WV School Admin SUSPENDS Employees for Attending Capitol Protest and WE SUE – FIS Live No. 38 – Everything Law and Order Blog

#FirstAmendment #FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship You may have seen in the national news, and on social media, that the Superintendent of Jefferson County Schools, in Jefferson County, West Virginia, decided to come after school employees who attended the Trump Rally on January 6, 2020.

At least two employees, both long-time school bus drivers, who attended the rally, and who never entered any prohibited areas near the Capitol, never witnessed violence, never participated in violence, destruction of property, trespassing, etc., were suspended on January 8, 2020, and remain suspended as of this time.

This afternoon we filed a federal Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit against the Superintendent, individually, for money damages.

Read the full lawsuit here: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2021/01/11/jefferson-county-schools-superintendent-violates-first-amendment-rights-of-two-employees-and-we-sue/

UPDATE 1/12/21: first client is cleared of wrongdoing; now possible defamation actions: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2021/01/12/update-on-the-jefferson-county-superintendent-lawsuit/


37 thoughts on “WV School Admin SUSPENDS Employees for Attending Capitol Protest and WE SUE – FIS Live No. 38”
  1. I hate that saying. "Fire in moves" I hate it because it is WRONG. You can 100% can tell fire in a crowded movie. You CAN NOT lie with reckless disregard. In some States you are COMPELLED to tell fire if there is one.

  2. This is a mirror of what was happening behind the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall during the Cold War! Only, not yet hardened. It is a fact, without firearms we will not be free. I was in Europe during the Cold War. East Asia, South East Asia, Western Pacific, Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean and more. Nowhere that I lived or visited, even after the Cold War, in the Middle East, East Africa, Canada and Mexico, will you find freedoms and liberty that include life and the persuet of happiness. We are "not" losing them: we ARE losing them. Fact. I read. A lot. Especially History. I used to read in several languages. I also listen. I was trained to observe, listen, question, observe and become aware of my surroundings. I have read about, seen, heard and been aware of what is happening yesterday and today in America and Canada by nefarious people who have no good intensions intensions towards us. This "little" incident, seeming a "slap" to the face of these two ladies, reminding us, all of us, to go along with what is now expected from us, is really a threat and harbinger of what is coming. The very mindset, the very human "slavers" we fought to contain, foolishly not to defeat, during the Cold War are now here. Fact! Call it communism, fascism, authoritarianism, progressivism, Marxism or, dare I say, today's modern core of the American Democrat Party? It is all the same. They are one. These ladies did what any American would do. They exercised their God given rights! The same as you would do, the same as any citizen would do. And in a peaceable way, not infringing on other. Nor demanding. Nor degrading. They were just doing what West do. They were doing what Americans do. At least for today. Maybe not allowed tomorrow. Who will hold the "power" tomorrow? Free, individual Americans, under God? Or pettie tyrants wanting to marginalize God and squeeze the life blood out of all that is good and right and just? I'm not sure where God wants me. After my wife passes I was looking to return to West Virginia. Virginia is almost gone. But, as we used to say, some still say, I still say, Sic Semper Tyrannis!

  3. I am sick sick sick of this rotten world. Our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves. The tree of liberty is due for a refreshing with the blood of tyrants. Too bad our society is overrun with indoctrinated sheep.

  4. That's funny because for the past several years the teachers have been on strike and protesting at the Capitol of West Virginia demanding higher wages. Inside the Capitol building, all over the property, and outside of every school in the state. I guess it's different if they go across state lines and do it?

  5. One of the first things I learned in my first psych 101 class in college was "anything said before the word but is a lie". I pray the punitive damages are high.
    By the way, I love the smell of black powder in the morning.

  6. Yes they have a right to political expression, but I see no problem with suspending them with pay until they can find out how involved they were with the violence. Would you want possible violent political dissidents around your children? Your interpretation that they are being denied their first amendment right doesn't seem to take into account that yes violence did break out and yes they were there. More investigation would and should be required. If there is no evidence to any wrongdoing on their part then the suspension should be lifted. I think a lawsuit for slander and libel would be more appropriate in this case, not so much a 1st amendment violation. It sounds like this superintendent or someone she knows leaked this story and they would be responsible for the consequence of the leak.

  7. Thank you for what you do, as a lawyer, and as a YouTube contributor. I have enjoyed watching your videos since I found your channel, about 2 weeks ago now.

    You mentioned double standards early on in the video, as compared to the other teacher that was arrested and charged. It's funny how quickly, or conveniently, people have forgotten how numerous elected officials, in the last four years, have called for political violence against anyone that is white, a republican, a conservative, or a believer in Jesus Christ. Oh yes, or a man. The fiction of yesterday is the truth of today…

  8. School Bus Drivers exercising their rights vs School Superintendent Negating Constitution and Abusing Position.
    WHAT's Wrong with this 'picture'? . . . update: Not just Wrong but Familiar . . .
    One Provides Student Transportation to Education; Other, Controls, Oversees, Plans & Manages Operations of Schools.
    I hope these two Wonderful Women ask that this Superintendent [of] Troll be Fired, so This will NOT happen again?

    Correct about those Governors. Trump Handed the 'Power' to States, THEY are the ABUSERS, Out of Control Governors.
    Question & Control Governor's actions. SEE – 'Legislative Oversight of Emergency Executive Power' >> https://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state-legislatures/legislative-oversight-of-executive-orders.aspx

  9. What happened to your Derrick Evans video? IMO this is a very interesting test case. Also, he should get an extra year of probation for referring to himself in the 3rd person. "We're in, we're in! Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!"

  10. There was a Freedom support rally last night in front of the BOE office in support of these 2 women. The BOE was supposed to meet last night. Bondy Gibson either cancelled the BOE meeting or had it virtually. (But we still had the rally) 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  11. I personally know these 2 women and they are good hearted, God fearing, patriotic women. I wanted to go with them on this trip to the Capitol, but the bus was full. None of us perceived the Trump RALLY as a protest of any sort. I won’t put words in their mouths, but to me, and I believe these 2 women, the RALLY was viewed as a way to SUPPORT our President and nothing more.

  12. Gibson also apparently has an issue with our military. I requested a few days off to attend my daughter’s graduation from Basic Training at Fort Jackson, SC. I had about 30 days of personal leave built up. She denied my request, saying that I couldn’t use my personal leave on a non emergency. My immediate boss (who happened to be former military) sent her an email on my behalf. Still she said no. I emailed her and explained it was an emergency bcs she had no other transportation to her next post and if she didn’t get there, she would be considered awol. She still denied my request. God stepped in and gave us 3 feet of snow, schools closed, and I picked my daughter up and still got paid. (Good ending to the story. Thank you GOD!) Bondy Gibson runs the school board by intimidation. She needs to be replaced NOW.

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