Texas Sues EVERYONE! – Everything Law and Order Blog

#SCOTUS #Election2020 #TexasLawsuit Texas sues four states directly in the SCOTUS. This just happened today. I read the brief and I’ll summarize the legal arguments.

Read the entire filing: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/12/08/texas-files-suit-at-the-scotus/

Updates: WV JOINS and others: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/12/10/west-virginia-joins-amicus-brief-supporting-texas-v-pennsylvania-at-the-supreme-court/


43 thoughts on “Texas Sues EVERYONE!”
  1. Spreading bs claims of electoral fraud shreds democracy by destroying people's faith in the voting process; is that what you really want as an educated man who makes his living off of arguing constitutional law?

  2. Man!…
    I really appreciate you and your channel! I've always have questions about the legal current events – and you always seem to answer them before I can even ask about them. Between you and Kirschner, I'm getting a better understanding of our legal system – and how people and government use it. I have one question that's off subject…
    At the end of each video you post, it shows you dead-lifting weights and then you shooting a rifle. After that it shows you talking to people outside of a courthouse (it looks to me to be a courthouse).
    What is the purpose of you showing us that you can dead-lift a lot of weight and shoot a powerful rifle? Is it because it dead-lifting takes strength and power to accomplish and shooting a high-powered rifle also depicts an image of a strong dangerous person – and you associate yourself with strength and power, and you are trying to show us that you are a strong, powerful and dangerous attorney? Is it an ego thing??? I mean… If your channel was named, "The Civil Rights Lawyer, Marksman and Athlete (or 'Personal Trainer'", and every once in a while you do a video on exercise and weight lifting, and every once in a while you do a video about handguns and rifles, then I could understand it. If I had a channel teaching people how to play guitar and showed a clip of me punching a punching bag and another of me holding or reeling in a big fish, what would that tell you? What would that have to do with teaching and learning guitar??? I'm just curious if it's an ego thing. If it is, it's cool! I'm just hoping for an honest answer!!!

  3. We have such a pile of shit government these days. My Message to the Supreme court; Go fuck yourselves. Don't expect the people to obey your rulings if you're going to turn your backs on the people, the US Constitution and our rights. What good is the US Constitution if its not protected and followed? Exactly where to we go to be free now? unreal!

  4. Try and steal my vote in Dane County, Wisconsin. Just see. YOU LOST!!!!!!!!!! Stop crying like snowflakes. You cant win on policy so Republicons need to cheat!!!!!!!! Trump lost the primary in Wisconsin, Scott walker lost in 2018, but here you are saying there's fraud in Wisconsin. Texas and such are traitors to this Republic and should be charged with Treason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why aren't you people looking at Alaska, North Dakota, Iowa, etc. Oh yeah, you WON those states so NO Fraud. Grow the fuck up!!!!!!

  5. Illinois has a $250 billion pension hole. THAT is THE reason for the lockdowns, poor election monitoring, bailouts, emergency powers, etc.
    The REASON why the Illinois pension hole is important is because it is mathematically impossible to tax/cut spending enough to fix the problem.
    So, government is using COVID to find a way to cripple schools and cause mass layoffs at the muni level.

  6. I have poured over all the video, and reasoning by both sides.
    The election was a sham. No question, there was foul play on a monumental scale. The proof is over whelming, and I have been wondering when a court will actually take a case, so we can hear how bad it was. No one of the election people I saw would hold up under a competent cross examination.
    But no courts will even hear the matter.
    In a democracy there is nothing more precious than a fair vote, once that is gone, all other constitutional liberties are in peril.
    We can imagine all the black mail and how beholden the “loser that won” would be.
    If the courts don’t start upholding fairness, and liberty above all else, America is done.
    If biden lost, and he knows he was installed by machines, and malfeasance, what’s to stop him from becoming even more emboldened to destroy freedom? He owes those who elected him, and line the pockets of his family with sweetheart deals.
    As far as I am concerned, every American has standing in lawsuits against any state,or person, institution that is allowing malfeasance in elections. Votes don’t count, if they aren’t accurately counted.

  7. I may need some help with something. If I could trouble you in such troubled times? Do you know Mark Jessie in NLR , Arkansas? He represented me. I have some questions about something from a past conviction. I understand if you can’t or do not have time. Thanks for all your doing. God bless you 🇺🇸

  8. Unlike the virus mandates though there has not been a state, plus now 17 more states, and a President filing a lawsuit over this. If the Supreme Court blows this off i'd say this country is in serious trouble.

  9. I think it's fantastic. Texas stepped up – now OTHER states are thinking enjoining… wow – way to go, humanity! I feel the same they are claiming: if these states materially change their state election laws, they effect the propriety of the entire nation's vote. Federal may not WANT to get involved, but they have to under the constitution, yes?

    P.S. we should form a coalition to lobby the federal branch of education to require a basic understanding of constitutional law in public school…

  10. Re: Youtube removing election video's showing FRAUD.

    Because of Google's decision to HIDE evidence and facts in an obvious ILLEGAL attempt to cover for the democrat party, I will no longer watch your videos. I am but one, however, I cannot support a platform that is CLEARLY breaking RICO federal law and interfering with a U.S. Federal Election. This is nothing that YOU, the content creator, has done, and I do not wish to punish you, however, I cannot be a consumer of a company that's clearly committing fraud.

  11. Appreciate your analysis on this topic. Though I believe the the SCOTUS won’t even hear this case.

    The flaw in this is that the replicants should have challenged all this prior to the elections.

    To selective choose only states that Trump lost demonstrates this is again one side trying to change results after the agreed upon rules.

    Sort of like Olympic swimmers who wore shark skin suits a few olympics ago and broke all the records. They kept the medals abs the records but the suits are now banned.

    Respect the voting process and democracy. The recounts have shown no fraud.

  12. Ted Cruz is an IDIOT! 🤣 If the state "legislatures" are constipated then executive orders are the path to the necessary and needed actions! Then it is up to the legislatures to carry on or override!

    Again as long as Republicans AND Democrats are in public service, America is SCREWED! 🤣

    The "court" will find for the people as per "The Charters of Freedom", these cases aren't even worth their time. These issues can be solved all at a lower level. Unless the people are willing to vote Republicans AND Democrats out of public service ….. things will only get WORSE!🤣

    "If you don't use the correct formula, you will NEVER get the correct answer!" – Terry W. Wheelock PdD. 👍

    Republicans AND Democrats are using the WRONG formulas …. they are BOTH UNAmerican! 👀

  13. If Texas lawsuit is allowed to proceed, I believe that other states should sue Texas to impose their will on to Texas and its citizens. States have a right to run their elections as they see fit, and one state telling another what to do violates on its face value the ability for the state to conduct its own business. Texas needs to stay in its Lane, and correct its mistake by submitting this lawsuit.

  14. The last day for a sitting president is not January 20. You may want to look back to 1887 and you will see the president did not leave office until April. That election was contested in the courts and not decided until right before the end of March of 1888.

  15. I have a question hopefully you can answer okay Trump cannot pardon in his self so can he step down and put Mike pence in as president and have Mike pence pardon in him

  16. At this point in time, it seems like both the left and right have been working together to dismantle the system. Why? That's easy to see, they all have gotten rich from being a politician, now they are doing what ever is possible to protect the resources that made them wealthy. Now since THE PEOPLE are separated over stupid petty BS feelings over every stupid little thing allowing the system to be unstoppable. Now everyone is broken to the point that we can't even agree to disagree with each other without hating the other for having a different opinion. It now looks like the only way any of this will change is if we have a actual threat that affects everyone's way of life, including the wealthy and those left behind such as a severe natural disaster, a nuclear war or a alien invasion. With that said, I feel that I can no longer trust the left or the right because all of them have allowed the CONSTITUTION to be violated to the point that it no longer exists unless if WE THE PEOPLE can put our differences to the side and UNITE once again and rise up to the TYRANNY that gave birth to this GREAT NATION


  17. Texas has no skin in the game, i.e standing. State law is a state issue as you well know. They've run these up and down the state courts and gotten no traction, that's not going to change.
    I find it hard to believe that an all-encompassing conspiracy that could overturn a national election couldn't pick up the Senate seats to give their side a rubberstamp and even lost seats in the House.

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