Suppress Dissent and Criminalize Opposition – FIS Live No. 40 – Everything Law and Order Blog

We all see what’s happening around us. When has it happened before where dissent has been suppressed and political opposition has been criminalized? The similarities are eerily similar. Freedom is Scary Live Episode No. 40.


32 thoughts on “Suppress Dissent and Criminalize Opposition – FIS Live No. 40”
  1. @The Civil Rights Lawyer may I suggest an investigative documentary on January 6th. You may have already seen or heard of it. Search for "Psy-Op the Steal" by Millie Weaver on her website. You'll gain a better understanding of who and what happened on the 6th

  2. oh NOOOO.. i have zip ties… does that mean I'm a criminal for tying up my fence? lol just kidding… that's really stupid.
    it's hard for me to grasp those who are so ignorant and or stupid to just allow others to rule them. question everyone and everything always forever never just go along or one day you will be sucked in spit out and labeled a criminal with no fact and or truth..

  3. You may want to look up 20 TYT videos on the topic, then do the research, to know who is oppressing who and who is false flagging who. …..or do you get your news only from cable TV???
    Talk about supressing dissent: all non-cable-news news in youtube is DEPRIORITIZED DEEPLY for americans ONLY. This happens in no other country!!!!

  4. The cops ABANDONED a police stations after transfering things they want from it and making sure reports of police violence burn, having insurance against burning it specifically, knowing their agitators would burn it and they would use that act to BRUTALLY repress the peaceful BLM protesters IN BULK and not the counter-BLM white rioters with fully hidden faces…

  5. There were more arrests in BLM protests, of peaceful protesters while the counter-BLM rioters were NOT arrested, by a factor of x100 and x1000. Journalists were shot with rubber bullets for permanent injury by the hundreds, those who potested "but we are journalists!" were SHOT AGAIN and medics were treated the same so people STAY wounded. YET you ignore these???

  6. Excellent show… Your observations are 100% correct, thanks for the exacting history intertwined with todayโ€™s events.

    As a former LE,I have been in the security detail of Presidents and Vpโ€™s. When they stay at any hotel they get all kinds of threats are called in including bomb threats. Non of these things are run down, just reports taken and move on.

  7. This video is so so important! I've shared it everyone I can think of who may not know or are misinformed about what is actually going on right now …maybe because they only hear from the mainstream media or they're too busy and focused on other things.

  8. .
    Cop-calling culture out of control.

    Cop-callers, and those that promote require swift wake-up call, by any means necessary, not to exclude businesses that promote cop-calling culture via allowance of illuminated municipal billboard signage in their parking lots flashing: "See something, say something".

    Fact: businesses owners and property agents allowing municipal billboards at their location in flashing any โ€˜marxist mantraโ€™ will experience a serious rude awakening via social media backlash, call-flood, catch-22. See, Sir Isaac Newtonโ€™s Third Law of Physics.

    Myself systematally counter cop-callers, and those that promote with precision, meticulously and relentlessly. Adage: โ€˜All is fair in love and warโ€™, Tally-ho.

  9. Speaking of the domestic terrorist supporting FBI cover up agemcy who still refuses to release the 80 plus videos it seized at and around the Pentagon on 911 which would show what really happened to the Pentagon, I'd love your take on the ongoing lawsuit filed by Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth.
    Then there's also all the stonewalling in Architects and Engineers attempts to seat a grand jury in NYC.

  10. Hope that kid has a place to live after he turned his father into the FBI. Prob didnโ€™t think that far ahead though. He likely figured heโ€™d get to keep his fatherโ€™s house for himself and Biden would pay the rent, give him $2000/month and heโ€™d live in paradise.

  11. Friend told me that there's a Democrat politician who was on CNN stating that Republicans need to have their children taken and themselves sent to re-education camps- was that for real?๐Ÿ‘€

  12. How is shutting down hate speech, racism, threats, and insurrection an attack on conservative voices…Is this what they stand for? Antifa is bad but Neo-Nazis' are good conservatives? I don't see people getting shut down for calling for a smaller government or fiscal conservatism. Now so called conservatives are calling on Big Government to interfere in the free market so they can propagate hate?

  13. Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It's the argument of tyrants and the creed of slaves.

    People genuinely believe if we all just social distance, wear the mask, take the vaccine, we'll one day get back to normal.ย  This isn't going to happen ever.ย  The elite and their minions keep telling us over and over what they're gonna do. Unfortunately, most people aren't listening.ย 

    "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world." – Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

    Only way to stop this scripted slow motion march towards a global fascist technocracy is if everyone takes off their mask and refuses Bill Gates "final solution".ย  We know that isn't going to happen.ย  They've done too good a job distracting. Too good a job dividing. Too good a job dumbing us down. And most importantly, too good a job brainwashing us. Barring some sort of mass awakening or miracle, we've already lost. It's just a matter of time.

    When the vaccine is approved, the media and politicians will pave the road to hell on earth with good intentions. First to get the shot will be the elderly and front line workers. The so-called "heroes" of this psychological operation.ย  Next will be the non-critical thinkers who desperately want the shot. These are the same people that run around calling everyone that questions anything a "conspiracy theorists". Then they'll use coercion to get people sitting on the fence and critical thinkers who aren't dumb enough to take an experimental vaccine. Finally, they will go after the holdouts. The so-called "anti-vaxxers" who've done their homework and know the truth and people that understand the difference between morality and conformity, freedom and tyranny.

    The media will do what they do best (divide – distract – deceive) and turn the people that have taken the shot against those that haven't. The holdouts will be blamed for why we can't get back to normal. Eventually, the holdouts will be declared terrorists by the state and militaries (order followers/conformists) all over the world will hunt these people down like animals and kill them. Some will be captured and sent to camps where they will be tortured and put through re-education. Those killed will be the lucky ones.

    The first vaccines released will likely be relatively harmless to most people. Steralization is a high probability.
    They won't want these people dropping over too soon and scaring everyone. However, if people do start dropping dead, they'll just blame the virus not the vaccine.

    The power to stick a needle in everyone's arm is the power to play God with the population of the world. Once they set the precedent for mandatory vaccines, they can pull the trigger on their de-population dreams/agenda/the Great Reset any time they want.

    You've been warned. May your chains and your family's chains rest lightly upon you. Good luck…

    The Ten Stages of Genocide

    If you want to travel next year, you may need a vaccine passport – CNN

    Employers Can Now Legally Fire You for Refusing COVID Vaccine

    You can't sue Pfizer or Moderna over side effects

    Qantas says Covid vaccination will be mandatory for international passengers

    You will own nothing, and you will be happy

  14. If the PCR test is ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’ฉ then this whole damn pandemic is ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’ฉ!

    … if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.

    In light of our re-examination of the test protocol to identify SARS-CoV-2 described in the Corman-Drosten paper we have identified concerning errors and inherent fallacies which render the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test useless.

    The PCR Deception Documentary

    Every Scary Thing You're Being Told Depends On the Unreliable PCR Test

    COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink

  15. Watching the results of the capital event and how the media+beltway are reacting to it has done more to convince me that the federal government is not legitimate and we live in an anarcho tyranny state.

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