Thicker Than Water, Show 3219, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog

ALL NEW COPS / Jan 13th @ 10/9 central on Paramount!!!

A family calls the police when they realize an intruder is in their house. A mother asks her son to seek help after deputies find some unsavory items in his car. Tensions reach a breaking point for a young man and his stepdad.

EP-3219/ Viewer discretion is advised.

Grand Prairie Police Department

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office

Nye County Sheriff’s Office

– You can now watch Cops on Amazon Prime in Canada, the UK, Ireland & Australia, watch here:


12 thoughts on “Thicker Than Water, Show 3219, COPS TV SHOW”
  1. Why did sting op's embed themselves at Oaks Amusement Park and murder off the owner of that park and take over all the key positions within that park and repeatedly sabotage the rides in attempts to cause huge deaths and disasters and why did the brains behind this live at the park?
    How many dozens of children did sting op's repeatedly try to get killed by sabotage of amusement rides?

  2. A female sting op detective put a knife to my throat and admitted their framing me for the murder of a child and my Gopro camera was running in my coat pocket and caught her in the act yet there is no such thing as a badge carrier in the state of Oregon that will take a complaint on a badge carrier and act on it!

    Portland cops call their Multnomah county jail kitchen prep cook girlfriends by the nick name Mrs Dash in love letters and these women brag in writing their poisoners and brag in writing their victims cannot get help from police or hospitals!
    These women call their cop boyfriends by the nick name Doubleclick in love letters! because of cops extreme fondness to act as photo doubles for photogenic photo's and for fuzzy at a distance video survilance cameras in order to frame their targets/victims as bad guys!

    Multnomah county sheriff's sabotaged the Monster Mouse ride at Oaks Park and had collage educated wielders under cover as minimum waged ride operators and had them hog the ride to develop damage/metal fatigue/cracks/breaks on the tracks of that ride and when they developed a full break on the track they suddenly quit their job without warning and the next morning the sting op's on the maintenance team slagged the break on the track to hide the break from the normal employees!
    A week later during the public school picnics at the park on the busiest public school picnic day of the year that hunk of slag broke off and the track was separating as the cars filled with children went over that track!
    It was your governments intention to have a track section completely fail and for a car on that ride to careen off the track and to crash into the dozens of school children that were in line for that ride!
    Sting op's are mass child killers!

    March 26th 2007 officer's Eric Carlson and John Ray committed felony break in and murdered a female child and they along with their girlfriends bragged to Happy Valley Walmart employees about how easy it is for them to use doubles and photogenic photo's to frame their victims!

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