Hold My Gun, Sgt. Tony Alves, COPS TV Show – Everything Law and Order Blog

Sergeant Tony Alves of the Gulfport Police Department assists a fellow officer with a routine traffic stop. Sgt. Alves approaches the passenger side of the vehicle and quickly notices a gun in the driver’s hand. Fortunately, the officer who initiated the traffic stop reacts quickly and recovers the gun from the driver without incident. While the officer removes the gun from the immediate area, Sgt. Alves removes the driver from the vehicle and places him in handcuffs. Once the driver is moved to the back of a squad car, Sgt. Alves safely searches the driver’s vehicle and discovers a crack rock hidden in a cigarette box. When the driver is questioned about the find, he attempts to downplay the situation by claiming that the drugs are for personal use only. Additionally, he was supposedly in the process of handing the gun over to officers and hadn’t meant for the move to appear threatening. Sgt. Alves calmly explains to the driver that he put himself in a dangerous situation, and that if there is a next time, he will be much better off giving officers verbal notification instead. Both officers are grateful that no one was hurt, but the driver still has to go to jail on the drug and weapon charges.
– You can now watch Cops on Amazon Prime in Canada, the UK, Ireland & Australia, watch here: https://amzn.to/39mtmXb


25 thoughts on “Hold My Gun, Sgt. Tony Alves, COPS TV Show”
  1. Y'all got to do like I done come on and out here to the west coast of the United States where marijuana is legal we smoke it while we watch Cops Chase drunks down the road and they don't care you can't get no trouble as long as you don't drive no cars while you're high and we don't like to do nothing high but watch Cops on TV and in real life at the same time so hahaha to y'all people still go to jail that's dumb we love you all though come on out here blessed siblings

  2. If you don’t know how to act while owning a gun you probably shouldn’t own a gun
    Notice how I never get pulled out of car etc yet I always have my gun.
    The only thing you should do is tell the officer you do have a firearm and that’s that never touch it unless you want to possibly get shot dodo bird

  3. This video is a joke!!!! Has a gram of coke. The officer legit asks, “you cuttin this up and selling it?”🤣🤣🤣🤣 a gram?!?!! What dealer has a gram that he cuts and sells 🤦

  4. “I found ONE GRAM of cocaine” the continues to think he’s selling… he even says “you cuttin that stuff up?” WTF IS THIS GUYS SERIOUS? A gram of cocaine and he disbelieves it’s for personal use?!?!?!?

  5. NEVER NEVER NEVER attempt to reach for, touch or hand a officer a gun of ANY type, be it a BB, pellet, fake plastic, pistol, darringer or rifle.

    You're risking getting shot. Most police departments require a cop to draw, shoot 3, drop mag, rearm and fire again in 3 seconds or less. Chances are you'll lose.

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