Cannibal of Munsterburg sold victim’s flesh as pickled pork – Crimes and Consequences – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crimes and Consequences: Karl Denke was beloved around Munsterburg, Germany in the years between the great World Wars. Germany experienced a depression due to its loss during WWI, and Karl sold goods to his neighbors such as shoelaces, and soap but the big seller was his pickled pork. It flew off the shelves, so to speak. Until one day, a man named Vincens was found covered in blood running from Karl’s apartment and he told one unbelievable tale–Karl tried to kill him! No one wanted to believe it but as time went on, that was the least of the crimes the authorities would uncover.


37 thoughts on “Cannibal of Munsterburg sold victim’s flesh as pickled pork – Crimes and Consequences”
  1. Bear in mind that the Germans were literally being starved to death during the Weimar period by the occupying force, a deliberate act of cruelty in itself, so it is not surprising that he got away with it for so long.

    I remember reading a newspaper report about something similar in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union; there were three guys, alcoholics on vodka, who captured stray dogs and cooked the meat, put in tin cans and sold it on the unregulated street market. One day they had a falling out and one of them ended up in the tin cans.

  2. I think we all thought…" ALFREDO SAUCE??…" Then every damn creamy sauce entered my thoughts. Bechamel? Hollandaise?…Also, just like Ed Gein, he made use of as much of the victim as possible. I think Gein made lampshades too? Ick. I was windering about the lonnnnnng list of missing and also, how many people comsumed their relatives. Omg

  3. Both you ladies annoy the hell out of me. I keep letting YouTube know I’m not interested in your channel but here you are on crime watch daily and I love that show, so do I unsubscribe to that show so I don’t see you both anymore or what

  4. I still love listening to you both. I do miss your laugh even though the stories are terrible and i understand you are trying to make the sensitive people happy. I am smart enough to understand the laughter is not meant in a un- sensitive manor and the laughter is maore of a "what the fuck" manor but some just don't get it. I wonder if their lives are less fun, they probably don't even notice it is. Laughter is healthy and helps mend. Would i laugh if it was my family, maybe at the perpetrator, after a while.

  5. Well if you all can cuss so can I now.. I've lost my fu*cking dinner right in the trash can thank you. Didn't think it was that bad, UNTIL…… you said he was canning & making shit with human parts. There went a nice porterhouse stake that my husband was so nice to give me the best part of, the wonderful tenderloin & the bone that always has the best flavor & a little part of meat left on it. Sounds great doesn't it. It was, UNTIL…….. you know the story.
    As you being a lawyer & all, can I sue for loss & damage of #1 is the tasty steak going in the trash a long with my bake potatoe that had good french dressing sauce all over it & when she said creamy sauce in a pot, I loss my bake potatoe the 2nd time I loss my dinner.
    #2 reason the cost of a wonderful steak my husband went to the store & bought all by himself. $18.00 plus $10.00 in gas to by it, & $2.00 for the creamy sauce & bake tater, then $500,000.00 for pain & PTSD suffering. That seems to be fare & accurate. Now total cost is …. ready…..? $500,030.00 TOTAL COST FOR LOSS OF A WONDERFUL STEAK & PTSD, bc I'm never going to get that creamy sauce out of my head & the icebox. I'll have to pay someone to get rid of the evidence now, great….. thanks….
    Everyone have a nice evening & God bless to all. I was just having fun, but I was not joking about lossing my dinner invthe trash can. All of that happened with the steak & the french onion dip & my husband did buy it & even cooked it. I don't have any damages or suffering. It was fun though,
    Good night, Chris from Missouri

  6. If only people would be as appalled by the animal exploitation as they are at eating human flesh. Animals suffer daily at the hands of man for the same reason that this man killed HIS innocent meat donors.

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