UPDATES: Drug Task Force Search Case & Family Court Judge Search Case – FIS No. 58 – Everything Law and Order Blog

On Friday we filed the first of several federal civil rights lawsuits against the drug task force police officers who were caught on video searching my client’s home without a warrant, among other things. I promised to provide more information on this new case. Plus, just today, motions to dismiss were filed by defendants in the Family Court Judge Search Case, also of YouTube fame. We we’ll go over that as well. #CivilRightsLawyer #IllegalSearch #CivilRightsLawsuits

Documents posted in full on the website: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2021/04/19/updates-on-the-drug-task-force-search-case-and-the-family-court-search-case/


40 thoughts on “UPDATES: Drug Task Force Search Case & Family Court Judge Search Case – FIS No. 58”
  1. The evolution of qualified immunity began in 1871 when Congress adopted 42 U.S.C. § 1983, which makes government employees and officials personally liable for money damages if they violate a person’s federal constitutional rights. State and local police officers may be sued under § 1983. Until the 1960s, few § 1983 lawsuits were successfully brought. In 1967, the Supreme Court recognized qualified immunity as a defence to § 1983 claims. In 1982, the Supreme Court adopted the current test for the doctrine. Qualified immunity is generally available if the law a government official violated isn’t “clearly established.”

  2. In very specific situations, suing a judge may very well be possible! Most of the time, however, judges have absolute immunity, which protects them from personal lawsuits. The principle of absolute immunity shields government officials from being sued while they serve in an official capacity, and it extends to judicial officers including court judges.

    In a hypothetical scenario, you have sued your ex-partner for child support and asked the court to provide monetary, declaratory, or injunctive relief in your favour. The family law judge acts with prejudice against you, claiming that you have no right to bully your former lover for money. Immediately, you are infuriated by the judge's decision because she completely ignored all of your evidence and testimony which rightfully proved your case.
    Disgusted by the judge's actions, you ponder whether she acted corruptly and consider taking legal action against her personally. Unfortunately, the doctrine of judicial immunity stops you in your tracks. So, what can you do?

    A civil rights attorney can assess whether a judge's prejudicial action against you potentially violates the law and whether you can sue that judge without running into an immunity roadblock.

  3. I am afraid that the laws in the US are wrong you have different state laws in each state and also federal laws, and you should only have one set of laws for the whole US, what I have seen here is totally wrong I see it all the time on YouTube, police officers doing their own thing and dishing out their own justices no matter what the law states. You have a lot of corruption in the police in the US because there isn't any accountability in any state, over the years this has just gotten worse over the years. This is all down to your Elected politicians who sent your laws, the policies of any organisation are not legal and not laws, you need to start challenging your Elected politicians.

  4. The police DO NOT CARE if someone is autistic or disabled. Trust me. I know. We are going through something now. Police don't know how to use their grown up words. They no banging on doors, no words and yanking people out of their house. And a warrant? Yeah you see that when they are ready. At the end. Thanks for what you do – we need more of you.

  5. I have concrete evidence of conspiracy between a Judge, prosecutor, and transcriber to alter questions and answers from the appellate record before sending transcripts to appellate courts in Florida. Can i sue all of them for civil rights violations? Malicious prosecution, judge practicing law from bench abusively, And I served time in prison for a jury verdict that was against the law and all weight of evidence, in another words i was "Railroaded" and "pirated".

  6. This is way way past a bad day and your normal everyday bad cop. These guys are full blown criminals. This is hardcore rotten bullshit. If these cops aren’t completely prosecuted to the fullest this country is further gone than we can fix. Everyone please pray for these people and their lawyer. Be with them lord and guide them to all the right places and things to help them get full justice. There is nothing better than a really good officer and a really good lawyer. I know there are very few of them but they are the most capable of fixing the bad cop problem. If y’all don’t put up with these bad officers and shut that shit down immediately. It will stop or they won’t last. Either way it’s fixed and the bad ones won’t bring everything down. Stand up to the tyrants. No immunity.!!! Sue the hell out of the criminals!!!

  7. What about a supremacy clause argument that violations of protections secured by the constitution trump claims of judicial immunity because judicial immunity is not "laws made in pursuance of the constitution" but in pursuance of some other motive or object and yet USC sec 1983 was made in pursuance of the constitution?

  8. The waco case as you read it sounds like complete sophistry. The people did not elect tyrants when they elect judges. Simply because a judge is trying to act as a judge under color of law does not mean he is acting judicially at all. But even if he was, the people did not give him that office such that he might be a tyrant to the people. That makes no sense

  9. As far as I'm concerned they committed a burglary and should be charged just as I would if I committed a burglary! How is that not burglary if they don't have a warrant and go in through a window and don't have permission or the circumstances don't require them to enter immediately

  10. Attorney I think it’s extremely u professional to sit and slurp and sipp on a drink and smoke a cigar clearly getting drunk and dragging out what should’ve been a 45 min video into almost 2 hours while you get so drunk you don’t even remember what you’re saying while disrespecting people who live in trailer homes. I mean that was just a terrible video nobody wants to watch or listen to you slurp on drinks for 2 hours. What’s your problem are you that stupid? Geez

  11. Personally I'd said take me to jail before I signed anything although I'm grateful to the dear lord this didn't happen to me cause if one of these POS pointed a weapon at one of my loved ones I'd more then likely been killed I'm so Glad this family was able to keep their witts about them and where able to remain calm and over come their fight or fight instincts

  12. My take away from this video is IF you have hidden cameras in your home make sure you leave a few hundred in cash in the full view of said camera thus way they will/should be charged with a criminal charge where there is no qualified immunity I understand the FBI simply gave these cops a heads up about this video instead of investigating but maybe with enough media coverage you can pressure the prosecutor into actually filing charges

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