I talk with GOA’s John Crump about the ATF Search Warrant for POLYMER80 – FIS Live No. 34 – Everything Law and Order Blog

I got my hands on the search warrant application the ATF submitted to a federal judge prior to raiding the Polymer80 in Nevada. Let’s take a look at how ATF actually TYRANNY works. Impromptu special guest, John Crump from Ammoland News and director of the Virginia section of Gun Owners of America (GOA).

Yesterday’s article by John Crump at Ammoland News. Check it out: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/12/stamps-com-authorize-net-rat-out-polymer80s-customers/

Here’s the warrant in its entirety, as posted by the WSJ: https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/ghostraid-121420-warrant.pdf

The live video I did on the same topic the day before: https://youtu.be/sWenRB98gC4

Main blog site: thecivilrightslawyer.com


30 thoughts on “I talk with GOA’s John Crump about the ATF Search Warrant for POLYMER80 – FIS Live No. 34”
  1. If you buy a gun or parts of a gun and those are lawful when you bought them and they then go and make buying such illegal in the future.. when you bought them it was legal.. changing the law means it would be ex post facto.. its like saying, buying this product is totally lawful, and then having them change the law 10 minutes later and charging you with a crime.. it was not a crime when you bought it.. and you can not change the law and then charge someone who bought it lawfully when it was lawful.. I believe its called EX POST FACTO..

    Ex Post Facto
    Primary tabs

    Latin for "from a thing done afterward."

    Ex post facto is most typically used to refer to a criminal statute that punishes actions retroactively, thereby criminalizing conduct that was legal when originally performed. Two clauses in the United States Constitution prohibit ex post facto laws:

    Art 1, § 9
    This prohibits Congress from passing any laws which apply ex post facto.
    Art. 1 § 10.
    This prohibits the states from passing any laws which apply ex post facto.

  2. Here, you freely admit that Trump is (best case) doing NOTHING to rein in the ATF. Actually he's done more tor the US Postal Service than the ATF.

    Why? Is it because he.cares deeply about you and I?

  3. So my question is what about the second amendment??? Why can't I even get ammo for my nniner in California anymore and no weapons are supposed to be registered anywhere. It's your second amendment right I'm so sick and tired of this s*** sorry about saying the s word anyway it's it's insanity and it's really obvious what's going down and I'm done with that just done with it I cannot believe it California is just become a piece of s*** stayed Arizona is a police state yet it's open carry it's become craziness man craziness second amendment I'm a constitutionalist so there you go come and get me

  4. If you hand the polymer80 item over your admitting guilt
    Better to make them find it
    If they have a warrant
    You can accuse them of completion of a weapon.
    It was not complete in your house.

    It means they Fired a blank. In case of backfire or bad filing

  5. Different subject. When the information becomes available that these cloth masks are drying out the virus causing it to go airborne will we be able to sue everyone who required people to use them?

  6. Why didn’t the ATF bother to tell the company it might be a problem instead of raiding them with guns drawn. Just goes to show what the ATF and law enforcement in general really are trying to accomplish. They want arrests period. Shouldn’t our government agencies be there to help people before they try to put them in jail. There was no malicious intent with this situation.

  7. YOU Scare me > Statements You keep saying, 'Looks like Biden will be . . . ', "Biden's admin", "Not yet in office".
    YO! NEVER happening! Trump Won. Need help? >> 'INTEL ROUNDTABLE: JUAN O SAVIN AND DR. CHARLIE WARD'
    'Ann Vandersteel' 11Dec'20 @ 12:35 just gets better >> https://youtu.be/p50VisRrWx4
    Please Watch. You'll Learn Truth to this 'nonsense' – so hush, even if joking – No mo' Joe, He's goin' Gitmo

  8. So according to law you can legally build your own firearm . I think the ATF is upset because POLYMER 80 makes it too easy for someone to make a firearm . I say … too damn bad ATF you said it’s legal in your own opinion paper .. knuckleheads

  9. only UNITED STATES citizens are subjected (by volunteering) to USC, and the US will enforce "your" voluntary at the barrel of a gun; State Citizens are not subjected to US code; get the book -> 'From Sovereign To Serf' by Roger Sayles… (a state Citizen could be subject to madmen wearing state costumes / disguises; WVa governor (costume / disguise) IS a madman)

  10. So, if P80 just changed the web page for this kit to have separate add-to-cart buttons for each piece, instead of one add-to-cart button for a 'kit' they're ok? lol… The ATF is a joke. I don't appreciate them pissing away my tax dollars.

  11. If someone purchased a kit and asserts that the pieces were never assembled, how could they be charged with such. What burden would they have to prove otherwise; under their rights not to self incriminate.

  12. If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police and he fears neither judge nor jury therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim. LT. COL. Jeff Cooper

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