Is there a Path to Victory? Constitutional Mayhem 2020 – FIS LIVE No. 32 – Everything Law and Order Blog

#ElectionAnalysis #ConstitutionalLaw #2020 It’s the year of constitutional mayhem. Does Trump still have a path to victory? What’s going on in Georgia? Pennsylvania? What does the Constitution require? Join me for a LIVE discussion on constitutional law and the current election mess on Monday at 6:30pm eastern, Dec. 7, 2020. Bring your questions/comments and participate in the live chat.


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29 thoughts on “Is there a Path to Victory? Constitutional Mayhem 2020 – FIS LIVE No. 32”
  1. John, I appreciated your videos until I saw this. Many courts have spoken, both Republican and Democratic judges. There is no evidence to support your claims. And the people spoke and Trump lost. You conspiracy theorists have to believe both Republican and Dem Governor’s are in a conspiracy.together. In itself that is ridiculous. But then both parties judges also coming to the same conclusion, no fraud, honest election. It is time to turn out the lights, the party is over.

  2. Let me correct you on one point.
    The “Election Debacle”.
    There is no election debacle. We conducted, as normal, a legal election. We have a winner. It’s President Elect Joe Biden.
    The debacle is we have an outgoing President that refuses to recognize the will of the people. He is making unsubstantiated claims in an effort to subvert the will of the people. He and all those supporting him are guilty of sedition.

  3. 1:20:00 I'd argue that it's actually worse: it's people using collectivism as individualism. As far as the lack of critical thinking, this is true. Identity politics is so pervasive that someone explaining themselves or what they believe is taken as the biggest crime.
    Case in point:

    People who somehow conflate socialism as both things being owned by the public and owned by the state which are not aligned ideas. Capitalism, in the economic context, means private ownership, and yet somehow that becomes magically different if everything is owned by the state. Well, if everything is the control of the state, then the question becomes: who's in control of the state? If the answer is a few plutocrats or oligarchs or whatever you want to call them, then how does that not fit the definition of capitalism: private ownership by a few? I've also seen the statement that socialism is another name for state capitalism. If that's the case, then why have the term socialism?
    No one ever wants to take the time to apply the language skills they learned in the 3rd and 4th grades: to break words down to understand what they mean. So, if we're going to talk about socialism, let's break down the word. Social means having to do with people and -ism means the practice of. So, with that in mind, we can apply the word to economics in a few narrowly tailored ways. So here we can see why the most applicable definition is ownership by the public in order to not be synonymous with the definition of capitalism.
    So let's go back this idea of things being owned by the state. Once again, the question is who controls the state?
    Or better yet, let me ask a question that I can't ever get anyone to answer for some reason: if I buy a car, but I can't drive the car, I can't modify the car, and I can't use the car in any way, all while still having to pay for the expenses of the car, do I own the car? Now, what are the ramifications as far as the economic arguments of the answer being yes and as far as the answer being no?

    With these propagandist ideas of what socialism, capitalism, and all sorts of other words I can think of in mind, there's also this idea that somehow these words don't encapsulate other conditions. For example: slavery is a form of capitalism. Now, as far as this old hackneyed idea of socialism never works: I'm sure that early tribal man would've never gotten by if everyone only existed by trade. It's an idiotic collectivist idea to say that this economy is capitalism and that economy is socialism. All successful economies are a delicate balance of both ideas. If you're going to tell me that capitalism is the way to go, then I'm going to buy up all the land around your home (including the streets, sidewalks, and parks) and tell you that if you don't pay me what I want, then I'm not even going to let you leave your plot of land because I own everything around it. Also, I'm going to to own the air space and underneath just in case you think you can be clever.

    I always find it rather interesting how people who complain that a select few that own the power, and once again ownership being the definition of capitalism, while saying capitalism is so great. I find it no different than people claiming they want socialism because they want things for themselves. Realistically, I find the whole point-counterpoint on this to be the tower of Babel, because it seems like no one knows what the hell they are talking about and are just using buzz words. If anyone in this entire economic discussion had any sense whatsoever, they'd simply start using terminology like public ownership and private ownership. Although, in my experience, it's more of a point of lazy thinking on the part of EVERYONE.

    Also, also, for those of you that want to try to throw in the notion of capitalism also having the idea of a free market in its definition, I got two things for you. First, does the root word INHERENTLY have anything to do with a market? Secondly, the idea of the mythical magical free market is the same as the idea of the mythical magical anarchy. You cannot not be political by virtue of the fact that every single action de facto communicates the idea of your level of agreement with any one else's idea (look up Watzlawicz, Beavin, and Jackson), therefore you cannot not be a part of a governing process, therefore cannot not be a controlling force over anything. Whether that marketplace is controlled by the state or Google, someone has control over it, and by removing control by one thing over anything, even something like a market, always does the same thing: creates a power vacuum. And we all know how those tend to turn out.

  4. John, can you put up a link to the coercion chart or post it on Google docs or something. It semi-blurry and hard to make out a few of the words but is very interesting and I went to the website and its under construction. I sent you a couple of emails a while back have you seen them they may be in your junk folder. Thanks !

  5. how can ppl who believe in federalist principles ( individual rights > states rights > fed gov't rights ) believe that Trump is good for this country? He doesn't give a flying f*** about the constitution.

  6. One of the allegations was that ballots were run through the machines several times. If they did a simple hand count of actual ballots and compared it to the original totals they should not match. The original totals would be way more than the actual ballots and prove fraud. That would justify all the other allegations to be fully investigated.

  7. All the haters have is personal attacks. They don’t have a logical well thought out argument. These are the folks that want government to run their lives for them.

  8. What part of George Carlin's Ít's a club and you ain't in it' (skit) do voters not understand ?

    Blame the 33% (moral minority) of the US population who are voters/

    enablers of the 1%/are complicit/consent by voting, and

    are [thus] a danger to the rest of us and the world (except Israel).

    The US has been a mere CORPORATION (legal fiction = not a Republic) since 1861

    when the southern states walked out of Congress over the issue of

    not wanting to put up their public lands as surety for the national debt (not slavery).

    When Lincoln then no longer had a quorum in Congress to be a Republic,

    he started the US CORPORATION, where the Constitution is in favor of

    the banks and [CORPORATE] government, and the fake government is the Sovereign, not the people.

    The FEDERAL RESERVE is also an international private CORPORATION.

    14th Amendment "citizens" are considered as sureties for the national debt

    (which you are not allowed to question)

    and wards of the BAR (British Accreditation Registry) courts.

    Dual citizens in elected and appointed positions of policy-making of wars,

    resource & land theft,, etc. ?

    Th@ would not occur if the US was actually still a Republic.

    Waiting for breadcrumbs while we have to watch the left-right false paradigm circus

    and waiting for CV-19, etc. vaccines while simultaneously facing arrest for

    not wearing masks оr not social distancing ?

    Th@ would not occur if the US were a Republic.

    The US owes you the interest money on the CORPORATION

    (birth certificate bond & tax asset tracking #)

    they started in your name (@vanity/commerce) and

    monetized that as a bond on the stock market.

    Is it easier to fool the sheeple than it is to convince them they've been fooled ?

  9. Dear God – what court has said there was election fraud? It was a fair election – there is no rush to deadline – there is no problem in our election. Not one single piece of evidence has been presented to prove there was any fraud. All there is? People like you – running your mouth as if you think you know something. All trumps law suits have FAILED.

  10. yeah, yeah, blah, blah, our governor isn't allowed to make his own laws yet he basically did unchallenged. the only way to do anything is some poor smuck has to get himself arrested and risk time in jail, a ton of money, etc., hoping a lawyer gets lucky and wins in a court case. good luck with that they already stacked the deck in the courts and they're all buddies so winning a case in a state court is unlikely. just like Trump you have to fight your case in the state courts before you go to federal, etc., and hope to win in federal court.

    that is why Trump has to fight each state in their court first before he can do anything else, it's part of the process. if this civil rights lawyer got to the point, or maybe read up on constitutional law a bit more before making this video I'm sure he would have gotten to the point, instead of rehashing mostly what we know so far.

    so is there a path to victory, depends on the court and who is residing, but it comes down to does Trump have enough honest, unbiased people sitting on the bench in a federal court who will give him a fair shot, or does the democrats have too many bought off already. remember folks, if it's not won and fixed this time around there won't be we'll try again in four years.

    you will have lost your country and once they have full control they will not hand it back over to anyone. Keep in mind this isn't our first, or second rigged election. It's just the biggest use of fraudulent tactics to date and so far and only this obvious because it's the first time their candidate was expected to get beat so badly by Trump. Before Trump, no one has made any serious attempt to challenge them, nor has anyone until Trump posed such a threat to their plans. The only person stopping the globalists from implementing the "GREAT RESET" is trump, if he loses we all lose.

  11. You are not a constitutional attorney; you are a civil rights attorney. You make this point obvious by saying that the Constitution cannot be changed. Have you ever heard of an Amendment? Hmmm… Hey, Jim Bob! Y'all evah hurd of an amerdnmut?

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