The Civil Rights Lawyer explains “Qualified Immunity” which is widely misunderstood in the media, on social media, and in courtrooms. What is “Qualified Immunity? In this video, I’ll explain how to strip an officer of Qualified Immunity in three easy steps. Or maybe not so easy, depending on the type of case.

Qualified Immunity has been the subject of intense debate in recent years, and especially in recent months. Many commentators have criticized it as an example of the Court creating legislation from the bench, and in so doing having created a significant problem for citizens seeking to hold their government officials accountable for the violations of their civil rights.


25 thoughts on “How to Strip an Officer of Qualified Immunity – FIS Live No. 19”
  1. i grew up in foster homes. every cruel violent thing i've ever experienced were at the hands of a judge, a social worker and an attorney. qualified immunity is why foster care is never fixed. There's a crazy mythology about what foster homes are like and nearly ever social worker everywhere believes it. You dont have kids averaging 16 different placements in 4 years if its a healthy system. nearly half of the placements were cult like religious fanatics who changed out foster kids like grandma changes out a sunday hat for church. the other half a dirt poor and can barley support their own family. i was once in a licensed foster home which was condemned by the city. and when you're hungry and mistreated and run away, they put you in detention.

    Its never the foster parents. Its never the judge. Its never the social worker. Its never the attorney (who told you, "you cant talk about child abuse")

  2. The federal court is not concerned with protecting our rights I have proved this in New Hampshire. Of course a fantastic lawyer such as yourself with millions of views would have made them do their jobs. Instead for every day people they ruin our entire lives.

  3. And o still don’t consent to have my car searched and ransacked I don’t smoke pot or cigarettes 🚬 non existent ticket(not in the system) no show to court so where is my vehicle????

  4. 😮if you strip qualified immunity I think it cause cops, who want to push the issue, to think twice before they violate people’s rights. Many of the videos you present are cops who are really junior high school bullies.

  5. This is simple. If the law does not involve a victim, it does not need to be investigated. Infractions are not LAW. They are politician unconstitutional power plays to control the population. Not even the cops know the laws anymore. REMBER YOUR OATH: To defend the constitution of the United States, and server the people. No were does it state you need to be a politician puppet. Just stop harassing the people were there is no victim or risk of harm.

  6. Why are so many local prosecutors, city managers, elected city officials and even state attorneys so dedicated to protecting police misconduct and actual criminal behavior?

    Why are so many "good" cops so dedicated to protecting bad cops?

    I have to believe that "good" cops would hold bad cops accountable if they had confidence that the criminal justice system would do the right thing?

    I just don't understand this. Why is everybody incented to protect corrupt and incompetent policing?

    Thanks for your dedication to these causes.

  7. There is no how to strip a cop of qualified immunity and you know it.. it depends on how corrupt the courts are in that jurisdiction. There are places in this country that the corruption runs deep and there is not much you can do especially if a federal court backs that local corrupt police force and courts

  8. Just invoke your 5th Amendment right to remain silent without counsel and record the pignorant little porker throw his qualified immunity out the window. Also, qualified immunity is an issue but prosecutorial immunity is even worse. A prosecutor can't even be sued for FAKING EVIDENCE! And they even have qualified immunity on top of that! That makes prosecutors basically untouchable.

  9. The Police have gotten completely beyond control and requiring education is the answer for that. Make them have a degree. All new hires must have one. all ild hired have 8 years to get one. And then make them have an additional 2 years of applied constitutional law studies. That would weed out and correct most of the bullies. And take only 12 years to flip the narrative. Because when we have cop corruption at these open levels- people follow. Why should they be honest if the community leaders are so corrupt?

  10. Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

    Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a CRIME for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

    For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties.

    Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials.

  11. Excellent video thank you for this video. I would like to comment on is qualified immunity really the problem my opinion is yes because just because the percentage of cases that were dismissed because of giving the officer qualified immunity the low percentage doesn't really mean anything if they're arresting people violating people's rights on an extremely large basis that would lower that percentage number

  12. Most cops that violates a persons rights know what theyre doing is wrong, totally WRONG, but they think that person doesnt realize it, todays technology is very much helping people learn their rights and crooked cops are begining to be exposed more and more around the country showing that cops are just taking advange of qualified ammunity in a way that is just crooked,,,,they need to abolish qualified ammunity, its not working out !

  13. It’s called entrapment and luring aside from the misconduct following a female dureing decent from financial situation caused by them staking and lewd conduct by oversexualized cops

  14. State, County & City Entities have the power to sue & be sued ? Those Entities can be sued under U.S.C. 1985 also, and 42 U.S.C. !!!
    Exceptions to peace officer immunity are : A mistaken interpretation of the law. As Respondeat Superior they may to sued. Malicious intent. A knowingly and willfully violating the law !

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