated, what ever that means, but I do not look down on anyone who does not get Vaccinated.

    Almost ALL of my friends that have been VERY sick from Covid-19, have been fully Vaccinated. One of my friends came so close to dying in the Hospital, the doctors gave him 1% chance to make it.

    I am glad I have been Vaccinated, but it is like a mask, it is only a tool. Vaccinations have proven that it is NOT a fail safe protection, seen it with my own eyes.

    I am careful how I live, do not believe Vaccination is going to save me, not even 50%.

  8. Are you following the lawsuits that have been filed for the murder of thousands of people that were administered Remdesivir in hospitals and nursing homes? GOOGLE/ YOUTUBE/ ALPHABET ALSO NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR COMPLICIT PART THEY'VE PLAYED IN THESE MURDERS, BY CENSORING INFORMATION THAT COULD HAVE SAVED LIVES

  9. The only mention in the constitution regarding religion is in the first amendment and it prohibits the government from establishing a religion by law and provides for the free exercise of religion, any religion. If your religion requires you to kill others and killing is unlawful the laws are about killing not religion otherwise you could get a religious exception to kill. The mandates are about public health not religion. A person doesn't have to be a lawyer to understand that.

  10. A nationwide group is needed for c19 jab decliners. I was employed with one of the largest political campaigns in US history. I’m helping form one. My username is same on alternative platforms

  11. Beware! Judicial are exempt from the jabbers. This is likely a ruse to keep people thinking something is being done legally which will save us from the tyranny. And the people wait and do nothing.

  12. The Government is using the Color of Law to Control Society.
    The police are usually the ones who use the Color of Law to get away with their crimes against people’s rights.

    What is meant by color of law?
    Color of Law refers to demonstrating an appearance of having legal power to act out that is in violation of law.

    For example, if a police officer’s act out the "color of law" he/she is implying they have the authority to arrest you “without probable cause”, which is a violation of law.
    Using the Color of Law is a Crime.

    The government is implying they have the authority over your life.

    This was a Dilettante Presumption Theorem: All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed do not necessarily reflect official positions or views or any other entity, past or present. Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting or implying endorsement of interpretations and factual statements.

  13. My dr insisted I get it, and after the 1st shot, within a few hrs, I had a 103.9* fever, and had it for several days, and a fever for about a week and a half. After the 2nd shot, my temp only went up to 102.3, and I had a fever for about a week. Both times I had flu symptoms the whole time I was fighting with having a fever. It was awful!! I wouldn’t have gotten it if my dr didn’t insist on it (which he didn’t with everyone. I just have 6 chronic health conditions, so I’m extremely high risk!)

  14. It’s a shame that we as Americans have no rights to freedom of speech, freedom of opinion or freedom to say as you wish, YouTube continues to strike for constitutional rights, I do hope they hurry up and have a new sight that doesn’t sensor for what we have a right to say!!!

  15. Is making a medical decision a fundamental right? WV St Atty Gen opinion P. 8 .- State v Burnett, 93 Ohio St.3d 419, 2001-Ohio-1581, p. 11, "when evaluating whether substantive due process protects an unenumerated right, the question, as articulated by Justice Scalia, is whether the asserted right is “ ‘so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked fundamental.’ ” Michael H. v. Gerald D. (1989), 491 U.S. 110, 122, 109 S.Ct. 2333, 2342, 105 L.Ed.2d 91, 105, quoting Snyder v. Massachusetts (1934), 291 U.S. 97, 105, 54 S.Ct. 330, 332, 78 L.Ed. 674, 677 (Cardozo, J.).

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