The Civil Rights Lawyer discusses the 2020 election dumpster fire. Can votes be un-counted? Who gets to declare the winner of a presidential election? The media? Congress? The SCOTUS? The candidates? We the People? Has this ever happened before?

Join me live at 6pm Eastern for Ep. No. 27 of Freedom is Scary.

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37 thoughts on “Get Out the Vote? Election Litigation 2020 – FIS Live No. 27”
  1. I live in PA, I'm a registered Republican and my fiance is a registered Democrat. I received an unsolicited mail in ballot while my fiance received 4 mail in ballots. Does that not tell you something is going on?

  2. I’m not a political man but I ask this if Biden got votes from con called dead people don’t you think that’s be the same for trump ? Trump won so much hate that people that never vote go out and vote against him I know a lot of them I really don’t like either one of them but just wanted to ask if Biden got illegal votes don’t you think the trump did to ?

  3. To be fair, the electoral college should be 1 vote per State, and in the case of a tie then go to a majority of the populous votes nationwide.
    As for determining the state's vote, 1 vote per County based on a majority.
    Again if a tie exists in county votes, go to the majority of overall votes in the state.

    Presently the electoral college gives prevalence to states with highest populations. States with higher populations are given more electoral votes, that means those states control all elections.

    In Washington State, you don't need a Social Security Number to register to vote. Illegal aliens can register with a state identification card or driver's license both of which don't require a social security card; and a piece of mail with your name and an address within the state. Many use cellular service bills sent to a temporary job service address or a transient shelter. In my opinion illegal aliens without visas or green cards shouldn't be allowed to vote.
    If they're making no effort to become legal citizens then they don't deserve to make an impact on the passage of laws or bills, or elect candidates.

    As for mail in voting, that must be reserved for military or diplomats out of state; or for handicapped individuals unable to attend polling places. And the absentee votes must be received by the Ballot Boxes on or before the election day to be counted immediately.

  4. Well like i said there is more to it then just hating trump!! 90% of all new media, ALL demarcates And now china lol lol hate Trump. And i can not see why like you said he has done more for the US then they past 6 presidents has all together! I heard about the one world order 25 years ago and i really think that is why everyone is so mad at Trump because he put a stop to there plan!!

  5. The Civil Rights Lawyer : You are not only informed, but you are a voice of reason. You are probably a terrific lawyer, as well.
    My point : The AP and the lamestream media have 20% of the voters in this country already believing that Biden has won the most corrupt election in this country's history.
    Only the electoral college and the court system can declare a winner and that hasn't happened yet. There has been more fraud (fraud that can be proven in court) in this election than in any other American election in history. We are at least 2 or 3 weeks away from verifying a winner to this election.
    Democrats are premature in their celebration, but the agenda of the MSM is to start a revolution and ultimately to destroy this country.

  6. From what I can gather in PA the Republican observers were in the counting rooms along side of the Democrats, it's just that they didn't like being so far away. They were being held in a restricted area. The judge let them out of that area and they could get up to 6 feet away, because of covid restrictions. The issue was resolved and counting started again and then some of the Republicans left and got upset when they didn't stop the count. The observers don't have to be present because it's optional. So how is that an issue still? If it was really equal access shouldn't that issue be put to bed?

  7. Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it. If the jury have no right to judge of the justice of a law of the government, they plainly can do nothing to protect the people against the oppressions of the government; for there are no oppressions which the government may not authorize by law. So these villains, who call themselves governments, well understand that their power rests primarily upon money. With money they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort money. And, when their authority is denied, the first use they always make of money, is to hire soldiers to kill or subdue all who refuse them more money.

  8. Trump is asking for donations to help with legal fees for all of his recount lawsuits, but in the fine print of his website, it says that "50-60% of donations will be used to pay down debt"
    Funny..isn't it.

  9. I think sometimes people see your channel and videos you've posted, then make the assumption that your anti police and therefor you must be on the side of the left and against trump lol.

  10. 1:47:07 first of all sorry for commenting so much but, the executive order ban of the “weapons” tools ban that trump did with bump stocks was a deal breaker for me.. He seems as if he talks out of both sides of his mouth and, does the opposite quite often. Or the quote dealing with red flag laws. Take the guns first due process second… not even close to libertarian. In my opinion.

  11. According to the administration that now exists, this is not stating facts and I am absolutely amazed that you would post something like this given what I've seen on this channel. I never took you for a Trumper but now that you have shown your true colours, you're gone!

  12. <<<< I will believe this until the day i die!!! >>>> I'll tell you all what the democratic party is so mad about! This all started was back when, president George w. Bush senior was in office! The democratic party was on the road of the beginning of a ( One world order ) And president Trump came along and put a stop to it all. And now they need president Trump out so they can continue with there plan! And they are and will do and try anything to get their program back in the making!!

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