TikTok killer guns down his wife and her lover in jealous rage

TikTok killer guns down his wife and her lover in jealous rage

“True Crime News” reports on Ali Abulaban’s life sentence, after a jury convicted the once-popular TikTok star, known as JinnKid, for the murder of his wife and her lover.


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48 thoughts on “TikTok killer guns down his wife and her lover in jealous rage

  1. T.K KIRLAND was just on Vlad a few days ago saying dont ever go to a woman's house, go to a hotel or something, never go over to her house to engage her intimately or anything! Ypu could end up dead!

  2. "lover"

    There literally no proof that her and her friend were intimate… Even on the audio he was listening in on was just them having a normal conversation… Unless y'all can't fathom people hanging out in a home without fkcing LMAO

  3. 6:04 " you know she not gonna go cheat, IF you didnt cheat first" 🤣🤣🤣 these 304 think they equal to the high value man they choose 🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. He should be locked up the rest off his life no doubt horrible what he done but annoying me they keep saying jealousy, she cheated on him in his house so technically its betrayal

  5. You don't mess with another man's wife, and you definitely don't take another person's life. They were both wrong. Antisocial media is like a magic trick, they only show you want they want you to see.

  6. 6:30 All these "kind and loving people" are cheating?? I must be old and have a much different definition of KIND and LOVING! Seems like everyone who dies anymore is a saint somehow, even when their actions show otherwise.

  7. Ayee I ain’t even madd at bro, ladies y’all better stop cheating.. y’all to old, ain’t y’all tired of doing the same life over and over

  8. He was an abuser, a drug addict and a narcissist.
    She never cheated on him, they were divorcing (at least, she was trying, but he didn't want her to leave).
    He had no right to call her his wife, he had no right to abuse her and surely no right to kill them. He took the time to listen, to drive there, to go up and kill them.
    The way he is acting up, making it a full show and clapping back with disgust at people like an immature little boy show what kind of character he is.
    He would have killed her, no matter what because he couldn't not take the fact she was leaving him.

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