Jam Master Jay’s alleged killers face trial; Murdaugh’s conviction upheld – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: GiGi McKelvey joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss a judge denying Alex Murdaugh’s request for a new trial amid allegations of jury tampering, the men charged with the shooting death of Run DMC’s Jam Master Jay, and Jennifer Crumbley’s trial for allegedly failing to intervene in the actions of her school shooter son.

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Joshua Ritter:


GiGi McKelvey:


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45 thoughts on “Jam Master Jay’s alleged killers face trial; Murdaugh’s conviction upheld – TCD Sidebar”
  1. I have trouble that the mother is going to jail for a crime her son committed when he has been imprisoned for life. He needs care and help. Throwing him behind bars for the rest of his life when the prosecution is saying that the parents should have got him help then he wouldn't have done it. Why isn't he put into a medical institution at least and it be determined after x amount of years and if it is deemed, he is still a danger then he stays there for life?

  2. It's good to hear Jam Master Jays killers could be brought to justice . He was a hero role model and inspiration to me growing up in Northern England and having a lifelong love for Hip Hop music from first hearing in my early teens

  3. It is the absurdity of this adversarial judicial system: the goal is not to find the truth, the goal is to prevail regardless. There is also disregards for the cost to the society. Jurors are not god, the judges can be more decision makers

  4. JUST STOP-IT!!!! the judge applied the LAW… SHE WAS ALLLL OVER THE PLACE!
    no. that "one-juror" was ALLL over the place. then ADMITTED her affidavit was CORRECT. she felt pressure from her peers.
    sounded like juror Z was coached, by her murdaugh team attorney mccoullough ???

  5. Murdaugh is the only person who saw any benefit from a juror saying they were influenced immediately. It was not beneficial to truth or to justice at such an inopportune time for the process itself. He tried to manipulate the system into giving him a new trial and the courts were experienced enough to see what he was doing.

  6. Is the denial of a new trial the same as upholding his conviction? I'm not a lawyer, so this is my layman's interpretation. I would have thought the basis for wanting a new trial was based on procedural impropriety, whereas upholding his conviction would be a reflection on the merits. Am I wrong? Please help, lawyers.

  7. If that one juror was influenced by the court clerk , who would have no more knowledge of whether the defendent is guilty than the juror herself or anyone else who heard all the evidence that was presented in court, then she needs to get a backbone.

  8. Honestly, with the Crumbley case, it’s known that parents can and usually will be criminally liable for their children’s actions until they are over the age of 18. That alone makes them open to being charged. In my opinion, it’s weird that we aren’t charging more parents like this. More and more we’re seeing young kids making very adult decisions and the parents are so unconcerned or completely unaware. Maybe beginning to hold them accountable for their children will start to make for more responsible parents who actually take the time to check in with their kids instead of making it the school’s problem.

  9. Juror Z's credibility is no better than Miss Becky's. Juror Z never would have said anything if Poot and Team didn't show up on her door step…so did Poot influence her decision to say what she said and is that why she felt nervous on the stand?! 🤔

  10. What “slippery slope” are we talking about here? Those parents are in court not because they are shitty parents that did not got their son the help that could have avoided a murder spree, they are in court because they gave as a Christmas present a gun to a child they knew it was deeply disturbed.How the hell are they not responsible? No matter what side you are on on the guns issue, only someone criminally negligent would allow their children unlimited access to a gun. No safe, nothing. I’m with the guest, I never heard of anyone normal that owns guns that would do this with kids in the house. So clearly this is far from a “slippery slope” this is really a special case.

  11. Thanks again for giving me a lot to think about! I always watch (listen, really) to these at least twice so I can really let it all sink in. Love your delivery, Joshua. I haven't found any other podcasts that can compare to yours!

  12. Hello Joshua and Gigi – great podcast episode today. As a person that grew up on 80’s and 90’s music, I never thought Jam Master Jay’s killer would be caught. I’m happy his family is having their day in court. The Crumbley case defense attorney is definitely giving her client a jealous defense. I will give her that. I’m sure the Attorney is phenomenal on paperwork! Trial work, in my Property Manager opinion, may not be her best work. Gigi, I loved the conversation with you and the COE on STS last week, I’ve caught your most recent visit with Joel as well. Joshua – I will be watching you tonight on STS at 7:00pm. Have a wonderful week!

  13. Testimony in the Michigan trial was completed on Friday… case went to jury Monday morning. Not to mention you are taking a lot of things out of context in regards to what actually happened. Do yourselves a favor and watch EC’s Miller Hearing – he outright admits he didn’t tell his parents anything.

  14. I was surprised ya'll skipped over the fact that Juror Z gave one story in her affidavit, another in her first testimony, and then another when she was brought back in to clarify. Her testimony can't be trusted. That you two pretended none of that happened is very disappointing.

  15. Any Jury member is to Listen to the evidence which all the others appear to have done- I’m not saying this juror is gaining anything but it seems odd and we know “the good old boys club pull strings” would love to see any correspondence between the defence and them.

    Let’s be honest I wonder how many jurors in any trial particularly big ones like this are able nowadays with papers/news/ web etc and trials being broadcast to not be aware of what’s going on. I bet they read the comments on trial threads no difference to those swaying their opinion – if that was really the case.

    I truly believe he thought he would get off somehow- I always wonder if it’s why he didn’t contest the financial side and the sentence ( obviously so much evidence and I’m sure he didn’t want to hear how he had screwed up so many people) but if he could overturn this it wouldn’t be life sentence just the finance.

    I don’t trust any of his counsel at all.

  16. Whay about perjury? This juror Z gave at least 3 different statements. One at verdict, one at affidavit and one at this hearing. Neither two were the same statements and Dick Harpootlian wanted juror Z to read the affidavit again to recollect their memory, but the judge drew the line. I mean, if you lie, at least be consistent. But isn't there a law you shouldn't lie under oath? Anyways, if juror Z was ever intimidated, I think that became later, not at the verdict time. They could be threatened in some way to get the new trial for that killer and this is the easiest way to get the juror into this mess. People forget that the simplest explanation is usually correct one.

  17. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth about potential jurors. Not one of them reported that Becky Hill was doing all this while it was going on. And then they all got up there under oath and swore this verdict was theirs and only theirs alone. If ppl can not comprehend basic instructions,and be that influenced by a few words and not the evidence presented then our judicial system is in more trouble than i already thought it was.

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