Here’s what happened when we took the Governor to Federal Court today – FIS Live No. 30 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Today we took the West Virginia Governor to federal court on a challenge against the “Mask Mandate” and “Stay at Home” executive orders following the Governor’s threats on Friday the 13th to start having people arrested and charged with “obstruction of justice.” Fortunately, the Governor backed down from his threats, and the West Virginia Attorney General has joined us in our condemnation of those threats, even before we were able to get to court. I’ll unpack what was said, what the Court ruled, and where we’re going from here.


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48 thoughts on “Here’s what happened when we took the Governor to Federal Court today – FIS Live No. 30”
  1. No path, hmph. They knew this way back.
    Our Tn governor made it illegal to sue anything pertaining to the "you know, the thing".

  2. You stood up that’s what matters . : All it needs for evil to prevail is for good men ( and women ) to do nothing . We all should be proud of you Sir . The US was built by men that stood up and said NO .

  3. I appreciate your time doing this. You save family and lives. Very good information and stories for why your profession is needed. Sadly because every American should know and keep the Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights

  4. The way I see it…
    It's just the same as it is with the TSA… Mental conditioning for: "Roll over whenever a government jackboot tells you to".
    To me this whole thing is NOTHING BUT a case of "GOVERNMENT OBEDIENCE TRAINING".
    The arrival of Tyranny ALWAYS begins with the words: "IN THE NAME OF PUBLIC SAFETY" or "FOR THE SAFETY OF THE CHILDREN" and similar LAME EXCUSES in order to circumvent the constitution.
    And the most frightening nine words to ever hear are: "I'M FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND I'M HERE TO HELP".!!!

  5. There was a case won against the Governor in Ohio, because they proved the Governor was lying, about the numbers, because they were withholding the death certificate.
    Maybe you should look into that for your win. May the power of God be with you. Get'em!

  6. The more they, their on-the-take media, and our government officials push that poison shot….the more obvious it is that 'they' are the billionaires who own said entities lock stock and barrel.
    Good luck with the black robed mafia crime bosses who always march to the orders of those billionaire Godfathers.

  7. The Constitution of the United States of America the original one in 1778 is the supreme law of the land not the corporation one where the United States America is in all capitals..
    From a basic standpoint I see that the constitution is the consent of the governed and our chains that bind the government it for our freedom! The Declaration of Independence tell them that we have a right to amend or abolish our government if they become against our liberties! So I see that the consent of the governed has been lost but a lot of those that are governed don't realize this

  8. Is it not constitutionally required for public officials such as judges, prosecutors, Head administrative officials such as governors to provide a bond (insurance bond to lawmen) along with their oath of office? I think that’s another weapon in your arsenal to get the executive order declared unconstitutional. Personally I’m as of yet to achieve the proper credentials to bring those challenges forward myself, I hope this helps you because my city is in arresting me for not wearing a masks other wise ild use that as it’s currently the only route I know to gain legal standing on a claim.

  9. You know I don't mind you're videos…..but your skewed views of everyone trying (In Govco) to fuck your freedoms over is so misplaced and ignorant it is breathtaking. For a smart man, you're an idiot when it comes to everybody else's rights.

  10. WV BOARD OF PHARAMACY has kept restrictions re: HCQ! TRACKING, TEST RESULTS, not given when sick but instead making everyone have this medicine with held. Big pharma and the vile AMA involved. This Govt has NO RIGHT BETWEEN A PATIENT & DOCTOR!

  11. The questions everyone should ask is:
    "When can I speak with the alleged CLAIMANT (City Name, State Name, etc.) to get firsthand testimony if the CLAIMANT requires for me to perform or do anything?"
    What good is it if someone claims to REPRESENT (ex. governor, mayor, judge, prosecutor, police etc.) the alleged claimant but the alleged REPRESENTATIVE has never spoken to the one he/she claims to REPRESENT??
    Isn't that HEARSAY?
    Is HEARSAY admissible in court?
    How can you claim that you represent someone without ever meeting the one you claim to represent??
    Common sense folks!
    Those "gov names" are just names on pieces of paper and the "representatives" only claims to represent those names on pieces of paper and you BELIEVE IT!
    How about you ask if you can speak with the alleged CLAIMANT first!?


    You'll own nothing and you'll be happy.

    "Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me."

    What this is means is you will be tracked, prodded, and controlled in unthinkable ways. Yet they make this sound pleasant. It won't be. They have to do all this to create that world. They need 5g to do it.

    Notice it talks of the ones who they lost along the way who live outside their technocracy? Those will be the few who do not receive the chip.

    “The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, … and control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.” – New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, New York Times, March 26, 1922

    It is not a free country.

  13. Very informative. I think there are a few things that have gone completely overlooked. I believe state level emergency powers allow the executive to strike all or parts of a state law, but not be additive w/o legislative approval. Here in Florida, the common emergency is hurricanes. It has been proven over the decades that the governor may try to enact special powers that trickle down to local authority and things can get messy with over zealousness. For example, they tried fully evacuate entire areas of people from their homes all the while they couldn't even evacuate nursing homes or medical facilities w/o volunteers. Enacting curfews and controlling the movement of people, etc. Some things can be learned from the antimask movement people. Our governor didn't mask mandate, but our local county and city govts. did. The push back from ADA liability made it necessary for these entities to back off, they enacted local 'ordinances' and attempted to coerce compliance, but ultimately the fed. ADA compliance combined with not having state backing led to the 'ordinances' left to lapse. Many people say…"no shirt no shoes no service" as the answer to mask mandates by stores. Well, a store can't force a member of the public from a public area by discrimination. The essence of the argument goes back to can the fed. require you to undergo a medical procedure or utilize a medical device, and I believe it was shown constitutionally that the fed. govt. could. But the mandate has to jump thru the right hoops (ie. legislature, especially since the state of emergency has existed for so long now). The fed. nor my state has mandated masks, so despite the coercion by local authorities – they are violating their oaths when they attempt to criminalize 'ordinance' w/o state law reinforcement. Putting the pigeon in a different hole, doesn't change the definition of a pigeon. Your governor was granted 'emergency powers' by the fed., this is NOT carte-blanche despite the individual needs/wants of the state in general. CoV is not an act of god, and any argument to that effect can be struck down very quickly. So many look at Polio and small pox as examples of effective and ineffective leadership by govt., just like the randomness of governance during and after a hurricane, and the impact of that weather. So lets use a different analogy, we create pollution and acid rain gets to the point that it's killing the unprotected. ok, emergency order are drafted. Now the govt. says, everyone in public must have a 7mm thick raincoat, and then goes on to say…oh and not children, and and not people allergic to rubber, and not people with thick skin. Huh? Bad message, right? What I'm hearing with masks is a bad message, setting bad precedents. Ok, govt. is restricting your liberty so these laws are useless and we are gonna 'simplify', KISS keep it simple stupid. The govt. didn't send me a N95, and they didn't even send me a stim. check under the guise of purchasing protective gear. So the local store with a sticker on the door about masks, who refuses to clean their store, can stick it. i retain my rights, I retain my choice, and I will judge my acceptable level of exposure to the 'Storm' – last I checked I am like grown and stuff. KEEP UP THE FIGHT.

  14. @The Civil Rights Lawyer
    A little light reading straight from the .gov sites that you won't hear on msm.

    References from my own research:

    CDC Emerging infectious Diseases
    Volume 26, Number 5—May 2020
    Policy Review
    Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures
    A quote:
    "In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs (randomized controlled trials) that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.."

    JAMA Research Letter
    July 14, 2020
    Association Between Universal Masking in a Health Care System and SARS-CoV-2 Positivity Among Health Care Workers

    Published online 2015 Apr 22, doi:10,1136/bmjopen _2014 _ 006577
    A cluster randomized trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

    Published online 2020 Apr 21, doi:10,1016/j,idm,2020,04,001
    To mask or not to mask: Modeling the potential for face mask use by the general public to curtail the COVID-19 pandemic

    Published online 2019 Jun 26, doi:10,7717/peerj.7142
    Optical microscopic study of surface morphology and filtering efficiency of face masks

    CMAJ. 2016 May 17; 188(8): 606–607
    The surgical mask is a bad fit for risk reduction

    Second legal precedence against mask wearing in Canadian courts (after 1st court ruling was ignored)
    ONA Wins Second Decision on “Unreasonable and Illogical” Vaccinate or Mask Influenza Policies September 7, 2018

    Peace and much love.

  15. You 100% have a first and fourth amendment right to not wear a mask. Christians are made in the image of God and covering the face also covers the breath of god and everyone has a right to be secure in their PERSONS. Stop wearing masks idiots. Virus can’t pass the Koch postulate test to prove their existence.

  16. I understand the libetarian streak fighting public health measures. But here's my question. "Your right to swing your fist stops at the end of my nose." So you are against these mask and shelter at home mandates?

    But disease organisms don't care. Iowa, where the governor did nothing until a little over two weeks ago, has a case positivity rate of 50%. Yes, when it gets that bad all public health measures fall apart, and you are in plague territory. Chine, italy, and New York showed that once you reach the saturation rate of ICUs and staffing, your death rates go up on everything involved. Strokes, heart attacks, car accidents, anywhere that hospital access is important.

    If people dying of COVID-19 are busy being intubated, there might be a 30 second delay before a doctor can get to you. Since I almost bled out from a burst artery 10 hours after an operation, and I'd dropped unconscious and my pulse was over 180 and my normal blood pressure of 130/80 was down to 60/40 and dropping – 30 seconds delay could have killed me, 2 minutes would have.

    Many of us cannot shelter in place. I'm from the first cohort of babies who survived on incubators and oxygen. I've been more careful of my lungs, and even had a half face respirator for working with household cleaners and garden chemicals. I wouldn't have had my P100 light chlorine cartridges when we had the first shortages if I hadn't been careful.

    I'm a single dad. I cannot just hunker down. So when people are too self-centered to wear their masks, how can those of us with things that put us at risk do? I didn't choose to have 90% reduced lung function at birth, people with a asthma didn't choose it, or people recovering from cancer. If you do the math, even if a cloth mask reduces transmission by just 10%, following that through a geometric progression can safe millions in reduced costs by delaying more extreme measures, not even looking at reducing deaths.

    Also, governments throughout history have imposed Public Health Measures during epidemics. Everywhere in the world. It has a rich tradition in the United States, and was accepted to the point there was no controversy because it was unthinkable. With a plague you followed quarantine procedures. So these mask mandates are mild compared to historical measures. I simply don't understand, I have never heard of a government using an epidemic to impose a dictatorship, though I'm quite sure some idiot did it sometime. But in a vast majority of cases it's about the survival of your society.

    Remember, the Obama administration almost let Ebola get loose in this country (hint – that's why they organized the White House Pandemic Response Team, which Trump immediately dismantled). Not because they were brilliant, but because they almost blew it and they were determined to let the next President benefit from their lessons. We are fighting over basic plague responses. Future generations will wonder WTF when they read about this.

  17. The local WV media is as corrupt and bias as the Network media is..They never report the facts or truth and only continue to spew the lies of both the COVID nonsense and the election. And never speak to anyone who disagrees with their left-wing stupidity.
    The State Constitution is being violated BUT also the Federal or US Constitution is as well by these Governors in WV and around the Country.
    Time Real Americans stand up and stop the communist take over…and make no mistake that is indeed what they are…..

    The CDC has NEVER done an actual mask test, they cite other studies that side with their claim..OSHA has done testing and has posted their results about the COVID/mask issue, as did the Danish study and several other University studies…BUT anyone ( in court if need) be can hold up a mask and have anyone spray aerosols into it and see it passes through. IF they pass through, so will the virus which is indeed an airborne agent as OSHA noted as has EVERY Health expert across the globe including the CDC and WHO

    Issue is everyone is listening to Fauci and NO One Else and Fauci /Obama was behind all of this COVID virus to start with, Obama sent the money to Wuhan labs….that is just a fact and anyone with 5 minutes of time can research those facts and see that TRUTH

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