Out of Control Task Force: No Warrant, No Paperwork, 2nd Lawsuit Filed – FIS 71 – Everything Law and Order Blog

This week we filed a second federal civil rights lawsuit against the Putnam County, West Virginia so-called “Special Enforcement Unit.” This is the same “SEU” guys who were featured in the Dustin Elswick video. This case features one of the victims who came forward after the Elswick video became public. #4thAmendment #PoliceMisconduct #SearchAndSeizure

It involves a young man who was visiting a friend’s house, on his way to go fishing. The SEU just happened to raid his friend’s home, without a warrant, keeping my client in handcuffs for an extended period of time while they searched the house. Apparently they found a small amount of pot in the friend’s house and a couple hundred dollars in cash, which they took. No paperwork documenting the event was ever provided in response to our FOIA requests. There were no criminal charges.

We’re alleging multiple civil rights violations, including unreasonable search and seizure and excessive force, in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Here’s the Complaint, in full:

Another Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed against the Putnam County “Special Enforcement Unit”


41 thoughts on “Out of Control Task Force: No Warrant, No Paperwork, 2nd Lawsuit Filed – FIS 71”
  1. We now have documented cases of police gangs, Goon squad of Memphis, LA county police gang, Goon Squad of Rankin county Mississippi and now SEU of West Virginia. When are federal authorities gonna realize we may have a problem with policing in America

  2. No criminal charges by stonewalling judicial establishment for County Gang Members. Civil federal case concluded with the rouge cops pledging the 5th at their depositions to every question asked and then settled with the victim out of court. NO Accountability or Real Justice, except for exposing them.

  3. seems trouble with task forces is grants expect results don't matter if there good arrests. similar to MADD founded by w women who continued to drive druk herself, grants and awards to cops. yet 99% of the time they run roadblocks accusing every driver 100s of impairment. yet the normal shifts of police patrolling catch really impaired drivers actually driving dangerously the type that kills who are not caught when most cops are at the roadblock

  4. I struggle with how to discuss the police and law enforcement with my children. Of course i encourage my children to be respectful of all people, and to be kind and patient with others when conflict presents itself. But I think it would be foolish to teach my children that the police are to be blindly trusted. The police, like the public and like criminals are very, very human and there is no legitimate difference between them, the criminals and the public. We are much more alike than we are different.

  5. Their cell phones need to be seized by investigators, Cell site analysis on their phone. All officers interviewed at the same time but independently, as to their whereabouts, taskings and duties on the particular dates in question. A judge needs to issue an order for all body cam, work schedules for the officers. I bet they all give different accounts as to what they were doing.

  6. These "special units" seem to be frequently involved in this thuggery when t and wherever they are formed. Please take extra security precautions. You are an American hero! Freedom shouldn't be this scary!

  7. How is this Task force not under federal investigation! These are armed and dangerous thugs with badges. I would say they are organized crime, the next thing you know they will start collecting protection money. Or maybe robbing people is there protection racket.

  8. These pigs are nothing less than armed robbers. They are corrupt and it starts at the top. With all the undocumented incidents they should be charged with home invasion and armed robbery. All their cases should be reviewed and added charges made upon evidence of crimes.

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