The WV Governor responded to our federal lawsuit challenging his lockdown/mandate tyranny with a motion to dismiss. Today we filed our response. I think Samuel Adams said it best on October 14, 1771: “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”

The filings:

Federal Lockdown Tyranny Challenge: The Governor files a Motion to Dismiss and Here’s our Response

Read more and help support the cause:


36 thoughts on “The Governor Responds with a Motion and We Respond: Lockdown Tyranny – FIS No. 36”
  1. Don't don't provoke YouTube unless you have backed up all of your videos and prepared to move it to bitchute or other places you got to be care of the other places cuz they are just as bad as YouTube I don't know if it's true that is that bad yet or not all this all this all this is because big big oligarchs have gotten their minions there demons and are threatening Supreme Court should never have ignored a case the judges ignore the founding fathers Etc we turning over in their graves so it is the fascist oligarchies sending their minions to threaten to murder them to expose their sexual proclivities Etc I'm waiting to see what Trump is up to today is Monday the

  2. Just to put a little wrench in it I have a memorandum law that I use when I goes fight speeding tickets parking tickets and a DWI which I fought myself it's tribes all the money issues you sound pretty good you sound very American what about property tax Appeals real estate agents value your property and then you try to appeal and the administrative offices wants $75 for the appeal they give you a form to fill out with all this information they want why wouldn't Fifth Amendment apply there

  3. I like the church I go to you're pretty smart Bible people okay I've gone to six foot distancing only a handful wear a mask so what good is 6ft distancing I may have the people sing in the choir director says Sing louder do they understand that you are spraying the atmosphere the air and they wear the mask down underneath their nose to make themselves feel like they're obeying but they never cover their eyes the membranes in their eyes with carry the virus so when you singing all that those germs are all over everything everything on your shoulders on your back on your phone on your hands on your chairs this is highly highly stupid

  4. You're forgetting that if we socialize and fund shit no one will ever want for basic necessities ever again. Those countries still spend heavily on military and waste almost all the money they tax. It's efficient and inevitable capitalism failed long ago

  5. Businesses do report profits, not disputing this. The owners and, if applicable, the board and investors do profit. But there is also a clear source of life-sustaining income before a profit is seen. The employees do not profit from their services. They receive an income, which is not profit. Every business is essential. Taxation without representation.
    (This idea, income, is a reason the IRS is a scam and workers need to wise up about their withholdings form.)
    Require the governor and his legal team prove their claims of beer bug deaths and the pandemics existence. They claimed it is fact. Make them prove it WITHOUT relying upon the propaganda, or the WHO propaganda, or the Dept. of Health propaganda, or Dr. Fauci.
    The gallows have been awaiting a resurgence of biblical proportions and it is time for one now.

  6. i think the best thing is to show the courts they have no science to prove the pcr test should be used on covid that it can show a cold that some one had years before .even the man that made the pcr said it should never be used for this real test no real epidemic. lots of proof by real scientists that the test is up to 90 present false positive.

  7. Colorado has successfully voted bipartisan yes to end qualified immunity while Texas is trying to end federal money to cities that reduce police budgets people may be picking their domicile by the next year based on tax increases to cover damage and increased property taxes to cover the costs of rebuilding what the rioters destroyed. Pretty much leaving metropolitan areas to examine their bottom lines. I foresee big tax increases during a time of covid 19 pandemic. The only winners are the city pensioners and city staff where personal salary and benefits will continue to increase. Boo

  8. Brian, I know you are very busy, but I am asking you to please look up the website and read what lawyers from Ohio and New Mexico are doing for their states to end the covid tyranny of their governors. Dr. Pam Popper from The Wellness Forum in Ohio helped to create this group. In April, she said that forced vaccines were the endgame of the covid madness. She co authored a book about it and has been working very hard to educate people on the true nature of covid 19 and what has been behind the tyrannical responses of our leaders through this. She believes, along with many others, that every state has to unite and work together if we are to be free individuals again. I am not a lawyer, nor gifted with a logistical brain but I understand freedom. I don't like this America. I love our state slogan. Now it's Mountaineers are always free, unless Jim Justice says otherwise. We can't settle for this and thank you so much for everything you have been doing for WV. I live in Berkeley County. I'm recovering from Lyme disease, but if I can help someway from home, please give me suggestions. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I pray the new year brings you peace, joy and liberty.

  9. why can't EVERY WVian sue the Governor under the same premise as that restaurant owner?
    No Governor has the authority to override the Constitution nor the civil rights of the citizens of the State
    and btw nearly 99% of citizens are wearing masks and IF by the Governors science claim, masks worked WHY is the State seeing such a huge spike in cases and deaths OR are they at all?

    and every REAL Science data and research I have read has stated masks do NOT work and one study showed wearing a mask and not wearing a mask has little difference in infection rate
    even OSHA states> cloth and surgical masks?" DOES NOT PROTECT the wearer from ANY Infectious agent"
    that is proven fact…and the so-called Czar is clueless of the virus itself much less anything concerning masks even the CDC nor the WHO have Ever performed any mask tests
    Many universities have-Doctors and scientists have as well as OSHA itself…so why aren't those studies being shown?
    It is just a simple case of communist take over of our State and our Country

  10. I think these folks running around throwing lawsuit after lawsuit at the governments efforts to protect the people are just another branch of the shady people attempting to profit off this pandemic. Whether it's money, clout, or youtube views this has nothing to do with civil rights. If the government had done nothing these same folks would be crying foul and suing the government for not taking action. As they are quick to complain and condemn ask yourself what solutions or courses of action have they proposed that would better deal with the situation at hand?

  11. Board of Barbers & Cosmetologist – lol I choose Board of TRUTH in Government offices, Elected and Appointed.
    WE Have established Constitutional Processes; We must remind our servants to USE them, give Notice. Thanks Again!

  12. YAY! Well Said! Thank You.* Using the 'books' < [word?] State Process follows based upon. i'm learning
    Governors Job to Know this! What is His plan? Deceit, Kidnap and Misrepresenting the people? FRAUD?!
    ". . Constitutional limits on state authority and any guaranteed rights remain in full effect during an emergency." <–
    West Virginia – "Any state of emergency or state of preparedness, terminates upon the proclamation of the termination

    Governments & infectious disease. "Millions of Americans urgent constitutional question. Can they do that?"
    *"Jacobson takes off the table any general challenge to EO43
    based on the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection of liberty.”* (1:15:00 ) ish

    W VA 'Consults w County & Local Health 'officials' & State's public health "experts", WHEN appropriate to terminate.'
    > How do They decide?

    – West Virginia health emergency procedure >> W. Va. Code Ann. § 15-5-6. [2020]
    I still say, The People should Petition Legislature. Those so called, 'health officials', have NO Power.

    Who is Ever deserving of That type of Demeaning attitude from One's Governor, 'Servant'?
    This Governor has made this case Personal, NOT based on TRUTH, Logic or Law. He's based it on FEAR, or Money.
    Aww He's SCARED. ? Someone needs to Show him TRUTH, he'll feel better. (i'm trying to be kind) : }
    No change without Knowledge. Quiz the man. What are his questions. Governor speaks as if He Knows. Does he?

    What makes an "Emergency" an emergency? WHO PROVES it's Real? Who checks those that give info?
    Ask: WHERE are the 'Sick'? Numbers are Lies. PEOPLE MUST STAND!

    What qualifies as end of pandemic > medical: "death rates plummet" Social: "fear about the disease wanes."
    in other words: "people grow tired of panic mode and learn to live with a disease" >

    Quarantine Pandemic : What qualifies as pandemic? A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide" >
    includes nothing about population immunity, virology or disease severity."
    "Seasonal epidemics are not considered pandemics." > How many years before considered "seasonal"?
    "out-of-season transmission – characterizes an influenza pandemic" (OUT Of Season.) lol
    Risk assessed by anticipation of severity and precaution should be calibrated to risk. << (WHY NOT TRUTH??) >
    2011 'WHO' >

    influenza pandemic occurs when a new virus emerges (Pandemic because New. ?) Not new now.
    2010 'WHO' ->

    This BS Must END. I will always question. NO Trust.
    i Hate not knowing, I need many ways to help with interpretations. reason for long 'rants' sorry
    Your Info Truly helps. Bullying Kills. Constitutional Knowledge builds Strength. OUR Life depends on it
    Input always welcome. Cheers!

  13. If people have so much faith in the mask why does it bother them when someone doesn't wear one. If their mask works you would not be a threat. Our Gov. says the covid is eating us alive the numbers just aren't there.

  14. Sir, Illinois has a $250 billion pension hole. It is not mathematically possible to cut spending/raise taxes enough to plug the hole.

    So, what is the solution? Lock everything down so that schools will have to layoff mass numbers of government employees.

    This pandemic/shut down is not a conspiracy, but it IS an opportunity.

    Thus, the government is in big big trouble without laying off huge numbers of government workers.

  15. I admire your tenacity. But since the DC cowards in black robes failed to correct the vote cheaters, the cheaters will cheat forever saying…'you did nothing to stop me…'. See "The Frog and the Scorpion" short story. Once the USSC gets diluted with another fifty judges shortly; USA will have died a death of excessive cuts. We may default on our debt even sooner and have the holders of our collective debt demand land and slaves as compensation. When you teach your children, please tell them 'this is how it should be…" but "this is what we have".

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