We sued the Governor Again Monday at the Supreme Court and Now a Ruling – Everything Law and Order Blog

For the third time in recent months we sued the WV Governor. The Supreme Court just put a halt on his appointment to the legislature and ordered him to explain himself.

Read more at:

The Supreme Court issues Order and Rule to Show Cause in Delegate Appointment Case

Original filing, explanation and media reports:

We sue the Governor at the Supreme Court over his failure to follow State law in filling the current legislative vacancy


23 thoughts on “We sued the Governor Again Monday at the Supreme Court and Now a Ruling”
  1. State ex rel. Maynard v. Justice (Signed Opinion)
    Annotate this Case
    Justia Opinion Summary
    The Supreme Court denied the writ of mandamus sought by Petitioner, Chair of the Wayne County Republican Executive Committee, compelling James C. Justice, II, Governor of West Virginia, to select Derrick Evans' replacement replacement from a list of three candidates, holding that Petitioner failed to show a clear legal right to the relief sought.

    Kind of sad.

    But when this video was posted 1 year ago, the results were long settled? Maybe the “1 year ago” is just inaccurate rounded off value.

  2. This is why I adore you! (I cant usually stand the republican party at the top-way too corrupt-just like the dems-LOL And most repubs at the bottom are either 1) out for their own financial interests $$$ or 2) family tradition to be repub or 3)5th grade level bottomed out on logical thinking’s-Nice people just kinda slooow. ). But Civil Rights and The process and checks and balances are for everyone! I support the constitution in general even tho I would rewrite a few things personally like the 13th amendment which is disgusting, etc. I tend to be a bleeding heart, tree hugging liberal/progressive/very leftist anti-theist in general, but who also supports the 2nd amendment fully. So a rare breed indeed. But power and corruption MUST be kept in check and good for you to be one of the defenders of freedom! Because that is for all us citizens-even the super conservative dolts. And if they want a conservative person in that spot-let them choose one. I am honestly friends with some very conservative thinkers but the minute if they ever express any racism they are outa my life! That shit is too much.

  3. I’m so glad I found you sir. My entire family is in Wayne county Lawrence county or boyd county. We moved to wood county and unfortunately at this point it’s a little better than right now in KY.

  4. These clowns can be fired just like anyone else who screws up in their jobs, if they will not follow the laws then they need to be gone seeings how they expect ordinary citizens to go by the laws

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