‘Convicting a Murderer’ explores evidence allegedly left out of ‘Making a Murderer’ – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Shawn Rech joins host Joshua Ritter to discuss shocking details that were allegedly left out of “Making a Murderer,” which are explored in his new documentary “Convicting a Murderer.”

Tweet your questions for future episodes to Joshua Ritter using the hashtag #TCDSidebar.

Check out “Convicting a Murderer” here: https://get.dailywire.com/candace/convicting-a-murderer-v3

Joshua Ritter:


Shawn Rech:

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37 thoughts on “‘Convicting a Murderer’ explores evidence allegedly left out of ‘Making a Murderer’ – TCD Sidebar”
  1. People have invested thousands of hours on the rubbish scam has put out ,they never answer any Questions,(1) how is their no fingerprints of both steven and Brendan in Rav4 ,(2)their is no DNA of both steven n Brendan in Rav ,(3) the smear of blood on dash looks like a Qtip put it there also flakes of blood on carpet in Rav .(4)DNA under hood of Rav nowhere else only the dna from stevens groin which weighert handed in under another innocent cops name ,as being taken from hood ..(5) where is all the blood and dna from poor Teresa in his trailer and garage none at all .(6)now assbender in scam has said Teresa wasn’t shot in head but steven was lying on ground and shot at Teresa’s head but skimmed it and that’s where her dna came from, make your mind up scam and answer QUESTIONS. they are pooping in there pants worrying that KZ is getting to the truth and they will all have to answer to the courts soon .

  2. Guilty or not, the way he was portrayed in convicting a muderer…..he seems like a pretty shitty person. Maybe he is where he belongs. And what are the odds of being convicted wrong twice? Regarding Brendan…..I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. Steven made him help hide the car etc, but im not sure he helped kill her and all that.

  3. "THE KEY" 1. In question was a newly cut key 2. And that was one key, not "her set of keys." 3. The key was found on the seventh search 4. of SA trailer 5. by the sheriff's department, which had no business being there. 6. now you say the first 6 searches were searching the trailer for single-item searches; 7. how stupid do you think people are?
    Why are Ms Zellner's research and findings consistently brushed aside? I have never asserted SA's innocence, but there are substantial reasons for doubt. Kratz's conduct should have resulted in his incarceration, and the case was thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct after the nephew's confession. The clear impropriety should demand SA a new trial.

  4. I grew up in Waukesha County. My Dad was a small town cop. During drives up to Green Bay (Go Packers!) meant getting close to Manitowoc County. My Dad said, "Never go there. Those Cops are crooks".
    That's enough for me.

  5. I'm only halfway through, so maybe you'll answer it in the second half, which I won't be watching since there seems to be no current content. Have either of you watched the SECOND season? Have either of you followed the motions and appeals in recent years? You seem to only reference the first season, which isn't nearly as convincing as the testing done in the second… the new witness statements. True, Avery isn't citizen of the year. Doesn't make him guilty. Explain the blood flakes. Explain the wood on the bullet. Explain the chain of custody issue on the hood latch. Explain no Avery fingerprints in the RAV.

  6. The expert for the defense said the problem
    isn't when you find EDTA, if you find it it's there. The problem is when you don't find it. No one knows if it is there and it just wasn't found, or if it isn't there. So who's to say it wasn't in the RAV 4, because they didn't find it?

  7. if only MAM didnt include the part where the FBI tested the blood and found no evidence of EDTA which you would have expected if it was planted from the vial oh wait they did

  8. The blood vial evidence bag was unsealed and unsigned, that's what the big issue was. Just goes to show the LE and Lawyers were in on it. A crime was committed under the LE Department building and they got away with it.

  9. No DNA Evidence Teresa Halbach or Brendan Dassey were in Stevens Trailer. No DNA of Teresa Halbach on garage floor (Blood) other than a slug found 5 months later. No DNA or evidence there were bones in the burn pit.
    Because Teresa is still alive and that's why the Supreme Court will not let Kathleen Zellner access to the RAV4 for finger prints. They got Stevens blood from the RAV4 but not 1 finger print . Makes you wanna say hmmmmm!!???

  10. 1st of all prosecutors are scum of the earth!
    2nd Who cares how making a murderer was produced as it was a show intended for audiences for money just like all of them.
    3rd Why get someone else to critique the work of other's when they've clearly done the same thing (ive watched his shows and find flaws)
    4th If everyone thinks hes guilty then why not just allow the testing of the RAV4 and have another trial?

    Surely if hes guilty, and im not saying he is innocent or guilty, but a retrial should make certain of the evidence to ensure he did do it!

    Whats everyone so scared about another trial for? Seems to me only law enforcement and prosecutors are the ones scared of hidden deception!

  11. He hit the nail on the head….Money talks, the truth has become whatever story makes the most $, journalists, documentarians have no code of ethics (for the most part) anymore. We see it all across every platform. It’s disgusting, anything can be twisted to any narrative.

  12. Just finished "Convicting a Murder." Before this, I had SA and BD's birthdays in my calendars. I deleted them by episode 3. I am sickened at how I was tricked into believing in someone who had done such horrific things to an innocent young woman.

  13. I have to get used to that very few Americans tell the truth and that is important to find the right voices, so I¨m not getting duped. As an European we are not use to be lied to! . I'm getting more and more appalled by the Americans. They are only about money, fame, appearance and getting something for them selves!

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