Can Family Court Judges Search Litigants’ Homes?? – an Update – FIS Live No. 43 – Everything Law and Order Blog

By now everyone knows about the case of the Family Court Judge searching my client’s house. Despite being formally charged before the WV Supreme Court, and despite agreeing to the recommended discipline, she is now trying to back out of it, with the assistance of another Family Court Judge, who happens to be on the Judicial Hearing Board. It’s apparently headed to the WV Supreme Court on the issue of whether it’s legal for a family court judge to search a litigant’s home. The briefs are in. Here’s what’s going on. It’s crazy.

See the documents and read more:

Can a Family Court Judge Search a Litigant’s Home?? The Question is Briefed to the Judicial Hearing Board


30 thoughts on “Can Family Court Judges Search Litigants’ Homes?? – an Update – FIS Live No. 43”
  1. A Judge is suppose to remain neutral. This Judge has violated the rights of her oath , so much for fair and impartial hearing. It’s has been named the bench for a reason ( you’ve been benched) , stay in your lane Judges.
    Follow the Law enforce the Constitution not feelings …

  2. The judge was acting 'ultra vires' in relation to the limits of the law considering it was a dispute on movables,personal state,pieces of furniture of a house,flat or department which will be in an inventory or detailed stock.Following her actions,it was abuse of power.The family judge became as a Grand Mother Matriarcal Natural Authority going back some centuries in time in a matriarcal society. Or it seems so.Now,in case of dispute,they will be one authority responsible of settling it.

  3. @The Civil Rights Lawyer Since your client is a Federal Officer he could have actually put the judge under arrest right then and there for her actions which were illegal under federal statute. Your Client can arrest anyone anywhere within the US and it's territories as per the US DOJ which all federal law enforcement agencies report to. Basically this Henchwoman of Governor Justice just put herself in a position that opened a very big can of worms that could very well end her career as well as that of the Sheriff for following illegal orders.

  4. I hope you win big in civil court. I hope this judge loses her job and has to cut the biggest check from her personal checking account she has ever written. She and the Sheriff violated so many of his rights.

  5. AMAZING, in Australia we don't have Bill Of Rights

    Unlike most similar liberal democracies, Australia does not have a Bill of Rights. Instead, protections for human rights may be found in the Constitution and in legislation passed by the Commonwealth Parliament or State or Territory Parliaments. Corrupt Politicians Rule Australia

  6. This is a truly frightening excuse/justification of conduct by a judge: these particular facts have never happened before (yes, because of their extreme/outrageous nature), so no specific statute/rule addresses them (yes, see above), so it was just maybe harmless error on my part, if at all. Wait. What?! So, to its logical conclusion, if you behave in such an extreme/outrageous manner that no legislation has ever comprehended or entertained because such behavior is so extreme/outrageous, then it’s just an oppsie, maybe? Forget the Constitution (US or State). That this person has any judicial powers is terrifying. That’s some of the worst logic I’ve ever heard. And, the briefing by her is so incoherently convoluted, devoid of constitutional constraint discussion, and stretches each statue, rule and case cited to the point of molecular discombobulation. GL

  7. Omg the cop in helos story. The exact same thing happened to my daughter in Hampshire cnty.. except her tomato plants where in 5 gallon bucket placed around the edge of her 50X50 garden. The helo landed in an empty parcel right next to the house… How about some public endangerment. It can't be safe to land helos just anywhere, they can't possibly know what can be pulled off the ground into those rotors..

  8. you have to understand you are there property and you must obey there laws. they on the other hand decide for themselves what is right and wrong. there motto is "Anything worth having is worth stealing from your neighbor"

  9. all conservatives will be considered terrorists then they can have there one party utopia and do away with those pesky elections. if we don't stand up they will be breaking legs so we can't

  10. how do the Judges across the country, expect the citizens to obey the laws when they won't even hear a mountain of evidence showing the election was a fraud or they do like this one a criminal. or the radical leftist occupying so many seats across this great land. one can only hope the constitution survives the insurgent president.

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