Update 3/29/22: https://youtu.be/pdaI9VyWR_o

UPDATE 3/23/21: Lawsuit Filed: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2021/03/23/federal-suit-filed-against-family-court-judge-and-deputies-for-warrantless-search-and-seizure/
This is Part 2, to one of the craziest search and seizure cases I’ve ever seen, or personally been involved with: The West Virginia Family Court judge who’s searched the home of a federal law enforcement officer, looking for his ex-wife’s DVDs and other stuff, a year and a half after they divorced….. and got caught by YouTube.

Part 1 Video, in case you missed it: https://youtu.be/_0IDL8ll2x4

UPDATE 12/29: https://youtu.be/FNEtzDa9KOg

LIVE CAST with the client 10/5:) https://youtu.be/2zbp9yxARFI

UPDATE 10/7: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/10/06/continued-fallout-from-the-family-court-judge-search-case/

UPDATE 10/3: My analysis of the substance of the charges against the judge: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/10/03/wv-supreme-court-releases-formal-statement-of-charges-against-raleigh-county-family-court-judge/

UPDATE: Judge Charged: https://youtu.be/FNEtzDa9KOg

Learn more and subscribe to free email updates: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/10/02/family-court-judge-search-video-part-2/

(LIVE CAST with the client 10/5:) https://youtu.be/2zbp9yxARFI



40 thoughts on “Family Court Judge SEARCHES my Client’s House – Part 2”
  1. The perception exists that judges, district attorneys (DAs), and police often exhibit a sense of superiority, considering themselves immune to the consequences of their actions. This sentiment implies that ordinary citizens are the ones solely responsible for adhering to the law, while those in positions of authority feel exempt from its constraints. Consequently, their behavior seems to disregard the significance of the constitution, as long as they possess the authority to apprehend individuals. They just simply DONOT care.

  2. The cops that helped
    her search, the ones
    that would arrest him,
    knowing it's illegal &
    and a violation of the
    constitution, we'll it's
    these people whom
    need to refuse, reject
    commands from their
    slap happy abuse of
    power superiors.
    Because w/o the
    ones carrying weapons
    that are licensed to
    legally kill you if you
    resist with no consequences,
    it's these people the back
    bone of the system
    that needs to have the
    legitimacy to refuse.

  3. Sounds like her depends are soggy & she needs to be turned out to pasture damned ol cow & the two deputies that will do whatever she says needs to be stripped of any & all powers & do 5 yrs. Each ! Great work John love your mastery of their ignorance hope they & all others you beat down fill your pockets to overflowing into buckets . Keep up the good fight wish you could train about a thousand or more like you instead of the good ol boy network that goes on in almost every court in the land . Take it from 1st hand experience .

  4. I'd be willing to bet the judicial commity involves the judge that not only kept my son away from me for 2 years but also supported my ex-wife coaching me into suicide. All based on the fact of me being a combat wounded veteran.

  5. Ok it's obvious that many people didn't get the news that some of these judge's thinks that they are the law and the law stop's at their feet point blank!

    Oh and also there's been an apparent rumor that there's a new improved COVID-19 Pandemic amended policing memo from March 2020 so here's the supposed update!

    Police aren't required to be held accountable and they will investigate themselves if you ignorant of the law non understanding of the constitution or the other new laws of the land unknowledgeable civilians have any type of complaints!

    It's not the police job to be honest with anyone not even to themselves! Nor do they really have to protect, serve, save, or assist anyone anymore just ask those scary cops at the elementary school down in Uvalde Texas it's self preservation errr-man and child 4 em self while the police remains safe outside away from the gun toting criminal!

    The police are here to drive around harassing people who actually are obeying the law not going after the real violators when they get bored because it's a lot easier to stop someone who won't run & knows that they aren't riding dirty!

    It is a requirement to avoid certain people of a certain skin complexion for the right connection to get let off of getting a traffic violation and stick to mainly just screwing with people of other various ethnicity's.

    It's a requirement to trap people up making up lies saying they smell alcohol or marijuana, play like they are doctors claiming your pupils are dilated.

    They now actually pick when, where, how, & what they want to do or even with choosing which civil/domestic dispute-disturbance they wanna go to or any other crime's that are being committed! Rumor has it that coins are being flipped nationwide on taser vs gun usage on certain people in certain communities.

    📝 Lastly the memo reads that if it's a mental health issue and they police are called to the problem don't expect the best outcome, no real help, definitely no descalation, you might wanna expect either a gun or Taser to be used as the best way of resolving the person having a mental health breakdown as the best medication to be provided by untrained psychiatrist in police uniforms (Just search on YouTube or Google)

    Last but not least people please most DEFINITELY don't be expecting to get the sharpest pencil out of the police department he retired back in 1979! THE END THAT THAT'S THAT'S  ALL FOLKS 🐷

  6. The judge is the mutual fiduciary in the case for both parties. The judge is supposed to have no biased toward either party. The judge uses evidence pertaining to the dispute in order to make a decision for both parties. Both parties are in court for a fair and impartial trial. Both parties can not come up with a solution on their own and they need to be administered by a judge. they then submit to the judge voluntarily expecting the judge to be fair, impartial, and reasonable for both parties. This judge acted in a disgusting manner and should be fired on the spot, GET HER OUTTA HERE!!

  7. When you have a locally employed law enforcement and judicial system, then this is what you get.
    You get misconduct, corruption, conspiracy to abuse rights and cover up those abuses and corruption.

  8. How could a Judge think that this is lawful.
    How could they think they can tell him he is not allowed to record inside his own home.
    How can they think they can threaten to arrest him for standing up for his rights.
    Judge and every law enforcement offical involved in this must go.

  9. Maybe that judge has evidence… paperwork, audio/video of this LEO doing precisely what she is doing to him? I mean, hey… he is LEO… notice his buddies REICH beside her?

    During the NUREMBERG TRIALS, the excuse "I was only doing what I was told" didn't hold.
    The judge was a GESTAPO, and she called her BROWN SHIRTS. Each and every one of these people should be FIRED and held personally liable for their illegal actions.

  11. this is america right i didn t wake up in nazi poland did i this is nuts stuff like this can t go on that judge needs to lose her job any police or judge or public worker that think they are beyond the law needs to go

  12. What people don't know is this fact: even if a mother or a father goes to the court to contract for a benefit and then discovers the benefit isn't what they thought it would be they can withdr from the agreement and take their children home as soon as possibly possible.
    It takes a one sentence notice with the proper word(s) expressed: i, man/woman made a mistake , i thought this would be a
    benefit but now wish the immediate restoration of property. Sign(ed,) date(d) and delivered .

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