#FourthAmendment #WarrantlessSearch #PoliceMisconduct Is there a so-called “community caretaking” exception to the well-settled law that a warrant is required before police enter a home? That’s probably the only defense to what this doorbell video captured. This issue is actually at the Supreme Court right now.


40 thoughts on “Doorbell Camera Shows Warrantless Search and I Explain the “Community Caretaking” Exception”
  1. So this never seems to get asked, but wouldn't the 3rd amendment apply to these warrantless home entries without the owner's consent? Police are soldiers in that they are 'enlisted men and women', enlisted in that they are active members of a government enforcement organization. The third amendment states that soldiers shall not be 'quartered', or sheltered, in any house without consent of the owner. Simply being in a house means that one is 'sheltered' from the elements and generally from public view. So why would this amendment not apply in these circumstances? Has anyone ever used this in court before?

  2. More than a little sad to hear a civil rights lawyer belittling transgender people. It's hard to take hypocritical people like this seriously even when i like his other content. The government doesn't get to tell you what gender you are. It doesn't get to inspect the genitals of kids tomake sure they go in the "right" bathroom. Freedom is scary, right?

  3. That's really scary. They have the right to go in anywhere they want? They claim it's for our own good, these nanny laws are bullpoop! The government is always looking for ways to get around freedom. Why not put a ticket on the truck? What made them go into the house? Makes no sense!

  4. What a crock of bull. They were not making sure anyone was hurt. They broke into this home without a warrant and also traumatized this family with what they did. All of them officers should be cuddled with breaking and entering. They clearly had no reason to enter this home and trying to justify it by that lake excuse is really just bull.

  5. How does this play out when there's a legitimate call for a welfare check. Something like "I was supposed to pick up my elderly relative this morning but they're not answering the door or phone, I'm concerned something may have happened to them". as a firefighter I've been on calls like this and generally we at least want an officer to go inside with us if not taking the lead. In at least one of these cases we found a very suspicious death.

  6. what kind of dumb thought process do these cops have to go through to see a "illegally parked" trailer and go straight to "oh no one answered the door, that must mean some one is injured inside"

  7. They pull their pistols out to shoot people and kill them that's what they put them guns out for they don't pull them out for no other reason they make a reason so they can kill somebody they come up with all kinds of excuses bad cops make bad decisions

  8. And no they pushed that door open they didn't let the door just didn't come open by itself they pushed that door open and went in there and searched around and didn't have a they had to have a search warrant to go in there and he had to be there in order for them to go in there his daughter was there so they should know really went in there without a search warrant or even with him that being there that's violation of his rights and they he should be able to go to turn off affairs on them get them all fired and Sue the police department plus through them

  9. Yeah and they violated your rights and your daughters rights by going in your house when you wasn't there they didn't have no search warrant and if they did have a search warrant you had to be present in order for him to go in your house you got the first second the third the fourth fifth amendment maybe even the 5th 6th and 7th and 8th in the 9th the 10th so they're violating your rights by this by going in your house because you got a trailer parked outside your driveway it's not right for them to do that I'm going to watch the rest of this and I'm going to come back with some more because the police are dirty they're pigs not police pigs

  10. So this Coniglia case before SCOTUS is extremely important. Please keep us informed. It's sad that the liberal media picks and chooses what they want citizens to see.

  11. Cops caught lying and conduct an armed invasion, yet they carried out an investigation and found that the cops failed to shoot and kill all occupants and destroy the camera. The officers have been sent on a course to help understand that cops can break all laws as long as they lie convincingly!

  12. It shows that these kinds of cops should go to jail there'selves and not enter a person's home it's saposto to be our safe place to be not to have these gun toting thugs going in on our kids poi ting guns Thsy were there for the outside stuff not barg in on people like that and abuseing our rites

  13. If the vehicle and trailer were indeed illegally parked, the police may ticket it,
    tow it, or both. Absent any evidence that someone was in danger in the residence, there was no reason whatsoever for police to enter the residence without a warrant. The fact that they entered with weapons drawn in no issue. You always have your weapon at the ready when entering a home uninvited. that is just a no brainer.

  14. Great, lets see if the Republican majority controlled supreme court believes in the Constitution or not! Their current rulings would say no, especially with their refusal to see anything about asset forfeiture allowing the police to rob people daily and them allowing private companies to use eminent domain laws to take a private persons home and build strip malls.

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