Rittenhouse Trial Day 8 Analysis – 5th Amendment Violation? – FIS 80 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Some armchair legal quarterbacking following day 8 of the Kyle Rittenhouse self defense trial in Wisconsin. This is an important firearms related self defense case which illustrates the importance of attorney skill and tactics in jury trial advocacy. There’s been some surprising events so far in the trial, including the testimony of the defendant himself today. In fact, something shocking happened during Kyle’s cross examination which may itself be a constitutional violation. Join me to watch some of it and discuss……

Freedom is Scary Episode 80. Live at 5:00pm

#RittenhouseTrial #SelfDefense #ConstitutionalLaw


41 thoughts on “Rittenhouse Trial Day 8 Analysis – 5th Amendment Violation? – FIS 80”
  1. I'm sorry but I can't watch this. The willful propagandization of this whole case by these assclowns is too disgusting for my taste.

    Edit: Thank you for putting this on display for the people who can stomach it though.

  2. If a skateboard is struck at full force into your
    head it will more than likely kill you, if not you
    will be crippled for life by the injuries it makes
    to your head. Never underestimate a ´simple´
    weapon, a ´simple´ weapon like a shovel has
    put many a man six feet under. @12:10

  3. Hey CRL, i’ve been watching this trial NON STOP. And when Kyle was on the stand i too felt like his lawyers should’ve objected more (not even close to a lawyer but i do know a little bit of how trials go). I started to think that maybe i was just “Monday morning quarterbackin” but after watchin your video you validated my beliefs. That being said, you think there is any chance that Kyle’s lawyers maybe had a feel for the jury already and thinkin they were up a little on the prosecution decided to just let Binger🤡 make more of an ass out of himself with the REDICULOUS questions he was asking and points he was trying to make? 🤞🏼🤞🏼 #FreeKyle

  4. I think testifying made Kyle look bad especially the part about shooting Gage. Hearing Kyle trying to defend that shooting actually makes me believe Gages testimony a bit more. Coming closer to kyle and holding the gun in a way where he can't see the sight lines where it's aimed makes me think he wasn't going to shoot kyle. I understand why kyle thought he was Gage was threatening him, but hearing the prosecutor question him on it made it sound a little less reasonable.

  5. You're looking a lot healthier. Good deal. Keep boosting your immune system.
    These people involved were not "protesting" in the spirit of our unalienable right to redress our grievances without fear of reprisal. The actions of these rioters demands reprisal. Such as; Indiscriminate firing weapons, regardless of intent. Arson. Intentionally causing bodily harm. Especially with the potential of causing death. Assault and battery. Destruction of private property. Conspiracy. And more. One of the "more" is the most egregious criminal act of all. Conducting and partaking in chemical warfare. Using deadly chemicals against individuals to cause harm or death. These combined chemicals were not as a rock that one may find to throw at someone or something. These chemicals where attained beforehand, designed to be mixed and dispersed at people at a time of one's choosing. Indicating without a doubt a conspiracy to commit such a heinous act.
    And what was the intent of every person chasing down and attacking or attempting to attack Kyle? Clearly, for all to see, he was running in the direction of law enforcement. Were these "good citizens" who were exercising their right to protest, who had to break off and chase him to the police so they could make sure the cops knew of what he did? Oh hell no! Hell no is apparent by the multiple attempts to stop him. And why would they do that? So that they could mete out their own ghoulish justice. Of which, that is absolutely clear.
    From the time Rosenbaum elected to pursue Kyle resulting in his own death after time and again threatening to kill him and those with him. To the time Kyle made it to the police to turn himself in. His life was in jeopardy. He did everything exactly right to protect himself from serious harm or death from only those that were a direct threat to him. Motivated by direct death threats that were not as a result of anything that Kyle or his group had said or done.
    And don't even get me started on this SJW "prosecutor!" there is no place in jurisprudence for people like this shyster, failed used car salesman. He should be disbarred and allowed to pursue the only job he's fit for. As a barker outside of the main entrance to a strip club. With that two-bit suit, that dumbass mustache and that over-the-top creepy haircut.
    This prosecutor and dregs of society like him make me so angry!
    I'll stop now. Because we all know that the Bill of Rights is all but dead due to traitors like him.

  6. Whenever there's an event that is broadcast by the mainstream media, globally, the narrative and the outcome has likely already been scripted. In my channel there's a link to a very important documentary on a block chain platform that is not censored (as Big Tech platforms are). That documentary needs to be seen by anyone that values freedom and liberty. The only gain I get by you watching that documentary is satisfaction in other people being made aware of what has been going on for a very long time.

  7. After doing much investigation into the "mass shooting" events that have been instrumental in further infringements upon the rights of the people to keep and to bear arms through hundreds of legislative actions at the state level, this particular event has been another one of suspicion to me. The way in which the defense counsel has allowed the prosecution to turn this event into a trial on self defense makes it all the more suspicious.

  8. Rittenhouse CANNOT be found guilty. The prosecution's own witnesses admitted they pointed a gun at him; video shows Rittenhouse getting hit in the head with a skateboard (that's deadly, by the way); a guy named Ziminski fired a gun first and ordered others to kill Rittenhouse; and another dude stomped on Rittenhouse's head. Rittenhouse clearly was defending himself from a riotous mob and was attacked with force that could cause death or great bodily harm. That means Rittenhouse was justified in using deadly force to defend himself. The fact that the mob fired weapons, destroyed property, burned buildings, and attacked Rittenhouse proves it wasn't a peaceful protest. The jury may actually be directed to find him not guilty because the witnesses against Rittenhouse have already proven he acted in self defense and no reasonable jury could find him guilty.

  9. How can the legal system be so corrupt that despite physical video evidence, testimony from the victim that he pointed the handgun to shoot a 17 yr old kid before the kid aimed his weapon to him, this prosecutor crosses into the realm of official misconduct and maliciousness to make it look like the evidence doesnt exist?

  10. A party was going on one night in Texas. During this party, a man got mad and was asked to leave the party. He left and then returned with a gun and shot the person he had gotten mad at. Another person had tried to stop the man and was also shot. The crowd then began to chase the man down the street with rocks and paving stones, eventually hitting the man and then killing him with a paver stone.
    Kyle killing these other people he calls a mob, were just like the crowd from the party in Texas chasing the shooter and ending the threat.

  11. I have watched pretty much all of the case since day 2 and some of day 1 and if i was on the jury apart from the question of him being there with an ar15 while underage and weather it being illegal because of his age means that all his actions therefore are illegal because of the the illegal action of him being there with a firearm unlawfully , if that in itself isnt an issue then the prosecution doesnt have a case

  12. Wisconsin 939.48(2)(a) (a) A person who engages in unlawful conduct of a type likely to provoke others to attack him or her and thereby does provoke an attack is not entitled to claim the privilege of self-defense against such attack, except when the attack which ensues is of a type causing the person engaging in the unlawful conduct to reasonably believe that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm. In such a case, the person engaging in the unlawful conduct is privileged to act in self-defense, but the person is not privileged to resort to the use of force intended or likely to cause death to the person's assailant unless the person reasonably believes he or she has exhausted every other reasonable means to escape from or otherwise avoid death or great bodily harm at the hands of his or her assailant.

  13. The judge did a better job protecting Kyle's rights than his attorneys.
    This prosecutor is the perfect example of everything wrong with our judicial system. This guy is beyond being a douchebag, this is evil.

  14. Maybe I don’t understand the trial process as well as I thought but why would the defense not even do a redirect? I was waiting for the prosecution cross to finish and the defense to destroy everything Binger brought up..is this normal or is there any benefit to just letting all that bs stand with the jury..idk I thought it was a huge missed opportunity?

  15. Horrible defense…if a policeman did this shooting the police shooting would be held justified. I would not want this Defense team to defend me on a speeding ticket. The defense attys are MIA in this trial.

  16. How did this even go to trial and what kind of lawyer lets his client testify in such obvious cases of self defense? If kyle were a cop the IA investigation would have lasted 3 minutes. We're all under the law, right?

  17. This judge in the case sounds like a half wit nincompoop, like a corporate shill. Former attorneys should be exempt from becoming judges because all of their civic ties and affiliations become a conflict of interest in several ways.

  18. It's very shameful that these prosecutors and other people involved in this case are all related. Then we witness the defense attorney sitting on his hands and muzzling himself. These people should all be fired and denied any future compensation from the city or state and stripped of any pensions and credibility.

  19. Kyle, as a 17 year old, was supposed to know all of the nuances of self-defense and every single sate and federal law and case law yet a cop can be given a free pass with the magic words, "I feared for my life."? So much for equality of the law.

  20. This should have been and open and shut case of self defense where charges should have never been pressed on Kyle. The fact that we have attorneys, judges, and prosecutors that would press this case just shows the vast amount of corrupt individuals in the entire justice system across the board. If there was enough credible attorneys challenging the vast corruption and crimes of the U.S. government the system would have to be halted but it goes on because all B.A.R. attorneys are wards of the courts and likely to allow the crimes and corruption.

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