I’m Not Bubba, Officer J.I. Cooper, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog

Patrolman Cooper of Charleston WV Police Department receives a call of a suspicious person in an alleyway. The subject is located and upon questioning, lies repeatedly about his name, date of birth, and address. During questioning the suspect also refers to patrolman Cooper as Bubba. Cooper repeatedly requests that the man show some respect and not address him as Bubba. The subject has a tattoo with initials JRC on right arm and claims they are his deceased son’s initials. Backup officers arrive on scene to assist with identifying the subject with the help of a thumbprint ID device. His correct information was located quickly and the name game comes to an end. The initials correspond to his name. The man claims he lied because he has a warrant and addicted to heroin. He states he was trying to avoid jail because he didn’t want to become dope sick. Patrolman Cooper offers him drug treatment information and advice on how to turn his life around. The man is booked on his warrants and obstructing.
– You can now watch Cops on Amazon Prime in Canada, the UK, Ireland & Australia, watch here: https://amzn.to/39mtmXb


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