UPDATE on court today in WV’s Fight for Freedom – Everything Law and Order Blog

We had court today in the legal fight to keep West Virginians free from our Governor’s tyranny. This was the preliminary hearing for my client who was arrested for posting political criticism of the Governor on Twitter. I’ll explain what just happened ….

DONATE to the cause of our fight for freedom in WV: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/donations/we-the-people-do-not-consent/


34 thoughts on “UPDATE on court today in WV’s Fight for Freedom”
  1. This must be one of your early videos. Correct me if I’m wrong. Started watching your vids a few weeks ago. Great content and informative. I’ve learned of all things stay out of WV…

  2. Wish it was 25 minutes or less. Being busy, I could not hold out for the full 49 minutes, and wonder if he could have condensed it into less than half hour? Thank you for your work CRL. We are under siege by our public employees who have figured out how to exercise authority that they DO NO TRULY HAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

  3. Threatening violence is not committing violence. We can not lock people up because they say they want to do something that's illegal. Madonna was't arrested when she said she was thinking of the White House blowing. Kathy Griffen was not arrested as a terrorist .

  4. I myself have heard people say way worse than this. I don't think he committed a crime myself it's just you have to think about what you say when it comes to this. In this case he's in a whole lot of trouble just for bringing attention to himself.

  5. Can’t you file an interlocutory to override the judge’s order? There was no basis for it especially when he orders it off the top of his head. Like you said, they have no real power but he used what little he had to basically sensor the journalist. On another subject, the code of criminal procedure allows you to at least question the witnesses. The prosecution is not allowed to have any surprises or so I thought. Now I see it was 2 yrs ago. Don’t know why YouTube put this on my Home Screen?

  6. It seem ironic to me that the Gov. claims to be concerned that these tweets could be a precursor to violence, when in fact their very acts are the kind of behavior that would drive many who feel desperate, to reach the conclusion; that they have no choice but to go to those very lengths to combat an oppressive government., i.e. self fulfilling prophecy

    Also ironic that the very issue in question (the right to bear arm) was specifically addressed and guaranteed by the founding fathers for the very purpose of fighting an oppressive gov't.. How ironic that this very issue could one day be the catalist that actually brings this concern to fruition one day.

    would be tragic if it came to that, but I can't help but remember, when I was young I chased a rat around and around, it was terrified and did it's best to get away; until I cornered it – then it was me running. Even as a young child I learned not to corner a wild animal. when cornered, there is no telling what can happen next. Bet id goes for people too. WOW!

  7. Elected people need to learn that you were elected by the people. Quit voting for anyone. We don't need them. These people make MORE MONEY THAN THE PEOPLE THAT PAY THEM! I drive a truck for a living and my wifeis an English teacher, both of our salaries combined doesn't come close to 6 figures. This is, in my opinion, why folks lose there minds and shoot cops etc. My job is more dangerous than a cops job, if you don't believe me, look it up. Now a teacher's job is more dangerous than a cop, because these so called "heroes" can't stop a school shooting because of this cowardice "officer safety" propaganda. Now they are asking teacher's to do a cops job and arm themselves. The terrorists are the government, I sure as hell don't remember a suicide bomber knock on my door or anyone else's that I have ever heard of to kill me and my family. The badged blue line is more of a terrorist than anyone else in this world. My opinion

  8. This needs to be on every news channel how our gov is wasting our tax dollars because they got butthurt over a retreat. Could any none political citizen of wv bring a charge on this guy for doing the same thing about them,no. Total abuse by the gov.

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