New Police Bodycam Footage Shows Danger of Statutes of Limitations – Everything Law and Order Blog

This bodycam footage from the Moundsville, WV Police shows a man being arrested for public intoxication and “obstruction,” i.e., contempt-of-cop. Take a look and let me know your thoughts on the civil rights violations shown here. Get out a notepad. This has never been released, to my knowledge.

Unfortunately however, a civil rights victim can lose their rights if they wait too long to file suit by missing the applicable statute of limitations, which can vary by state – even in federal court. What do you think? And is it too late?


34 thoughts on “New Police Bodycam Footage Shows Danger of Statutes of Limitations”
  1. Wow this officer has agression issues someone should check on his wife and kids wow if there is any i hope not even the women in the room when the camera pans them you can see they were scared also what the cop might do to the man and why is he all of a sudden wispers instead of talking normal seems like he dont want this officer to know the truth and the fact that this officer says im gonna end up killing this idiot shows he has aggression issues definitely someone should check on his wife and kids if he has them wow he houkd not be in this job can not control himself especially with a timid man wow

  2. WOW, I can't imagine what this tyrants wife goes though on a day to day bases, this muppet has anger issues. This tyrant should NOT have a badge! END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY!!!!!

  3. He may have a claim under the theory that he was disallowed a claim for unlawful use of force against the officer BECAUSE the public court system failed to honor the right to a quick and speedy trial under the Sixth amendment. Seems he would still have a 42 USC 1983 claim in federal court however.

  4. Police body-cam video always get lost until the statute of limitations runs out and most judges go along with it.
    You can wear your own body cams in which you can access the video immediately unless the body cam gets lost when they book you.
    That is why live steaming is so important, they cannot steal that.
    Police are criminals and they will do anything to protect each other but won't lift a finger to protect you.

  5. How can it be too long when most times people are even afraid to make complaints about law enforcement a free refrigeration because you're going to complain to the same people who are assaulted you

  6. That’s the way the vast majority of moundsville West Virginia cops act. I had on almost run me over on a cross walk because she was distracted. Can’t do anything about it cause of you call it in they will just laugh. They are above the law.

  7. My goodness this cop or whatever he might be needs to retire from public service.What an amazing tyrant,abusing a man that although he might be intoxicated is peacefull and no creating problems ,in fact quite relax as we can see.The cop is a useless tyrant abusing a man that he knows he can not defend himselve.Big bully in uniform.

  8. You sir had no rights to grab that man by the neck you yourself became the enforcer and ought to be in jail yourself for assault you are a power hungry cop who no longer needs to wear the badge because you let your feelings override the civil acts of a human

  9. Needs to be fired and never be a cop again and go to jail himself the attorney general's office needs to be known about this I think somebody needs to take this to a higher Court the state police need to be called in on this this moundsville cop should be fired and never be allowed to be a cop again

  10. Sooooo… The cop thinks that because the man caused a disturbance then it gives him the right to what ever he wants to this citizen. As he stated, The individual is under the influence and not thinking clearly but he talks to him as if he is in full control of his cognitive mind… When the man doesn't Jump when told to the Phuvker assaults him.

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