Mother murdered by masked men amid divorce with abusive ex-husband – Crime Watch Daily Updates – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: The case of Ariet Girgis, a devoted mother of two with a controlling husband who broke her nose when she asked him to take her out to dinner. Her husband, Magdi Girgis, was arrested and charged with domestic violence.

After breaking her nose, Ariet obtained a restraining order against her husband, and he was ordered to move out of their home in Westminster, California. She also planned on divorcing him.

On September 29, 2004, two masked men went into Ariet’s home. They tied up one of her sons and pushed him in a closet. Then, they went after Ariet. She was stabbed to the point of near decapitation.

Nearly nine years would go by before Ariet and her sons would see justice. Westminster Police arrested Magdi on February 1, 2013, on suspicion of murder. He was later convicted of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and received sentencing enhancements for murder for financial gain and murder to prevent testimony. A judge sentenced him to life in prison without parole in 2014.

Then, investigators got a DNA hit on a second suspect – a man named Anthony Bridget. He was arrested a few months after Magdi, and in 2018, was convicted of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, aggravated assault, and false imprisonment by violence. He also received a special enhancement of murder for financial gain and lying in wait. In October 2018, he was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

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39 thoughts on “Mother murdered by masked men amid divorce with abusive ex-husband – Crime Watch Daily Updates”
  1. I like how they try to bypass the son who had the drug habit. They bring up he could have owed a lot of money but then ruled out the killers being there for him since they only beat him up and left him to live and killed his mom so it makes no sense…. Um it makes all the sense in the world. Someone owes you a ton of money and you kill them, you don't get that money. You kill someone they care about you show them how easy they are to get to, and that you can kill someone that means nothing to you and doesn't owe you a debt, imagine what they could do to someone who really pisses them off and doesn't pay what they owe.

  2. The way you guys narrate this and repeatedly state he didn’t check on his mom and left her behind…is sick. You’re basically victim blaming. I’d like to see how you’d respond to something like this. He did what he thought was best and RAN for help. You think he doesn’t beat the shit out of himself mentally everyday with guilt? Way to make it worse. I typically like this channel but the victim blaming here is disgusting. I hope he is able to heal from this as best as he can. As a mother I would NEVER want my child no matter their age to put themself back at risk by coming back and risking their lives. He did the best thing he could.

  3. I understand why the police have to interrogate everyone including family – there are plenty of cases where children kill their Mom or in some cultures the son/s side with the father to carry out honor killings of their mother or sister if they feel they shamed the family – but this is for the investigators to pursue. The 911 operator is appealing! instructing the victim over the phone to go back to the scene where the attack is taking place is incomprehensible. She should be fired. As for the boy running off – some people run out and some people run into the fire.

  4. The dispatcher says “aren’t you worried about your mum? I’d go back and check on her.” That is the last thing you say to someone who’s just escaped! Main priority is get yourself to safety or that could be another body heading to the morgue! The intruders could still be in the house….And then to make him feel even worse, he’s then questioned by the police as to why he never went back in. I wouldn’t want my child going back in for me! I’d want him to be safe.

  5. I hate the verbiage y’all chose to use in this video. It’s fight, flight, or freeze. Y’all can understand why he chose one of those methods but y’all are playing it out to be like he did it. The dispatcher and the verbiage crime watch chose is messed up.

  6. Seems pretty irresponsible for the 911 operator to ask the son to go back, they didn’t know for sure if anyone was still in the house or not. So she probably made him feel guilty, and hopefully he doesn’t carry that with him. He did the right thing by going to get help.

  7. I’m sorry but the operator is very fucking stupid. We don’t know if those intruders are still there and he’d be most likely getting himself killed if he went back. It may sound harsh but it’s better safe than sorry, don’t try to be a hero in these types of situations

  8. Thank goodness he is where he belongs, I’m so glad her sons are doing ok & I don’t blame them for not going back to help their mom because they could of ended up dead

  9. No mother would want their son to go back to that house , I would definitely say to my son to just leave and run for his life. It depends on how people react in fear too. What kind of a dispatcher is that.Hadn't he fled the scene no one would be alive to call 911

  10. When fight or flight takes over people react instinctively. And each situation is unique. A person who might act seemingly courageously in one scenario may act wildly different in another. Once that adrenaline ricochets through your body and survival or vengeance mode takes the reins people do what their old brain demands in the moment.

    I'm just at the beginning of this and have no idea if these kids were complicit in some way, but I dont find it overly strange that a person would run away from a violent encounter to call for help at a safe location.

  11. I kind of don’t blame him for running right past his mother‘s room, because I wouldn’t want my last memories of my mother to be horrifying….and for the 911 dispatcher to speak to him like that is infuriating to me!! Also who’s to say the assailant weren’t still in the house, and he was just trying to get out as fast as possible. Like I totally understand his thought process, which was also racing like crazy I’m sure.

  12. Tbh if two goons marched into my home, tied me up and dragged my mom, if I ever free myself I’m running for the hills!!!! You’re so much more useful by calling for help than trying to be a hero when you’re outnumbered + it would have been so traumatizing if he saw his mom after.

  13. I'm not going to lie, the fact he just left his mom there and barely even looked at her is crazy to me!! When you're leaving why not take your mom with you??? I'm sure he's big enough to where he couldve carried her…

  14. That was GOD or his moms spirit guiding him out that door. He didnt hear his mom crying for help, he probably subconsciously knew not to look in the room. Had he have seen his mother in that condition, hed have NEVER forgotten it.

  15. Imagine if he did go in that room and saw his mom nearly decapitated. That would have been way more traumatic than wishing he would have gone and checked on her because of the dumb 911 operator. Smh he was a kid in danger and did what he was supposed to.

  16. So two adult kids couldn’t protect their mom from their evil father while knowing his physical assault? I find these children very ignorant and careless and selfish.

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